How do I??

February 24th, 2013
If I'd like your opinion/critique on a photo or 2 how do I post the photo?....sorry if this is a dumb question. hahaha
February 24th, 2013
Look to the right of the photo. Under all of the exif info etc is a "share" box copy the code in that box and paste it into a discussion.
February 24th, 2013
I found this on an older thread:
There are two easy ways to add pictures on to the discussion.
The first is a full size photo: 1) Click on your photo and bring up its page. 2)Look at the right side of your monitor, and go to the word SHARE (it is below tags) 3) go to the box and copy the long address 4) Come back to the discussion, and then paste.
The second is to have a smaller file size so to keep the site from getting overwhelmed.
February 24th, 2013

Ok this is what came that correct?
February 24th, 2013
ohhh it worked.....thanks @mej2011 @mej2011 my question is....Can a picture have too much color, bokeh going on? As in this one? (above photo of pink flowers)
Thanks for your critique in advance.
February 24th, 2013
I think it's a matter of opinion. Personally, I find the focus to be the problem in this photo. My eye automatically gravitates towards the blurry flowers on the left edge and not the flowers in the center.
February 24th, 2013
There is also a flicker for 365ers that is for critiques, but most are not really critiquing there either. 365ers are just nice folks.

I would love it if I could get more critiques so I will tell you my two cents. Which is worth even less.

It feels a littlle busy to me. I don't really know where to look.
February 24th, 2013
I think I would get a closer shot, so that the focus is clearly on one flower and isn't so busy.
February 24th, 2013
@karenpics @tigerdreamer @mej2011 ok I thought it was busy too...but don't want to suggest something...rather have your honest opinions. Thank you, I appreciate them. What it be better to just crop the left side? I'll try it.
February 24th, 2013

Ok I cropped it....any better?
February 24th, 2013
Hi meg. Im still a noob so no expert advice here but i would say the colour of the flowers in focus is lost in the same colour of tbe bokeh - cant really differentiate. The colours are great though. But i am looking at this on a phone so maybe be me! :)
February 24th, 2013
Meg, I'm no pro when shooting flowers, (or anything else for that matter!) but what I'd say here is that the flower In focus doesn't really stand out (If it were to my personal preference I would have made it). This to me is because there isn't enough separation between the in focus and out of focus parts of the photograph. Because of this the eye is drawn around the blurred parts, and it begins to confuse me. If I were to suggest improvements, It would be to separate the in focus and out of focus parts more; either separate the subject a bit more by shooting where the background is a different shade or ideally colour to the in focus flower. Alternatively try to blur the background more, open the aperture as much as possible, and shoot at a long focal length, assuming this is using a zoom.
Another way to separate the parts would be by shooting the in focus sections lit, whilst the background was shade, similar to changing the colour, my first suggestion.

Because for me the main part of the picture is the foreground vertical stem, I also might have considered the picture in landscape to see more of this.

Sorry if that came across as a bit too critical, I didn't intend it to be, I just rattled off a few thoughts on ways to improve. It's all obviously only my opinion!
February 24th, 2013
@gwhit123 aha you are probably right...too much of the same color....thank you! I value your opinion.
February 24th, 2013
@tomo87 Thank you for your opinion...I understand what you mean (I I'm still trying to figure out my camera and the manual aperure, F thing, etc. I really should take a class. Thank you Tom! I def need to have a different color in the bckground....I'm not sure how that's always possible when it's nature. I guess move around a bit and get different angles. Thanks again.
February 24th, 2013
i thought a shallower DOF would help the main branch stand out - I tried emulating this in PS by adding Gausian blur to the background. That didn't really help much but then I also desaturated the background but still left some colour there. I cant work out how to upload my edited version.
Whenever you take a picture always be sure to look around the whole frame for any distracting highlights or objects.
February 24th, 2013
@hillymay Thank you....I uploaded my photo to My Project and then shared it by the SHARE button on the right side...copied and pasted to here.....then went back and deleted the photo since it wasn't My Project photo for the day. There's probably an easier way to do it though. I'd love to see your corrected version.
February 24th, 2013
i tried your suggestion but as i have already posted today it won't let me. i even tried later dates so i will do it tomorrow!
February 24th, 2013
@hillymay ok thanks....then you can delete after you post on here....that way you can upload your photo to your project.
February 25th, 2013
Hi Meg here is my version of your pic.
February 26th, 2013
@hillymay Wow that is soooo much better! I don't know how to do all that editing is the next problem hahahaha Thanks for your advice though, I really see the difference it makes.
February 26th, 2013
Make a new background layer (control+J) I used the quick selection brush for the sprig(magnify to 100%) then Select-Inverse. Filter-Blur-Guasian Blur. Image-adjust - Hue/Saturation(reduce saturation until you are happy). To Sharpen the sprig Select-Inverse- Filter-Other-HighPass-(radius6)-I layers menu on right hand side of screen change 'normal' to 'Overlay'
Select- Deselect.
Flatten image (control+E) AND HEY PRESTO!!
It seems complicated but it isn't!
Hope that helps. Good luck with 365. Hilary.
February 27th, 2013
@hillymay wow nice of you to take the time to help...thanks I'll give it a whirl...
March 3rd, 2013
@tomo87 I agree with Tom. Everything is so busy you can’t focus on anything.

You mentioned that you are trying figure out your camera’s manual settings. As a suggestion, there is nothing like practicing and trial and error.

In this situation for working on DoF, start by opening your aperture (fstop) either all the way open (small number)or all the way closed ( large number) and take a picture. Than move to the next fstop and so on until you go through every one. This will give you samples of what each one does.

Then to move it up a notch, as Tom mentioned about a zoom, change your focal length and run through all of your fstops.

With this you can have a guide to know what each one will do so that in the future you can have a good idea how your picture will turn out.

And this is not even getting into the particulars on DoF as to how it all works from the point of focus. If you want some more information on this, try this site .
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