Image or musings?

September 22nd, 2010
I use 365 to improve my photography skills and sometimes the image is pertinent to what's happening in my life - yes a photo for the day that is to be, or was.

I make no apology for my meditation - it is my project.

Yet I see a trend that although the images attached to a particularly difficult meditation day have been viewed (as many or more times than others) few comment on the technicalities of the image.

Please don’t be discouraged by my musings, I am not asking comment on them, only fair comment on the image.

I’m here to improve and my daughter tells me she’s seen growth, as have I.

I can only grow with honesty of what you like and don’t like about the image.
So, if you pass by to look at the image or montage and you have time, please tell me it’s good and bad points.

I also understand if you’re only browsing, as I too do that on busy days. I also choose how many people to follow so my responses remain honest and not just me being ‘nice’.

Thanks to those who do pass by and tell me the good points, now give me some idea on how to improve.

P.S. No offence meant, so please don’t take this in the wrong way.

September 22nd, 2010
I don't think you have said anything offensive. I have only started recently and I am already beginning to learn new things by looking at other photos and by reading the discussions & tricks (although it just makes me want to get more for my camera so I can do things like macro!!) I think it is a fair point you have made and although i am far from experienced I can let you know what I like about your photos :)
September 22nd, 2010
I am not in a position to be critical about anyone's pictures as I don't have that much experience. So if I don't like them I don't comment; often because the subject matter is not of interst or it is not a particularly well-taken shot. However I do try to find new people regularly and check out their whole album and make some nice comments, especially if they haven't received any at all. It's very encouraging when people take the time to look, and I remember how "cool" it felt when people started to say nice things about mypictures whenI first joined 365.

So, even if I don't "follow" people I often go and have a nose around to see what work others are doing and encouraging the "newbies" as I have been encouraged myself.
September 22nd, 2010
These challenges are personal to each of us. Some people don't want critiquing and others just can't handle the responses. So, most people only give positive critiquing, myself included. If you want constructive critiquing be sure to add that with the picture otherwise you will be waiting a long time for what you want.

Absolutely no offense taken. ;-)
September 22nd, 2010
Most people are not keen to offer crit unless they know it is wanted (and even then, well...). If something is bugging me about a shot, I put it out there in the description: CC appreciated! I think you have to be reallyc lear about it, every time you post an image for which you want it, or most people will be too polite to offer. :)

Also, I think it is awesome that you are looking for criticism, to grow your skills.
September 22nd, 2010
I have noticed that sometimes a photo has a lot of comments because of the words that are attached to the photo (it's my birthday, I'm sick, etc., poem, meditation). I guess it is possible that the words could also keep people from commenting, I don't know. I think the reaction you will get will be to the total package you have presented, not just the photo.

Although there are lots of times when I don't read the words, and comment solely on the photo. But sometimes that leaves me sounding insensitive, depending on what the words said.
September 22nd, 2010
@shelina , I believe you are correct. It is the photo and the words that make people comment. Some photos speak for themselves, others need some explanation. I find that I will comment on a photo that has a "Meaningful" title, at least, otherwise a picture of a building is a picture of a building.

It is difficult to post pictures that interests everyone everyday. Do you take photos to please others or yourself? And add that the size of the photos here don't do them justice. My Western Hemlock looks decent at 550X483, but as wallpaper on a 17 inch monitor, it just gets deeper and deeper every day.

I ramble, sorry.

Carlita, there are days your photos hit it right on for me, other days they don't. No offense. And I'm sure that mine are in left field to you on days.
September 22nd, 2010
Saludos all.....I resisted signing on to 365 because I was afraid that I would be too influenced by what I wanted to share with others and afraid that the limitations of my circumstances would leave my photos in the shadow of other far superior photographers by true artists. I finally went ahead and haven't regretted it for a moment. Yes...I have been reluctant to post the slightly more personal photos, or ones that would intrude on someone else's privacy....but I have been overwhelmed by how well received my little documentary moments are received. I appreciate that I have this group of people to share this experience with and YES....I am learning to look much more carefully at the world around me, and isn't that really why I am here?????
September 22nd, 2010
no offense taken :)

different people do the project for different reasons so it's nice to know for sure that you are actively looking for critique/feedback :)
September 23rd, 2010
Thanks all for coming to the discussion ... for the record if you pop by and have time critique the good and the bad and certainly ways to improve ... I'm a bit of a purist and do minimal editing but with less paid working hours I may tackle CS5. May I say, I still need convincing. It's taken me 10yrs to even do levels in Photoshop and working in publishing and the education arena words are the essence of my life, not visual images. I'm getting there.

@JA, I agree with you for my viewings too, certainly if the title and thumbnail spark an interest I follow through.
September 27th, 2010
I dont have the tech speak to critique, so that's why I will say that I like the shot rather than what you should/ could have done... :)
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