Critiques and Comments??

April 24th, 2013

sorry for posting and bothering you all with my unprofessional work... but I would like critique on these these are my faves this past week...?? please.
April 24th, 2013
My first thought is do not use the zoom on your ipod or phone, instead move with your feet or arms. This will reduce the noise in the images. Let the light come through the window do not try to include it in the image. Hide the sun more behind the tree and try to get the light leaking around the tree.
April 24th, 2013
@chapjohn I don't even know how to zoom in and out idk if that's an option. My ipod is super cheap so It doesn't have a good camera, :\
April 24th, 2013
I think the shots of the girl would have improved if you'd got down lower to take the shots. Photos are always more attractive if they have not been taken at normal eye level. And focus on the eyes, try and get those catch lights.
April 24th, 2013
@marinasdiamonds Have a look at @edie 's photos. She's the absolute master of "girls on swings" photos (and lots more besides). Might give you some ideas as to what works.
April 24th, 2013
@Cheesebiscuit Thank you my friend. What an awesome thing to say.
Shelby, I'm not vey familiar with the ipod touch camera. I have an iphone. Is it about the same quality? These do look very grainy and dark. I agree with @pennyp (I'm all over pov. It's my number one thing really) If it isn't a great camera try to take some outside in natural sunlight. The one on the swing looks like it was taken on a darker day? It's tough but you have to work with what you have so bring it EVERYWHERE. My first year I just had a small point and shoot and it is definitely easier to bring the small ones with you so take advantage of that. Take loads of photos and figure out what works and play with your pov...get up high, get down low. Mostly have fun.
April 24th, 2013
@edie I speak only the truth, my dear :)
April 24th, 2013
@edie The Ipod's camera quality is super poor. I would use my camera but it doesn't work sometimes and that camera takes smooth looking photos... the Ipod 4 takes grainy looking photos, even in sunlight. :\
If only I had a good camera, I bookmarked a couple but my mom said I have to wait... :\
April 25th, 2013
Well that's hard for sure, but if you love photography then I would suggest playing with your pov, angles fun stuff like that and start having fun with editing. ipiccy and ribbit are both free, easy and loads of fun. In a couple of years with a new camera you'll be taking amazing shots.
Good luck.
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