Summer pics

August 4th, 2013

How to take better summer pictures of sunset and beach and water? And why am I not getting any follower. Last year I had a loot of them :( haha. Kisses all
August 4th, 2013
definitely shoot in raw, and use Lightroom for editing your exposure. here is a recent sunset shot that I captured; it looked ho hum SOOC, but came to life inside Lightroom 5:

August 5th, 2013
@cameronknowlton .Wow..that light js fantastic! can you suggest any resources for learning how to shoot and process in raw?
August 5th, 2013
Just change your camera to raw+jpeg and forget about it. I always shoot in raw, but I am just learning after a couple years how to process raw. You will always have the raw images for later. I am using gimp (free) to start. Just doing raw since February, now I only process raw. @blerinaberisha
August 5th, 2013
It will take up a lot of space on your SD card and computer, but it will be well work it later. And, get an external hard drive and put them all on there for protection. @blerinaberisha
August 5th, 2013
@mzzhope , there are a few RAW processors out there, but none make it as easy to edit RAW as to edit JPGs like Lightroom does. try it for 30 days; I was hooked in 2.

the image difference, and your ability to recover shadows and highlights, is unprecedented. your photography will evolve instantly. once I switched to Lightroom, I stopped capturing JPGs (even though my Nikon D600 does put out some amazing JPGs).
August 5th, 2013
@cameronknowlton thank you so very much! :)
August 5th, 2013
Just use your creativity and break the rules! It's way more fun and often results in much better photos anyway! :-)

August 5th, 2013
Its winter here atm but my todays photo had a summery feel i thought...

August 5th, 2013
@blerinaberisha my tip is to start shooting earlier - i'm thinking about 10 minutes earlier. You've let the sun drop too low and as a result you're getting bright spots on the horizon and no light on the foreground

The time to shoot will depend largely on where you are and what season it is - just keep plugging away. Alternatively if your'e absolutely set on shooting skies etc, then it may pay for you to get yourself something like a lee filter system which will let you knock down the light from the sky

Alternatively, give the black card trick a go - posted by @abirkill a while ago
August 7th, 2013
Do all cameras have the option to shoot in RAW? probably a very newbie question, but I have had a mooch around on my settings and couldnt find anything about RAW. I am using a bridge, Canon sx40 powershot.
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