Hello can I have some feedback please (sorry to sound desperate).

August 16th, 2013

I really would appreciate any advice on the photo's I have posted.
I do not feel qualified enough to make educated comments on others work other than say 'cool' or 'nice'. A bit of feedback would help develop some confidence.
Thank you.

August 16th, 2013
@spanner This is an effective shot with good use of dof and light. Don't worry so much about your comments being 'educated' and just start by saying why you like a particular pic. The other things people mention are things like the lighting, the composition of the shot, the pov (point of view) whether they like it in b&w, the dof (depth of field) as in this case where the scar is well focussed and the rest of the body fades into the distance, whether the colours and tones appeal to you. There are some really great photographers out there who produce amazing shots which appear regularly on the TT, perhaps look and see who they follow and what they say about the different shots they comment on. Ps This looks like the scar from a gall bladder op!
August 16th, 2013
Just had a look through and you have some great shots. I notice that you haven't faved any though. There is nothing to say you have to fav a shot but it's a good way of looking for inspiration as you can easily check out the images that appeal to you most. @spanner
August 16th, 2013
Hi I had a quick look and you have some good shots. Of ur most recent i particularly like your eyes shot. I would echo everything @paulaw has said above
August 16th, 2013
Hey thank you for the info Paula. Isaac was 10 weeks old when his intestine decided to turn in on itself (Intussusception). The Doctors and medical staff were amazing.
August 16th, 2013
@lbjefferies Thank you Jeff for taking the time to look. I thought I had missed the shot as one of her hands covers her left eye. I was delighted with the focus - new 50mm lens!
August 16th, 2013
Hey, don't be sorry....we all like feedback. I've taken a look at your album....noticed a few things....it helps following and commenting on the shots of others even if you don't have much technical jargon (you pick it up quickly....I did). Then it triggers a reaction in them, they come over and look at your work too....if they like what they see, they'll follow you too, which in turn results in them seeing more of your images more often, and commenting more often too. The more comments you have, the more you learn, and the more you can grow in your skill. Also, it helps to use the fav button. They're inspiration you can turn to quickly when you feel in need of some. :)
Paula has some good practical points above too.
August 16th, 2013
@gailmmeek Thanks Gail. I am currently following the sound advice I have been given. Already fav-ing like mad!
August 16th, 2013
All you have to do is say what you feel...gawd knows I never make any educated wise comments on anyones work, I say if I like something and if I really like something that appeals to me then I give it a fav. Some of my favs I use as inspiration when I paint, others I just like because they are pretty. Sometimes all I write is "coolio" LOL... be yourself, have fun and don't be scared to say hello to people, I don't think I have met one person on here that bites..LOL
August 16th, 2013
ooh one thing I like to do with peoples shots is to read what they write about them...so you gave this one a good title Te scar...but what makes it interesting for me is to know how the scar came about or wheat the person having the scar calls it (shark bite) some commentry to make me smile...I am studying for an exam so need to smile...LOL Anyway, that is what I like...some other people don't like reading about a shot so you will never plese all of the people all of the time. Gawd I do babble at times, sorry!
August 16th, 2013
@huvesaker Hey thank you for taking the time to write. I really appreciate your comments.
August 16th, 2013
Educated, schmeducated!! Seriously though, I have been on this site for two and a half years now and somehow have gained a surprising amount of followers (although to be fair I think a lot of them have left and don't post any more) I feel in no way educated to comment other than to say what I like about a shot. However, as the time has gone by I do feel as if I've learned more about what I like even if I haven't gained any knowledge about the intricate mechanical workings of a camera :o)
I have fewer followers than follow me but I always try my hardest to return the compliment if someone comments on one of my shots and occasionally I'll follow back but if I don't it doesn't mean I don't appreciate your work! I have a very hectic life so I sometimes think I'm following when I'm not due to the amount of communication :o)
I agree with the others regarding fav's too. I have gazillions but truly only fav when a shot hits me in the solar plexus or when I'd like to try and reproduce it in my own way. Also a little bit of commentary regarding your posted shot goes a long way to giving a background story. HTH and keep up the good work xx
August 16th, 2013
@psychographer Thank you Lisa. Already I am discovering what I really like by using the Fav button. I am surprised at what I like. I know what you mean by hectic life. I do appreciate all the feedback and advice you have given.
August 16th, 2013
Great advise! I couldn't take a picture if my life depended on it. Really. This is such an awesome community that it doesn't matter. Have fun with it. Check out others favs and fav what catches your eye. I go back and see what I've faved for the week to see if there is any coherence. Not so far : ) I leave the "professional" business to the professionals. Join in on some of the themes. It's a great way to expand your horizons. Start following people. I follow people for many different reasons. Some I like their pictures, some I like to see where they are going, some I like to see other lands, and some are just hot ! ; ) I see you're following 5 + 2. Good place to start. They are a really fun group who take awesome pictures. ( Between you and I,
I think there is a screw loose at 5 + 2 but .....) Well, ok then. Enjoy the ride.
August 16th, 2013
I think it be cool to add a little pole and flag with a white golf ball rolling in a curve toward the hole ;)
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