Critique my work please?

October 12th, 2010
i would love to know what you think, and how i can make my work better, thanks... leave comments if you'd like as well :)

October 12th, 2010
You know how to use light, the lighting is fab is all these pictures!
The two dogs faces on top of each other makes the picture. Maybe I would try to crop away the left side of the picture and a small portion of the right side to make it a vertical one with only the dogs faces on it.
On the first picture the horizon isn't straight, which is kind of uncommon for water. I'm not sure it would dull the picture to turn it a bit to make it straight, it might get the horizon in the middle of the picture.

I do like all three of these pictures!
October 12th, 2010
i didnt even notive the horizon wasnt straight! thank youu
October 12th, 2010
The top one, imo, is overcooked. The colour is too much, and distracts from the great shot. The horizon also bothers me, but that's been covered. ;) I'm also not sure the focus is in the right spot, but it's hard to say at this resolution. All that aside, it's my favourite of the three. I would consider not putting the horizon in the centre of the shot though - the rule of thirds is one that tends to hold true with horizons (not always, but mostly).

The copper pipe and water is kind-of cool, but a different angle might make it more dynamic. Think of leading lines through the image. Corner to corner jumps out a bit more than the slight diagonal you have here. I really like the light and shade in the background and how it intersects where the water comes out of the pipe.

The puppies are really cute - great capture! The bit that draws my eye away is that bright patch near their heads. I would have (if possible) made an attempt to shade that before I took the shot, or toned it down in post processing. It is the area of highest contrast, so that's where the eye tends to go. It's a distraction. Even a tighter crop would have lessened that issue, and you could just do that in post. I'd also look at either some fill flash to show some more detail in their faces, or dodge a bit in post.

All round great shots! Nice work.
October 12th, 2010
@danielkrall all are great shots. i'm just gonna nitpick on the first one. the horizon has been covered so i'm gonna comment on the post-processing.
the haloing effect in the horizon is something to avoid. this usually appears when oversharpening is done or when the high-pass filter is cranked more than the ideal amount. adjusting it while looking at the preview would help obtain a more dramatic image without appearing too doctored. hth :)
October 12th, 2010
I LOVE the moment you captured with the dogs. That's what being a photog is all about capturing life @ 1/200th of a second! I would check the white balance of the photograph, it definitely looks a little cool and a bit underexposed.

I agree with Jinx, the top one is over processed. Looks like noise or artifacting in the sky.

You have a great eye for what makes a good shot! Just need some fine tuning!
October 12th, 2010
Thanks a lot everyone for taking the time to comment I really appreciate it! And I'm only 14 so I don't have much experience but I'm getting better. Also the first one, with having to do with over processing, was my first attempt with an hdr effect so I'm just getting used to it for now
October 12th, 2010
Good eye. That's the most important thing. Well done.
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