Evening Light

September 27th, 2013

One of the many things I'm looking forward to in this project is experimenting more with taking photos in the light of the evening. What do you all think of this soft approach to shooting and editing? I would definitely appreciate some constructive criticism on this front. I did some edits with the shadows and background saturation of this piece.
September 27th, 2013
I like it a lot. I'm only coming from a "this looks great" perspective - not from anything technical. I really like the difference in contrast between the center circle and the outer leaves. That works really well. It's a pic I might walk up to spend a moment with if I saw it on a wall and a pic I would respect the photographer for taking.
September 27th, 2013
I have no editing skills to speak of so I can't speak from a technical standpoint but I DO like this!
September 29th, 2013
@dlaxton Wow, what a compliment! Thanks for the feedback - it's good to hear because the contrast was what I was going for.
September 29th, 2013
@grammyn Thank you very much Katy! Good to hear. :)
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