Looking at learning more tweaking ..... advice and critique appreciated on this

January 16th, 2011
I have been very inspired by a lot of the work that is placed on this site. Post-tweaking has never been something I have done a lot of. I may adjust to sharpen or bring some colour in because its lost a bit but I very rarely do a lot of editing. I don't use photo-shop but will be looking at that as soon as I get it.. anyway I was a little lost last night and I had a play in the program I use. I just wondered if some of you could give me a few pointers, tell me what you think etc...

Here is the original (excuse the watermark)

And here is the tweaked version

January 16th, 2011
I'm a novice, but I like you're tweaked version. It looks more natural to me and the color to the eyes make them pop!
January 16th, 2011
@monicar - Thanks Monica, I really like the tweaked version too. Her eyes just went wow! The original was taken in a tube at the park and had a very pink glow reflect onto her. I tweaked it thinking I could get rid of this and started playing with the colour curve and the result was the tweaked version
January 16th, 2011
I agree with @monicar. The face in the original is too redish, and even the top of the head.
January 16th, 2011
@bobg - Thanks for the comments Bob, I agree the redness did not do the photo justice
January 16th, 2011
If using Photoshop you could have brought the skin into true color, not changed anything else such as the blonde hair, not sure what her real eye color is, but most parents want the real life color of eyes. yes they do pop and you could easily do that with Photoshop. I spend a lot of time editing photos, in this day and age people want everything perfect, was a whole lot easier with film, digital with its narrow exposure range almost demands editing.
January 16th, 2011
@purdy - thanks so much for those tips Greg, when I get Photoshop in a few weeks I will give that a go. Her true eye colour is very blue. I am going to have a lot to learn when it comes to Photoshop
January 16th, 2011
I like the skin tone and hair better in the edited version better, but in my opinion the increase in saturation of the eyes may be a little over done. It seems to me like the whites of the eyes have taken up some of the blue hue. Just my 2 cents :) Cute little one!!
January 16th, 2011
@rebcastillo77 - thanks Rebbecca now I see what you mean. Really appreciate you all giving me feedback on this :) You don't learn if you don't ask. And yep I think she is a cutie too but I am super biased
January 17th, 2011
I agree with rebbecca, I also think if you reduce some of the blue green hues in the skin, you may like the outcome even better. there is a little splotch on the right of the photo that has an extreme purple pink to it, you may want to crop that out. I like the eyes, and if you want to keep it at that saturated level, I am not sure what you are using, but you could always just mask out the blue in the eyes and then adjust the saturation. Overall, I love the picture, the cropping and the moment you captured!
January 17th, 2011
my two cents says crop the tread of purple in the top right out... and did you mean to focus on the lips vs the eyes? the eyes seem a smidgen blurry... I don't mind soft eyes, but than the hair and mouth should be soft too...
January 17th, 2011
To me the focus feel on her head. You should have set your focal points on her eyes. Also the whites of her eyes seem very blue to me. What program did you use to edit?
January 17th, 2011
@staciehighland @icywarm @dyoung365 Thank you all so much for posting and being honest =) It is very much appreciated
@icywarm No I had not meant to focus on the lips but she moved at the wrong moment and that is the shot I got. I agree it would look better if it was all soft

@dyoung365 Desirae yes I think they are a bit blue. Post editing is not something I have a lot of experience in. I was using Acdsee Pro 3 so fairly basic however now have Photoshop CS5 and am going to be spending a lot of time learning that
January 17th, 2011
You did a good job lighten up her skin.
January 17th, 2011
you could soften in post with brushes... that's what I was meaning to get at...
January 17th, 2011
@icywarm ahh, I have A LOT to learn about PS
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