I'm back! Ooops!!!

June 23rd, 2010
Well, fellow 365ers.... I had a BIG dumb moment a couple days ago. My sister also has a 365 Project, but does not keep up with it at all because she does not have much access to a computer. She asked me if I would log on for her and delete her project. I told her that I would. I came here and by habit just logged in since I have my log in info saved for easy use. I wound up deleting MY account! I was pretty sad, but here I am again. Starting over!!! I lost everything though - my followers, the people I was following, and all of my faves. I'd appreciate it if you know you are someone that was following me if you do so again. I will return the favor. Also... if you wouldn't mind, give me a link to some of your faves so I can start following again. I remember some people, and I plan on browsing, but I only remember names for a fraction of the people I was following. I know there was a discussion a few days ago asking for fave top 3 to follow and I plan on checking that out too.

Anyhoo... I am back. I look forward to sharing my new project with you and "re-following" all of yours. =) Happy shooting!
June 23rd, 2010
Oh no!!! That really stinks about your project.

But welcome back!! :)
June 24th, 2010
Thank you!!
June 24th, 2010
I dont remember following u earlier.. but I am following u now :) and welcome back....
June 24th, 2010
ah no Nicole, that sucks. Still, its a good opportunity to clean the slate and start again! :)

Think of it as a "what would I do if I could have it all over again"? Then again maybe i'm just being a little too chirpy and would be gutted if it happened to me. Still, good luck! Welcome back!
June 27th, 2010
Ah well, welcome back
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