Is anyone else out there using a Nikon D90?

January 8th, 2012
Just wanted to get inspiration from other nikon D90 users, see what everyone else is doing, and get advice about my camera. Also what do you love about your camera and what would you change on it if you could? :-) Looking forward to hearing from y'all
January 8th, 2012
I have one, love it.

If you are upgrading from a point and shoot, there is a lot to learn! If you don't know about ISO, white balance, exposure compensation, focus and recompose and things like that, then I'd suggest you try to read up on those things over time (not too much at once). Ken Rockwell's site has a simple guide to the D90.

January 8th, 2012
I am... you can search the tags, anything tagged with D90 will come up. I haven't tagged mine but a lot of people do.
January 8th, 2012
I shoot with a D90, and it's been a great camera for me. If I could change anything, I would increase the flash sync to 1/500 like on my old D70s. The D70s was also slightly larger and fit better in my hand. The D90 beats it in every other way, however.

I just started my project on 1/1, and 5 of my 7 images were made with the D90. Check them out and let me know what you think!
January 8th, 2012
I have a D40, bit ancient compared to the newer models. I still love it, I mostly use it on auto, but hoping to get inspired to try the "real" settings!
January 8th, 2012
I LOVE my d90 - my only issue is it is a bit small - (large hands) so i added a rubber housing and a 2 battery mount to the bottom of it. I have taken it into all kinds of conditions, from freezing to fires, and had no problems. I am trying this year with just iphone for this project, but the 90 is what i shoot with normally. a bit faster flash sync would be nice, but it does great with low light. another plus is the wide range of lenses it can handle.
January 8th, 2012
Love my my Nikons...It probably has the most extensive and comlex set of menus of any camera on the market and I once met a guy who'd got rid of his D90 because it was too complex and bought a D700 instead, but, all that aside it's a beautiful workhorse. I also have a D40X which is a couple of Nikon SLRs. I guess I'm hooked. Practically everything in my project is with the D90.
January 8th, 2012
I absolutely love my D90! Almost all of the photos in my project that aren't taken on the iphone are taken on the D90. I also tag my photos with what camera I used, and you can search for tags Nikon and D90 to find what others have posted from this camera (if they also tag them).
January 8th, 2012
i like my d90. two dials SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN!
January 8th, 2012
I upgraded to my D90 from my D40x a year ago and I love it so much! Since purchasing it my photography hobby has fast turned into a side business!! What advice do you want about your D90?
January 8th, 2012
im a D90 it no complaints! Follow me and hopefully we can get inspiration from eachothers work :)
January 8th, 2012
@dessie hi, i don't have D90 but D series :D
what i love is the dial, get to know play around with it is fun stuff.what I want to change is camera flash...ARRRGGGGGGG! its bad, but soon will get an external one :D
January 9th, 2012
I have one and love it.
January 10th, 2012
Thanks everyone cool to know i will follow y'all so i can get inspired :-)
March 20th, 2012
Desrae, I cannot help you out much but to only say that this camera is smarter than I am, so far. I enrolled in the 365 project hopefully to get smarter day by day. Open question: how to reset the time and date on the camera? The manual is little help. Thanks.
March 20th, 2012
I have had my D90 for at least 3 years and I love it...all of my photo"s on my project are shot with my D90 yet i do have a few lens also...There is alot istill dont know about this camera but by starting 365 i have been experimenting so much more and learning so much more about all the things it can do! I have not met anyone yet nikon or cannon user's that have had anything but good comments about this camera! Follow me and we can learn new things and compare together!
March 20th, 2012
Cool Ellen thanks I look forward to learning from you, I love my camera too and can't wait to get more more lenses :)
April 13th, 2012
@ososki Hi Bill so sorry it has taken so long for me to reply, we have moved house and things have been hectic, i have not had a chance to play with my camera to see if i know how to change the date, i remember setting it when i first got my camera... so sorry, how has your photo journey been going in about 3 weeks i can start again because we will have internet, but till then i just have to hope people dont lose interest in my page :-)
April 13th, 2012
@ellimae Hi Ellen how is your photo journey going, i have recently moved house and have no internet hence the lack of photos updated :-( in about three weeks i will be back on track :-)
April 13th, 2012
Totally understand i am in a Family Health Crisis right now myself so hang in there! :)
April 13th, 2012
@dessie Thanks for getting back to me. I reset the time with my computer while the camera was plugged into it. Easy. Hope that you are enjoying the D90. I love it.
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