show me pictures you have taken at your work place

January 13th, 2012
So yesterday I took this picture when I was at my lab waiting for some samples to get ready. I am a Post Doctorate associate in a Developmental biology lab.

Show us your picture and what do you do for living..
January 13th, 2012
This was taken in my classroom. I'm a year four teacher :)

Was teaching a unit on muscles and bones and had a skeleton in my classroom to help. The kids just loved it when I dressed him up

January 13th, 2012
@joannebradbury OMG this one is soo cool... I am following you now
January 13th, 2012
January 13th, 2012
@mariboo what do you do missy??
January 13th, 2012

This is my workplace - my home, taking care of a very active 16 month old!! Before kids, I was a high school teacher, and sometimes I swear it would be easier to go back to that job!!
January 13th, 2012
I took this of one of my students during class one day (I teach technology classes to grades 6, 7, & 8). It was for the theme - Fear. It is supposed to represent the fear of an abused child. My students had a ball with this and learned a little about photography in the process.

January 13th, 2012
@dejongdd It is nice you are teaching kids a little bit about photography :). Nice picture too
January 13th, 2012
I'm a musician, so where I work changes quite a lot. Here are a couple of contrasting shots from work, though.

The first one is from one of the gigs I did at the end of last year -

And the second one is from the African Drumming workshops I'm teaching in local schools, this week, and over the next few weeks -

Both are good representations, but both are just iPhone shots, I'm afraid. So, here's a "proper" picture, from doing the "Love Thing" music video shoot, with one of the artists I work for, Axel Loughrey -

January 13th, 2012
Here is my boss:

I'm a stay at home mama. She's a pretty good boss though. Pays me in hugs, kisses, frustration and laughs.
January 13th, 2012
I took this from my office window:

January 13th, 2012
This one too from another office wiindow:

January 13th, 2012
I am a Hansard reporter in the Dutch parliament, pictured here:

January 13th, 2012
@michaelelliott I am jealous from your view... is that NYC??? .. Awesome pictures too!
January 13th, 2012
on my desk

bomb scare at the mall across the street from my office

the mall across the street from my office

ice cream wednesday at work

one of my many flood pics by work

and pride...all the little awards and plaques we all get at work, along with teddy bears we sell at holiday time

i work in the corporate offices for aeropostale
January 13th, 2012
I took this at my workplace, LOL. We have this great glass table in the kitchen with black chairs (for background) that I love to use for reflections.

This is a more worky workplace shot from the same table:

and here's the building I work in!

Oh, and I should say I have a boring, administrative, office job :)

January 13th, 2012
You can make out part of my building to the left of the bell tower. I work there as a software developer.

January 13th, 2012
This was a particularly boring day of filing

and one where I was left to look after the office while everyone else was out at the summer party!

January 13th, 2012
Oh and one boring day when I arranged all the yellow stationery I could get my hands on :)

January 13th, 2012
Oops, didn't do that right. Sorry.

ETA: Can't figure it out. Grr!
January 13th, 2012
@wrighty this is a good example why I should bring my camera to work everyday... you never know when you can get really good pictures. I love your pics
January 13th, 2012
@genem What city is that ?
January 13th, 2012
@manek43509 Nice set (hehe).
January 13th, 2012
@michaelelliott Lawyer?
January 13th, 2012
Currently unemployed except a little freelancing :)

From my desk job when I had one - my old company manufactures electronic door locks. These are the keycard readers for hotel applications.
January 13th, 2012
No cameras allowed where I work so here's the outside

I work in a jail.
January 13th, 2012
Fair day at school holiday program...
January 13th, 2012
Not where I work at the moment (I'm a student), but from one of my placements last year.

January 13th, 2012
@meisen325 - how did you guess?
January 13th, 2012
@catalfonso - yes my office is in midtown Manhattan on northern end of Times Sqaure.
January 13th, 2012
@kjarn COOL job!! I wish you could take some pictures inside I have never been in one
January 13th, 2012
This dragon is guarding the employee entrance:

Old and new office buildings combined:

View from the lunch room window:

January 13th, 2012
I'm a homemaker... so here' a view from my "work"... lol.

January 13th, 2012
@helstor ~ you work in the coolest place!
January 13th, 2012
And mine. A bit of coincidence that I saw this straight after @wormentude! I'll have a new one by the end of the month though! :)

January 13th, 2012
That's me in the library where I work on my PhD thesis every day:
January 13th, 2012
I took this one almost a year ago at the start of my 365 project.

January 13th, 2012
@catalfonso That is in St. Petersburg, FL.
January 13th, 2012

Not strictly at work, but this sums up what i do of most of my working day...travelling in and out of airports
January 13th, 2012
@sparkle what airport is this one?? nice picture
January 13th, 2012
@genem it looks so peaceful ;)
January 13th, 2012
@pprmntmochamama Some of the knitting books look familiar.
January 13th, 2012
well, most of my photos are from my work place because I am a live-in nanny and stay home with the girls most days.

But, before I was a nanny, I worked at an outdoor school (AKA science camp) meaning my job was in the beautiful outdoors. Though, that job was before I started my 365, I have added a few photos on here.

And I just love this photo from one of the summers I worked at a Boy Scout camp.

January 13th, 2012
@wrighty your workplace is quite colorful! and these photos are great!
January 13th, 2012
January 13th, 2012
haha, thank you! :)
January 14th, 2012
January 14th, 2012
I'm a physiotherapist. I work in a big public hospital
So here's some exercises for a patient
Here is a part of a skeleton (a boring photo)
And some of the hospital itself
January 14th, 2012
I'm a Midwife
January 14th, 2012
I just did a series at work:
Going to work:


Fooling Around:

January 14th, 2012
I work for these guys :)

January 14th, 2012

I work in the ER of the local hospital...
January 14th, 2012
Tools of the trade, in a vain attempt to create our own particle accelerator. No, not really.

Sometimes work takes me to unusual places.

And sometimes I just end up in the lab.

Then there are photos from my other job, but that's probably close to half my project.
January 14th, 2012

I'm a nurse on a pediatric hem/onc floor :)
January 14th, 2012
A critter that lived in the bushes in front of my school where I teach.

Band rehearsal in a music classroom.

A foggy morning on campus

January 14th, 2012

I'm a post-doctoral researcher in a plant development and genetics lab. I think there will be lots of inspiration in the lab ;)
January 14th, 2012
I am an elementary school teacher, and while avoid posting any photos online with children in them, there are still often shots that appear from the school day. These are just a few ...

January 14th, 2012
I am an Artist....

January 14th, 2012
I work from home... here is my messy office! I'd like to say organised chaos but really I can't!

January 14th, 2012

Art Teacher of Middle School Age!
January 14th, 2012
I'm a pharmacy tech in community pharmacy This is inside the consultation room looking out.

January 14th, 2012
I work at home.... so here ya go :)

January 14th, 2012

Also a midwife- So much we take for granted , yet it seems the placenta is a fascinating thing !
January 14th, 2012
@cavemonster I am post doc too :)
January 14th, 2012
@houdiniem You are really good too :)
January 14th, 2012
Still at school!!

January 14th, 2012

I am a PhD student in molecular entomology working on protein-protein interactions in the immune signaling pathways of the lyme disease tick during infection.
January 14th, 2012

I am a parish minister in training for ordination. This is a SOOC shot that I've never got round to editing (along with the rest of the shots taken that day) but I like it.
January 14th, 2012
I'm a veterinarian :) Click on the photos for their captions :)

January 14th, 2012
My workplace?The highschool:D
January 14th, 2012
@houdiniem - and a very good one too!!!
January 14th, 2012
The fun part of my job! :P

January 15th, 2012
I'm retired, so i can do whatever I want. Yay!!
January 15th, 2012
@calx spongebob? hee hee... love it! your desk looks like mine at home... i have a killer rabbit and yoda to keep me company... at work, my desk is just as chaotic, but not nearly so interesting!
January 15th, 2012
@danniplus4 oh that is lovely! i really like the light streaming in from the windows... it's so perfect!
January 15th, 2012
@houdiniem you are an awesome artist!
January 15th, 2012
Theatre technician, I do lights, sound, painting, and miscellaneous stage-related things. A lot of my project has been on-the-job techie photos.

January 15th, 2012
January 15th, 2012
January 15th, 2012
I am a scuba instructor :)

January 15th, 2012
I work in a cubicle jungle...

I volunteer at the World Bird Sanctuary...
January 15th, 2012
January 15th, 2012
I take MANY pictures at work... this was my latest... Our SuperPrince went to the cafeteria to have lunch with the elementary students and when he got back to his office this is what he found! Trust me, he will get even!
Best viewed magnified...
January 15th, 2012
We are sheep and cattle farmers on a Welsh hill farm

January 15th, 2012
January 15th, 2012
You just don't want to pic
January 15th, 2012
January 15th, 2012
I work at a gas installation company, but never really get to do with much of that part I mostly just do admin, etc.

this was in our kitchen

and this on my old desk

I have way more pictures taken outside my work as well since its based on the university's grounds. In fact, most of my photos from last year was taken at work during my lunch break. it just doesnt look very office-ish:

and many more I won't post, otherwise I'll hi-jack this whole thread :P
January 15th, 2012
Me with megaphone addressing protest outside NSW State Parliament House

Third from left lobbying at Australia's Parliament House, Canberra
January 15th, 2012
Working at an animal hospital sights like this are pretty common.

January 15th, 2012
I'm a radiographer.

January 15th, 2012

Almost all of my photos are taken in my "work place" .. I am a stay at home mama to 3 boys!
January 15th, 2012
@huisen Cool picture
January 15th, 2012

My workplace is my cafe!!!!
January 15th, 2012

and this is my little girl at my cafe.....she thinks being a barista would be fun!
January 15th, 2012
January 15th, 2012
@attraversi oh i love the faces of these dogs - all different generations it looks like!
January 15th, 2012

part time painter

part-time home crafter
January 15th, 2012
I'm a teacher of children with a visual impairment.

January 15th, 2012
I work for a record company and here are some examples of what happens.....not technically sitting at my desk in the office .....

the 1st was at a radio station in Italy
the 2nd was taken at Abbey Road Studios where I've worked at many times
and the 3rd was a special showcase in the office by one of our fab new artists Emeli Sande

January 15th, 2012

My screen ... (Taken as part of the 'Remembrance' theme that was going on that week)
January 16th, 2012
@sharonaddison jealous of your job :)
January 16th, 2012
My business cards...
January 16th, 2012
In a hallway near my classroom.
January 16th, 2012

January 16th, 2012
First picture was taken at my office, insurance office

This second picture was taken at me second job, department store
January 16th, 2012
Here is one I took from my office window:

January 16th, 2012
@edpartridge Great to know you are still lurking around here :-) Alwas enjoyed your photos.
January 16th, 2012
As a SAHM this is the best job ive had
January 16th, 2012
@100summits what a view from your office windows - amazing !
January 16th, 2012
Being a scuba instructor comes with benefits
January 16th, 2012

This is the workings of flat bed hexapod that is used in medical machines where the patient has to be tipped and moved into and out of the machine. I beleive that it is also used in surgery.
January 16th, 2012
Pre school teacher...

I think that is it.. gee I need to work more while Im working ...
January 16th, 2012
@kimmistephens Holy cow !!!!!! Is that spider real?????
January 16th, 2012
I have two jobs.... Preschool teacher and gymnastics coach :)

January 16th, 2012
Color Imaging Software Engineer:
January 16th, 2012
I work in the OB Dept of a medical center and a patient left some flowers for us to enjoy so I removed this one from the vase and photographed it then put it back in the vase!
January 16th, 2012
Me at the M-F
January 16th, 2012
@buttercup that flower is beautiful!
January 16th, 2012
I work in the insurance industry. It's actually more interesting than it sounds!

The conference room in our building.

A post-it note

Paperclips on my desk

A shadow on my office blinds.
January 16th, 2012

I'm a parish priest ... so here's the choir of Saint Nicholas' in Belfast!
January 16th, 2012
@sheg Thanks!!
January 16th, 2012
@pprmntmochamama Thanks Amy, I quite like it ;-)
January 16th, 2012
@nattybabe Yes.
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