
January 18th, 2012
As my project has gone along I haven't said individual daily thank you's, but as I enter the last 20% of my first year, I want to post individual thank you's to people who follow me, so I'm doing that on my page. It occurred to me that if people are not ACE members, they may not receive notifications of comments - do they or not? If they don't, I guess I can just post the thank you on their page where they'll be sure to see it. Thanks to anyone who can answer this for me.
January 18th, 2012
I get notifications only when people comment on my pictures. I have noticed there are not notifications when people reply back and forth. For instance I asked a question on someones picture. They replied to me, I would not have seen the reply if I did not go back to view the picture again. Wish it would notify you when someone replied.
January 18th, 2012
@rumonkey @reba
If you post the thank you in a comment, and not in your caption, and as long as you tag that person, they should get the notification. Perhaps Corey, the person who responded to your question forgot to tag you in the response. Of course, there is the chance that there is a fluke in the website and the notification does not work at that moment in time.
January 18th, 2012
@rumonkey - now I'm wondering if that's a function of being or not being an ACE member. I'm an ACE member and I receive notifications whenever someone mentions me. It's possible you are not receiving notifications because your name isn't cited correctly - if there's not a space either side of the @whatever - it's not recognized for a comment and won't get a notification. On the other hand maybe amount or type of notifications are dependent on ACE membership status. Unless I learn that everyone receives notifications when I mention them on my page, your thank you will be delivered to your page. :)
January 18th, 2012
@rumonkey You should have received notification of that unless the responder didn't hit the reply button when they answered your question and just posted in the comment section
January 18th, 2012
@rumonkey @mej2011 @grammyn - posted before I saw melissa's and katy's comments - yes Corey - another thing that matters is that you be tagged; tagged and correctly tagged with a space either side of your tag. And melissa and katy - are you saying everyone, regardless of ACE membership does receive all notifications if tagged correctly?
January 18th, 2012
@reba I think everyone receives notifications but I am not positive. Maybe someone that is not an Ace can confirm.
January 18th, 2012
As far as I can tell, the only notification a non Ace member does not get is who "fav'd" their photo, should their photo be "Fav'd."
January 18th, 2012
yep.. we get 'em, too
January 18th, 2012
@rumonkey @mej2011 @grammyn @grecican -

Melissa - yes, that sounded familiar as something I've heard before. Thanks to all of you for helping me get an answer to this. I love that about 365 - ask and you shall be answered - quickly and correctly.
January 18th, 2012
I'm not an ace member. I get notified if someone comments on any of my pictures. If I comment on your picture, however, and you reply without clicking "reply", (or manually typing in @2thgirl) I don't know that you've said something back. The conversation would have to look like this: (me commenting on your pic) "Love your pic! What processing did you use?" "@2thgirl I applied a tiltshift program to it and increased the contrast by 40%" "@reba Oh, that's cool! I'm going to try that out. Thanks for the info!" "@2thgirl You're welcome" Without the @2thgirl added, I wouldn't know you wrote back.
I do not know who fav'd my pics unless they say they did (I'm not notified). =-(
January 18th, 2012
@2thgirl - yeah no one gets notification if they're not tagged (i.e., "@toothgirl - thanks); and I DO now think the only distinction for members re: notifications is that they receive notice of who faved a photo of theirs when that happens. :)
January 18th, 2012
I scanned through the thread but I might have missed this but.... I don't get an email notification if I am tagged in a reply. Nor does it show up in my home page feed. However, (I just noticed this tonight) it DOES show up if I click the "Notifications" icon at the top of the page - that's the icon that looks like two speech bubbles. @rumonkey
January 18th, 2012
@krissym - yes, that's how all of us receive our notifications, with the exceptions of a direct comment on our photos and ace members notifications of who has faced a photo of ours - those both come by email.
January 18th, 2012
@krissym - I mean faved, not faced
January 18th, 2012
I'm not ACE ~ I think I generally receive my notifications, but it does seem a few times I've gone back to a photo and found they've answered ~ and appears as if they "replied" to me (though sometimes theyve forgotten). Or maybe it's just me and I'm missing them when I go back over my notifications ~ though I'm pretty diligent about it ;-).
But just so you know, there may be glitches here and there . . .
January 18th, 2012
This may have already been said but you set you notifications on the settings menus - go to settings then notifications - as far as i now everyone gets notifications if they are set to yes - the only extra one for ace is a notification on fav's
hope this helps
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