
January 20th, 2012
I have been wondering just how people get their photos featured on the popular page. I have seen people with 5 photos and they have 1,230,498,235,193,258 followers because of one featured photo. How does it become featured when they have had only a few followers before that? Any tips on how to get your photos featured?
January 20th, 2012
Not sure of the actual formula but it may come down to comments and FAVs...here are some tips-
1. take good pictures
2. follow people
3. comment on pics of those you follow and not just a "that's great", "beautiful", stellar...but put a little feeling into it.
4. comment some more
5. and comment some more :)
My goal was not to get to the popular page it was to have followers and get some feedback. It didn't happen over night I had to put some work into it.
Hope that helps!
January 20th, 2012
@jonstermonster The formula for the popular page has never been disclosed for the exact reason that Ross does not want people 'gaming' the system. To most of us who have been around for a while it's still a total mystery. My 2c worth is just forget the page exists.
January 20th, 2012
Keep trying Jonny, ya gotta get that one photo that draws a lot of interest.
January 20th, 2012
I was wondering this, too (I just joined this year) and it's addressed in the FAQ, though the answer's not very clear. Definitely giggle-worthy, though.

"No, it doesn't work the way you think it works - for a good reason, it doesn't matter that you have a bazillion favs and a jizillion followers, just get on with your project and try not to worry about it. Please don't email me about it, I wont tell you, search the discussion boards, there are loads of conspiracy theories about it." - Ross on the FAQ, last question addresses

I read that and was taken aback by the brashness, but at the very least, I think I can honestly say, I don't think there's any kind of preplanned idea for it; Pretty sure it just kinda happens, so don't worry about it. lol Just do what you do. ;)
January 20th, 2012
If you think of it as a measure of relative popularity - taking the number of views/comments/faves a photo gets as a proportion of that person's followers (also factoring in how rapidly those accrued) - then you won't be far wrong.
January 20th, 2012
@toxicalice92 That gives more info than it used to. Used to just say something about magic monkeys. :-)
January 20th, 2012
frogs. frogs are a winner.
January 20th, 2012
Sleep with the monkeys ;-)
January 20th, 2012
@wormentude lol That would have been even better to read! Haha
January 20th, 2012
@bobfoto haha that's an amazing response :) I love the sarcasm on this site!

@jonstermonster look at the popular page more for inspiration or just to find new people to follow! I honestly hardly look at it most of the time!
January 20th, 2012
It used to be cats! If you had a cat in your photo then you were sure to get on the Pop Page, now I think it's water drops, cats, dogs or flowers for starters!?!
January 20th, 2012
@ashpanelli - thanks Ashleigh. Last year during my 2011 365 project, whenever I was feeling a bit left out and a bit unloved. I would prop a frog onto a tomato and eh presto, I was popular again.

*JD wanders off humming a happy tune "doo doo do doo doo dooo dooooooeeee!"*
January 20th, 2012
@jonstermonster @ashpanelli Look to it for inspiration, but don't obsess over it. It was on my personal "365 bucket list" for my first year. Made it about 1/2 way through on a photo I was proud of, but did not think would make it. There have been others throughout my project that I thought for sure would be on there.......nope, nothing. I kinda felt a little let down. I decided (as have others) that it doesn't really matter. The magic monkeys choose what they want, however they want. I personally believe they throw banana's at a giant screen of photos and see what sticks. Actually I'm in Doctor What 's camp.....seems to be the prevailing theory.
January 20th, 2012
@ashpanelli @bobfoto Ashleigh, Jason's not being sarcastic! He grew famous fast with his wonderful frog shots! Frogs aside though, he's also a great photographer period, and he's an interesting guy with a great sense of humor.
January 20th, 2012
@lisjam1 - Oh thank you Lisabell, the cheque is in the mail! ;)
January 20th, 2012
@bobfoto You spelled check wrong, but I'll take it anyway. ;)
January 20th, 2012
@lisjam1 - you Americans, you crack me up.
January 20th, 2012
This is how I see it...

I have been here for 20 days - really less as I started my 366 project before I joined the site, however since that time I have been on the PP twice for two photo that were very different...

Now as I love to analysise things (consultant computer programmer for 20 years) I have also been looking into why my photos where up there along with others and I came to this:

It relates to the number of views you have as well as the number of fav's you have in a set period of time... From what I can tell this period of time is in the last 48-72 hours.

So to answer your question, I think that if you get a photo that is popular and has fav's in line with the number of views, and the photo is under 72 hours old you get into the popular page.

Now the other side: what type of photo do you have to take that people enjoy enough so they want to view it.... Simple..... Something different......

Watch the Popluar page and see the images that are there, it will give you some idea what this collection of people want to see... The other side of the coin is that what is popular here is not popular elsewhere...... :)
January 20th, 2012
I've been on here for 10 months and am blessed with over 1160 followers. In the beginning, my 1st few PP pics may only have had a few favs and a moderate amount of views. The moment I got over 600 followers, my appearance on the PP has been really sparse. I don't mind, I'm just saying! Now, the only pics of mine that appear are ones that have had over 30 favs!!
The 365 project has taught me so much and I'm indebted to this site for many things 'photography', but one thing I've realised is to not get hung up on the secrets of the PP postings!! Bottom line - make this your project.
January 20th, 2012
@bobfoto frogs were not winners for me, sadly....
January 20th, 2012
@agima Brendan, it also has something to with with the number of followers you have. The more followers you have, higher the number of favs and views you have to get in little time to feature in the POP page. That's why it's easier when you are new to the site to get in there.
January 20th, 2012
I've learnt not to bother about it. I've only ever had one photo on it (that was back in 2010!) and I hardly ever even check it. It has no influence on me, or on how I take pictures.

If, every time I raised my camera to my eye, I had thoughts of "now, how popular is this shot going to make me?!" running through my head, I'd never get anything done.
January 20th, 2012
Just remember that this project is about you and documenting your year (or more!) in photos. I glance at the popular page occasionally for some inspiration, but I wouldn't focus on trying to get on that page. You will just end up disappointed and lose interest in this project.
January 20th, 2012
I look at the popular page but have given up all hope of ending up there again. Sometimes I will shoot something extremely similar to another ... theirs is on popular and mine isn't. I'm cool with it :)
January 20th, 2012
also a lot of the popular page is same same, week in week out, flowers, macros shots, sunsets, etc etc.

Yea they're all good....but just a bit samey really.
January 20th, 2012

January 20th, 2012
@azza_l --- I totally agree. It seems to be what people like to see though.
January 20th, 2012
there's a popular page?!?!
January 20th, 2012
there needs to be some balance on this site. who votes for a "most unpopular pics" page?
January 20th, 2012
@manek43509 Do me a huge favor. Save that second paragraph somewhere and repost it every time this topic comes up. Thank you. That is all. :)
January 20th, 2012
@bobfoto too funny... Love it!!!!
@kimmiesue I have to agree with you Kim but didn't realise you had sooooo many followers.... You rock! I am lucky enough to have 520 followers and at about 400 followers it became incredibly difficult to get on the PP. at first I was disappointed to get so many Favs but not make it to the PP but now I realise .... "who cares????"
I'm loving the feedback, comments and friendly banter that goes on more than the achievement of another PP photo. I'm just enjoying the journey!!!!
January 20th, 2012
@johnnyfrs LOL!!!
January 20th, 2012
@johnnyfrs Now that is funny! Take a picture of that...I am sure that would make the PP! :)
January 20th, 2012
@sjodell It seems to be sunsets for the last few weeks...but that is now fading...
January 21st, 2012
@grecican I would so be on he unpop page...but.I'm ok with.that...however next time I see a frog in a sunset I think I'll have a winner
January 21st, 2012
Thank all of you so much for the advice! Joking or not, hahaha.
January 21st, 2012
I only started on 01/01/12 and my pic from the 17th managed to get on the popular page and stayed there for a couple of days but it seems to be gone now thankfully! It created more attention then I was expecting and I suspect for the wrong reasons now :-\

The image was of a banana in what I intended to be a completely artistical and neutral position but so I've been told since that it can be construed as something more.

Oh well, I'll be known around here as the new guy who likes to post up fruit erotica.
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