Help - I seem to be using the same comments all the time!

July 1st, 2010
I have found myself using the same comments on pictures all the time lately, such as "Great picture" or "I love your colors". Do I need help breaking this habit or are the people I follow ok by hearing the same thing from me all the time?
July 1st, 2010
I tend to use the same comments as well, so I don't mind them in return. I don't have a very critical eye, so all I really know is that I like the photo, and not necessarily why. Maybe we should have a "like" function, like in facebook, for those of us lacking detailed comments.
July 1st, 2010
Hey in my opinion all comments small, large short or in depth are welcome it means that I've captured their imagination with my photo
July 1st, 2010
true hey, you tend to be at loss for words, but the underlying factor is that you realy like the shot and trust me, all comments, as griff says, small or large will greatly be appreciated by the recipient!
July 1st, 2010
I'm sure people understand it takes time to be thoughtful and we all have lives too--the fact that you took the time to write "great job" and not just skip over the photo, would mean exactly that (to me anyways!).
I do have the same thoughts though--it's hard not to use the same superlatives and you don't want to seem insincere. I type fast, because I write, so I do try and add an extra observation or thought--but there are days it seems I've typed the same comment over and over.
One thing I've noticed is that some photographers prefer a dialogue about their concept and some like critiques on their technical merits. I've tried to gear my comments accordingly--although I'm not a professional, so I probably fall flat on my face making a technical comment.
I would say not to worry, Joe, we all probably feel the same way! Just keep sharing your photos (:
July 1st, 2010
I'm happy that anyone takes the time to look at my picture and leave a comment at all. It doesn't much matter if they say the same thing or something different. I have so much on my plate that sometimes all I can do is type a few words. I hope others feel the same way.
July 1st, 2010
Yeah, I often feel that way too... Being an amateur, I just can't really give in-depth technical critics. Usually I comment on what I like and what I think about the subject, or respond to what the photographer wrote in the description. But for me, I appreciate all comments. The thought that someone cares and likes what I did already make me glad.

However, based on other online communities I've joined, I think there are also people who give the same short comments to lots of users (such as "nice shot") just so they can get more views that way. What do you guys think about this?
July 1st, 2010
I often feel the same way when I comment on others' photos. But at the same time, I appreciate every comment I get, even if it's just a quick reply. It makes me happy to know that my image struck enough of a chord with someone else that they were moved to comment. And I think most of us seem to feel the same way.
July 1st, 2010
I was just thinking how many times I use "love"
I too need to be more creative sometimes I just want people to know I stopped by but time is ticking and I need to say something fast
I am enlarging my one word reply list in case I am really rushed
Along with all the others I am so grateful when people take time out of their schedules to leave any reply . It somehow validates your efforts.
July 1st, 2010
I agree with everyone, that a quick comment is nicer than none. I discovered I use the word beautiful a lot, so I guess I'm in some sort of a verbal rut.
July 1st, 2010
I have to admit, any comments make me feel good, even if there is a critique on an image. To me, if one of my images moved you enough to write a canned message then I feel the image was a success. It made you stop and think for a bit to write something. So any and all comments are welcomed.

Now if this is a plea to help you write more in depth comments... I would suggest you look at the pictures and really pay attention to what makes the image move you. If it is the color, what about the color is exciting. Is the subject matter that makes the image interesting, new, different. What about makes you feel that way. I would also suggest pulling the image up instead of looking at the thumb nail on the home page. However the thumbnail can be used to look at many at once and see which one POPs to you. Then go in for the bigger image and look at it.

Or just comment like you have been, as they are appreciated. :)
July 1st, 2010
I am just happy when I know that people acknowledge my picture. I would rather have a small comment then none.
July 1st, 2010
I used to comment on evreyone that was following me so that if they felt left out I could make their day, but now that I have so many followers that has gotten really hard. In short I appreciate any comment that someone takes the time to write, criticism or not.
July 1st, 2010
I do the same thing, I hope no one is offended when they see similar comments from me on other people's pictures. I am usually in a rush when I am on here so often I dont have time to leave long or detailed comments. But if its a picture that I really like I do want to leave something to let them know I like it, ya know??

I agree that we should have a like button like on facebook that would be wonderful :)
July 1st, 2010
I look at the picture and really pay attention to the details. And many times I would like to say much more than "love", "beautiful", "great shot", but as I am not fluent in English, I canĀ“t. Sorry !
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