When did you start calling yourself a 'Photographer'

July 1st, 2010
Not anyone who owns a camera, is a photographer, and I want to know when did you guys start calling yourself photographers?
And when do I start calling myself one?
Just curious about it, I am still a long long way from calling myself one!
July 1st, 2010
I still haven't gotten to that level yet! I guess if you feel like one--go for it. I take, therefore I am?
July 1st, 2010
lol interesting topic!!!
I'm still getting used to the whole photographer concept! but after i finished my short course and since I carry my camera around alot, my friends and family seem to call me one!! so I'd say after people start liking and acknowledging your work, recognise you as a photographer, and actually call on you for your services/work then what the heck! Photographer it is!!! :o)
July 1st, 2010
Ha--oddly enough, with my camera around my neck when I'm out and about, there seems to be quite a few strangers that want to be photographed! Sooo, maybe I need to re-think what the heck I call myself!
...Nah, still a writer.
July 1st, 2010
if somebody will tell me ill pay you for your photograph then thats the time maybe i can call myself a photographer. as of now none yet. haha
July 1st, 2010
I was in a Wharf Mall a while ago, just taking random shots when the security came up to me and asked if he could see my permit!! I said that I didnt have one because I was so confused at why this man was asking for a permit! then he explained that photographers were not permitted to take shots inside the mall without a permit unless its of people they are with in a group (eg tourists/people taking shots of each other) and not at random of the stores! I of cause looked stunned that he referred to me as a photographer and didnt have anyone with me to use as an excuse! I then just told him that I just bought the camera (which was true, I only had it a few weeks then) and was testing it out! lol i then went outside rather and captured as much shots as I wanted :o)
July 1st, 2010
If I had the extra money, I'd pay you for your photographs PotoGrapiyA. Does that count? They're very good. In fact, there are quite a few people I'd buy from on this site! Dalia, you're one of them--you take very good photos too.
July 1st, 2010
me toooooo photograpiya, your work is lovely!!!!!
July 1st, 2010
I'm just a GWC...guy with camera...lol. Dare not to address myself as photographer yet...long way to go.
July 1st, 2010
I still have issues with that! I guess I don't feel that I'm a true photographer because I just do this for fun. I'm just a person who likes to take pictures!
July 1st, 2010
My family and friends call me that but I just call myself someone who love taking photographs. Then they "yell" at me. Like Hee said, I'm a GWC too- Girl with Camera ;-)
July 1st, 2010
i don't think you need to label yourself, just enjoy taking photos! :D
July 1st, 2010
I haven't... and I probably never will. Any titles like that make me feel kind of awkward, like there are expectations that come with it.
July 1st, 2010
I don't call myself a photographer, though the general definition of photographer is a person who takes photographs, and that would be everyone on this site. I just enjoy photography. The real defining label in my opinion is professional photographer versus amateur photographer... I am definitely the later. I agree with Annie, though. Having the title photographer (even amateur photographer) does seem to lend itself to expectations.
July 1st, 2010
I still don't call myself a photographer. I have too much to learn still.
July 1st, 2010
Looks like most of us are in the same boat. We love photography and we spend our lives attached to a camera, yet we're too shy or insecure to call ourselves "photographer." The word conjures up such greats...Ansel Adams, Margaret Bourke-White... We are humble followers and explorers. I face the same issue with writing. People define me as a photographer and writer. I define myself as a wannabe photog/writer.
July 1st, 2010
thats bet confusing when you get yourself to labels , so just drop it
you love shooting and that would replace the word photographer !
July 1st, 2010
The dictionary states Photographer - noun - someone who takes photographs professionally, well thats not me, not for a long time I've to much to learn, and the leap from having fun shots to making it as a pro is probably quite big so I'll stay as a happy snapper
July 1st, 2010
Isn't there a word for a person who likes to take pictures? My brain is fuzzy at the moment, so I can't think of it, but I keep thinking there is one. First I thought it was "photog", but then when I looked up the definition it seemed to state everywhere that that was just short for photographer...
July 1st, 2010
I haven't!
July 1st, 2010
that's sweet of you faeriemoon and lameez! you guys have great galleries as well thats and im learning from yours as well! thanks!
July 1st, 2010
I tend to use "photographer" as a job description. If your main source of income is photography (if it pays your mortgage) then you are a "photographer" in my mind. That's just me though, anyone who takes a photograph is technically a photographer.
July 2nd, 2010
A newbie like me cant be called as a photographer, i just love to shoot and take photos then share it...thats it..be Happy because you make people happy by your work.
July 2nd, 2010
As Reid says, if it is an accurate job description I think it counts, hobbies are different somehow...I've met lots of people working in bars and cafes who say they are actors. And plenty of booksellers who say they are writers! haha I dont think it matters really...
July 2nd, 2010
Been shooting since I was 9, and haven't called myself a photog yet. Still kinda stuck on "camera geek"
July 2nd, 2010
I still don't i'm only a novice when it comes to taking photos i still only have a p&s so i'm a very long way from ever considering calling myself a photographer, i'm just a girl with a camera who loves to takes photos
July 2nd, 2010
I think you have to put either 'amateur' or 'professional' in front of the word 'photographer'. I am a photographer but no one wants to pay me for my work so therefore I am an amateur photographer as is anyone who takes pictures. It is what we do! And obviously - we love it!! Great subject!
July 2nd, 2010
I don't call myself a "photographer" (i usually just say, "i'm into photography")
I don't even like to call myself an "accountant" but that's what I get paid for, lol.
July 2nd, 2010
Today :) Tomorrow I am going to be a KING (some people think I have multiple personality disorder :) )
July 2nd, 2010
I haven't. It's just something I like to do.
July 3rd, 2010
Maybe once I sell a photograph I will feel that I can call myself that. Am far from there at at 70 years of age, am not sure I'll get there. I sure intend to try, though. =)
July 3rd, 2010
I'm another who still doesn't... :/
July 3rd, 2010
since this year, I reckon.
Since I started getting very serious about it.
Plus I do have a photography job as well, so yeah :)
July 3rd, 2010
Since I started instinctively taking my camera whenever I go out, and being noticed for it.
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