
February 1st, 2012
it's been a few days that im without my camera. So I had to add two fillers, because I just couldn't take pictures these two days.

So i was just wodering what do you think about fillers? Are they ok for you? Are you using them or do you prefer blanks in the project?

February 1st, 2012
I think that it's entirely up to you what you want to do However, In your situation, I would certainly use fillers to stay active on the site while you wait to have your camera back. Really the only time I have resented fillers is if someone joins the site and then only posts their best photos that they've ever taken and never post anything current. I mean, if we were to sift from all of the photos that we've ever taken every day and post one of those, I don't know, that just seems wrong for this site. But that's my opinion. I had a great shoot in NYC last Saturday, so I have been uploading photos from then, with a new photo every here and there.

In short, I think it's better to stay active with fillers than to leave blanks
February 1st, 2012
Nope... No fillers allowed :-)....

May as well delete your account now and start all over again...

Seriously tho... So what! You've missed a couple of days in a fun project.. Fill the gaps with a couple of favourite pics or maybe pics taken on days either side and carry on.. This is after all a fun thing to do and please don't get worried about missing the odd day here or there...
February 1st, 2012
Blanks drive me nuts... hence my photo for 24 Jan...

I am usually pretty careful when I start deleting photos, but I got a little carried away this time... and I am positive that the shots I took and didn't upload were Pulitzer quality shots! Ummm... they do give a Pulitzer for photography, don't they?!
At least this will fill the slot for the day in my main album! As for the other two... well, as Scarlett so poignantly said, "I'll think about that tomorrow."
February 1st, 2012
@bobfoto is on his second year, and it is all fillers. And it's been amazing so far. It's your project, do whatever you want. :)
February 2nd, 2012
I used fillers several times last year for different reasons like health or time restraints but this is your project and you make up the rules for yourself! I see nothing wrong with fillers as long as they were taken by you! LOL!
February 2nd, 2012
@5unflow3r Thanks for your opinion, and I agree with your point of view. Personally, i dont like when people are doing some photoshoots and are posting the pictures for a few days. Once you made a photoshoot, you are sure to have plenty of good shots, but you have the choose the one.

@andycoleborn You made me really laugh :) You are so right, I was just wondering what do the others think about it. But well, we are doing this for fun, aren't we?

@marilyn Blanks are really weird in the project :D

@beautifulthing thanks for your answer. it's just so right, we are doing this for us, so why dont we make our rules? :)
February 2nd, 2012
@lalola616 exactly... as an old fart on this project who is well into my 3rd year, I can say with confidence there's no need whatsoever about worrying about it... Yeah, I do take a pic every day on my main album (Did have fillers in year 1) but I learnt long ago to stop worrying about whether it's a good or sh*t pic ...

I don't fret about it and if it means I get a cracker shot or pants shot... so what...! all it means is that it's a proper represenation of my day...

Hope this helps ;-)
February 2nd, 2012
I'm not sure are you referring to fillers as a photo you took some previous day, or just random shot that you don't like but post anyway?

I used the word filler on a photo that I took just to put something that day, and if I don't have time I take photos with my phone, just in case.

But, I don't think that is anything wrong using fillers in one way or another, and after all this should be fun project, so why not enjoy it in any way we can?:)
February 2nd, 2012
@lalola616 I love fillers! Use them often!! I used to think that when someone said they were using a filler that it ment the photo was no good but they were filling their day. Now I'm not sure. Just do what you want because it's your project. You can even post two on the same day and no one will notice! Have fun!
February 2nd, 2012
i am expecting fillers to be inevitable... my experience in staying true to anything (think diets or exercise!) is that it's very difficult to manage 100%... if you do not give yourself permission to slip on occasion, or at least forgive yourself for slipping, it will be too easy to give up... so yes, i'd say fillers are allowed...

on most days i've taken several pictures of different sorts... i keep a list of "seconds" to pull from for days when nothing has turned out or i ran out of time or inspiration... also, i have a back-up plan C if plan B fails, altho' i haven't had to invoke it yet... not quite along the lines of what Marilyn posted above, but that general concept... ;p

so i say yes to fillers in whatever form you want... it's your project, and only you get to decide if it's successful... i'm all for stretch goals, but i think it's fair to be realistic... why make it absurdly difficult to succeed?

good luck!
February 2nd, 2012
I don't do it.
February 2nd, 2012
I used a couple of fillers, as sometimes I just don't get chance to shoot something, I also use thing I have played with in Photo Shop that I maybe took ages ago and hated at the time.
February 2nd, 2012
My thing is, I have three folders to fill, and as long as one of the photos was taken today, I have fulfilled the deal I made with myself to post one new photo per day. :-)
February 2nd, 2012
So far I haven't used fillers - but then I'm only one month in! My goal is to take a brand new pic each day - even if it's a sh*ttish pic - but something that will remind me of that day. Sometimes I read comments, or see themes that I know one of my "old" pics would fit perfectly, but I restrain myself, and look for something new. But that's just me :) I reckon the most important "rule" here is to do what YOU want to!
February 2nd, 2012
What is a filler? (please don't answer, I'm joking)

I like to shoot on weekends and work on new technique during the week. But I also like to post the photos I like best. I don't think of them as fillers, I think of them as a work in progress. Now if you start seeing photos I shot on my Panasonic Lumix dated from when I lived in Hawaii, feel free to make me do the walk of "filler" shame. Though some of them are brilliant.

February 2nd, 2012
Its so up and down, its really up to you. Sometimes, I shoot alot of pics and have alot of good ones to share, so I put them ahead or in my random folders. I am trying hard to do stuff every day, but some days theres not any I like. I do have some older photos from Alaska and my kids, that I posted in my extra folders, bc they are my favorite pictures. Thats why I bought the Ace membership. Some of my fillers have random odd dates, bc you can only do one picture per date for it to load. So my dates are never right calendar wise for the randoms. A wise person told me on here, Its your project, have fun with it.
February 2nd, 2012
i love fillers, especially when there's a donut or angelfood cake wrapped around them.
February 2nd, 2012
The "filler police" won't come after you! HA! Sure, the intent of the site is to snap and post a pic every day. But life gets in the way sometimes. It happens. It's okay.
February 2nd, 2012
@sdpace -- A gal who thinks like me!
February 2nd, 2012
I think a filler is better than no photo at all
February 2nd, 2012
ive missed a few days already but the fillers i used were as recent as possible, im not proud of missing days but i agree there better than a blank. as a matter of fact I dug up some old cds with photos i took in 2005 on my fuji 1MP camera, I have about 15 I enjoy and am considering using them for sick days, I am entitled to 2 a month, we'll see.
February 2nd, 2012
Fillers are fine!
February 2nd, 2012
@beautifulthing - Thank you Shelly. I see the photos that I place here as being fresh and new to all of my beautiful followers so the fact that they are fillers is irrelevant. My first year was filler free, but yeah year 2 is Fillerfest!
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