Have I missed the point?

February 4th, 2012
Ok so the idea to this site is to post a picture a day, is it meant to be a picture you have took on that date/day?

That's what I have been doing up to now.

The reason I'm asking is because I only want to post photos that I consider by my meagre talent as being great. I'm a busy lad and don't always have the time to create something that I am happy with. Also I am a beginner and don't always create something that I'm happy with!

If the answer to my first question is yes then that will set up my second, do you cheat?

Do you put photos up that you have not taken that day?
February 4th, 2012
Quite often these days.
February 4th, 2012
I've missed one day so far and left it blank. I've been trying to make a conscious effort to upload something each day, no matter what I think of it. Hence, a cell phone pic one day. Some people fill in their blank days, some don't. It's a personal choice since it's a project for your own gratification. I could probably make an entire album with just the pics I have chosen not to upload and I'm only a little over a month into the project.
February 4th, 2012
Eddie, I have the same problem with time. I take several shots every day (I'm always with my camera). But I only process them in batches and upload a bunch when I have the time.

The important thing about this project is to try your best to shoot everyday, even if It's not the best photo in the world, but trying to do this everyday will make you a better photographer.
February 4th, 2012
I don't, but this is year 5 for me, so I'm used to taking several photos a day and then choosing the one I want to be THE photo for that day. And I quit part way through on years 2 and 3, but finished years 1 and 4. So, I'm not always good at it!
February 4th, 2012
I started the project in January...and the answer to all your questions is yes. I am such a beginner at photography that I'm rarely thrilled with my photos but I post them anyway. Some days when I haven't had any time to take a photo I will use photos I've taken before that I really like and wonder if anyone else will like them as well.
Other days when I take several photos I'll spread them out over a couple of days...
So what I'm saying is that I do what works for me. You should do what works for you. One of the first things I learned on here quickly is ...This is your project...make it work for you. There are no rules. :) Yay!! I feel like a real 365'er getting to say that!!
February 4th, 2012
Mine are always taken the day they're posted (unless it's after midnight in which case I pretend I'm in a different time zone and it's totally okay!) but I almost never do anything to edit them (which is quite obvious) including cropping, making it easier to get things done. I too post things I think are great, but usually because it was a particularly memorable moment in my day not a technically well done shot.
February 4th, 2012
The whole point of this site is to make it work for you. If you want to improve your photography then taking pictures every day will definately help you do that. If you want to have a photo journal then it's your choice. Either way, it's the journey that makes or breaks the projects for people.

The only rule is to post your own pictures. It's your project. That doesn't mean you can't post a picture of you that your friend took but don't make that the norm.

Many do not take and post the same day. The timing isn't workable. It's no problem unless you participate in the judged themes. Those photos need to be taken and uploaded the same day.

You can post once a week, daily, or whenever you can. If you don't post for a while you may get a reminder as your account could close. It's free so won't be held indefinately. ;-)
February 4th, 2012
It's your project. Do it anyway you want. Sometimes when I know I won't see daylight all week I 'bank'a few shots on the weekend and then load them up on the day...that's a sanity saver.
February 4th, 2012
I am not always able to that. I work FT and have two kids and a myriad of other commitments. So I will usually do a shoot twice a week and use the pics I like. I like to shoot outdoors a lot, so there are only a couple days a week where I am home before it gets dark. I love the project, so I just do what works right now. If I ever have more time I will try to stick to the format better.
February 4th, 2012
I have three folders. One of them must contain a photo from that day, even if it's not my best work. You can do whatever you want, but I think it's OK not to be totally jumping up and down over everything that you post. I haven't taken a photo yet today, so I guess my cat will pay the price for that.
February 4th, 2012
@brunoalves My camera never leaves my side, even at work and I work in a kitchen! And I do take photos every day that's why I joined the site.

But like I said its just a quality issue with me, I want the best shots I can produce. To me that justify's the financial outlay on my new camera.

Its took me ten years to get an SLR and I don't want to be showing off pictures I could take with my P&S

@joesabino I think we could all probably fill up a few with the shots we choose not to use although now I've learned how to use my ev meter the delete rate has massively decreased

@meisen325 That's what I wanted to hear :) I would have felt bad doing it other wise. I want to stick to weekly or monthly themes that I have set or stole myself and restricted time means I can't always produce the goods.
February 4th, 2012
I have a hard time posting every day but I definitely make the effort to take an actual picture each day. Sometimes it's on my phone, or it's the most random things I can find in my house, but whether I'm 100% happy with it I'm doing it anyway. If I actually make it through this year and go to year 2, I may see things differently, but it's what I'm taking from this project right now (one month in).
February 4th, 2012
I interpret the purpose of this project as encouraging the development of one's photographic skills by being actively involved every day but that surely does not mean takeing just one photograph every day and posting it in a hurry. There are so many days when several different but equally interesting photo opportunities occur and it would be a pity to waste any of them, and it makes sense to save some of them for reprocessing captioning and displaying at ease over the next few days, but you can still go out on those days to look for something else to have in stock for use later if sickness or other other emergencies get in the way. Always give yourself a choice.

Oh, and don't use the word 'cheat' ... this is not a competition but an opportunity to do the best by your standards and the only person you can cheat is yourself, by not taking full advantage of every possible opportunity,
February 4th, 2012
@justeddie ---- You would be surprised at the number of people who us point-and-shoot cameras. Don't be so quick to judge because we've had the discussion numerous times and always end up agreeing photographers are the one who make the photographs. The camera is just the piece of equipment we use.
February 4th, 2012
@gailwf @snippets @curiousmomworm @dmortega @swilde @mariboo @5unflow3r

Wow!!! Thanks for all the replies guys :) It really is friendly around here I guess us photographers must be cut from the same cloth.

I guess I'm going to go away from here and take your advice. I will try and post a photo a day taken on that day as I will be taking photos every day but If I've got nothing I am happy with then I will wait for a day when I have a few that I am. Thanks again :)
February 4th, 2012
I've been doing this on here 2.5 years and apart from some 'cheats' in the first couple of weeks when I wasn't sure about doing this, I've taken a pic everyday.. I use to be a pain and I'd get pretty stressed about it but a long time back I realised it's about learning and enjoying photography.

Meaning if one day or one week I uplaod a crap pic, so what... It's not the end of the world...

I'm still learning so when the good opportunitis come alone, I'll be in a position to actually know what to do...

February 4th, 2012
@dmortega I have realised this since I have had my SLR!! Taking the shots I used to get are not as easy now. I still use my point and shoot on the days when I am really busy and don't have time to take five pictures just to get the settings right. I have also started using it on places I plan to go back to so I can go home and have a look which angles I like best etc
February 4th, 2012
@wordpixman Great words :)

I only chose that word because I thought that is what I would be doing If I didn't upload something taken on that day.

Upon joining the site I had stored the photo a day moral in my head but in reality living by that moral is a bit of pressure I could do without.

A man has to relax sometimes even if he does just end up on here or elsewhere photography related!
February 4th, 2012
Your project, your rules - there's no cheating involved whatever you choose to do.
February 4th, 2012
Absolutely - your project, your rules. You can take a picture a day. OR Upload a picture a day. Whatever suits you. No one will judge you here. :-)
February 4th, 2012
I agree about they said above about your project, your rules. I feel the project is whatever you want it to be. I can't always get a good photo each day so many of mine were not on the same day. I have gone out on a Saturday and taken several that I liked and used them during the week. I know a lot of people will put a filler up when they don't have a current shot. Some people will take shots on their vacation and then share them afterwards. Just have fun and enjoy. It's been a wonderful learning experience for me.
February 4th, 2012

I shoot a lot on the weekends. Often, several locations and then to whittle it down to just one photo for that day, doesn't work well for me. So I've decided to post a photo each day. Take photos everyday. Work on my technique. And when that photo was taken that day, well that for me will just be a bonus!
February 4th, 2012
I grew so much my first year because I stuck to the photo a day thing. But this is your project, your rules.
February 4th, 2012
It is your project, you can do whatever you want to do, as long as you finish the 365 project, there is really no set rules. :)
February 4th, 2012
@justeddie Eddie it is your project. If you miss a day it is okay. Many people just get caught up. As for using what you fill is a great shot. Post whatever you want. This is not a competition. Just have fun with it and post anythng you like. Many people have also used fillers (photos from a previous day that they never posted before) if they did not take a photo that day or one that they were happy with
February 4th, 2012
your project - your terms and conditions. My first year 365 2011 was all taken and posted on the day in question. Except for about three shots when I was without internet for 24 hours - travelling and stuff.

This yeah my 366 2012 project is all fillers. The Fillerfest of shots that I took when I was living in a developing nation and I used my camera as a diary and I am now sharing that journey.
February 4th, 2012
@justeddie I do take a photo a day but whether I upload it or not is another question. As @wordpixman Arthur says many different photo opportunities happen on a single day and it would be silly to ignore them. Some days I do not like what I have taken and use other better images I have taken, usually within the last month. I think this works for me, after all its my project. ~:)
February 4th, 2012
Remember that this is for you and do what makes you happy.

Overall my first year about 95% were taken each day. You learn a lot when taking a photo everyday in finding something interesting in the mundane e eryday. It helps you start to see things differently. I also learned to embrace attempts I failed out. So I do recommend taking a photo a day even if you plan on posting something else.
February 4th, 2012
I take my camera everywhere I go. Somedays I get more opportunities and may load a few of those shots a couple days in a row. I still use my camera every single day, even if my dates off a day or two. I bought the membership, so I could post other things im practicing on. One for just random stuff and one for people. I am taking a photography course, so im trying to load as many great ones as I can, so people can critique me and give advice. I love the people here! From newbie to professional, everyone is so helpful and inspiring. My goal was to use my camera everyday and I started January 1st and have done so.
February 4th, 2012
i'm relishing the "your project, your rules" philosophy. it's the perfect amount of structure without adding additional pressure to my life. i plan my best to upload a picture everyday. although i do shoot everyday, the pictures i upload will be within a 2-3 day window for sanity's sake. i won't go back a couple of years and use a picture i've taken whether i want to share it or not. however, i never look at when other's pictures were taken.
February 4th, 2012
I put pix I've not taken the day and I have no problems doin' so... It's my project so, my pleasure !
Just enjoy !
February 4th, 2012
Ideally, I think a new photo each day is the way to go to help build your skills daily, learn what to do/not to do, and keep it all fresh in your mind. But that's not always possible, so you do what you can do.
I did GREAT at taking and posting pics every single day. But life eventually caught up with me, and I missed a few here and there. most holes I have filled, but still have some gaps. I JUST NOW added more fillers because I've been practicing water crowns/droplets in motion and couldn't get the technique right. The ones I took today were better.
For me, the reason I posted the new pics on the vacant days a few weeks ago is so that I can still see my progress, and show others I've progressed. Even tho they aren't in order, I did explain in the caption that they are fillers and that my previous attempts weren't that great. I almost deleted the old ones, but decided that wouldn't be a fair representation, and adding a "filler" was the lesser of the two evils. =-)
The main thing is, have fun with it, and do what you can!
February 4th, 2012
It's important to remember that this is a personal project so it's up to the individual.

My project is to take a new picture every day but it is my first year so my ideas are pretty fresh (early days). Any extras that I like I put on Flickr.

February 4th, 2012
@justeddie I'm 1/3 through year 2. I too am a busy lady and find it increasingly difficult. In year one I took a shot a day and posted daily from that day. There are some shockers at the start of my project. You'll find as the year progresses you naturally get better at finding good shots quicker. We all have loss of inspiration times when you think your shot is not so good...b ut I've found even these some of my followers fimd inspiring. Some of it is about experimenting as well, what you find personally not so great somene else might. Also interested in you P&S comment. Why would you not want to take shots with that just because your DSLR took so long to get? Most of my first album is with my P&S and some of my best shots are taken with it. Sometimes if you are busy a P&S is the right tool for the job - many good shots are about the light / composition etc and can be achieved with any format. It's your project so you can run it as suits you, the less pressure you put on yourself the more enjoyment you'll get out of it for sure!
February 4th, 2012
@sparkle I still do use my P&S, I use it to line up shots and look what settings it chose so I can go back and try and take the pictures manually later. I let my son use it on weekends and the rest of the week it sits in the top of my bag ready to spring into action when I need it. I Have commented to this effect further down the post.

I love my P&S, it cost £89 with a printer. At the moment my P&S skills are better than my DSLR skills and the big draw towards SLR was the quality of pictures people around me were producing, I never realised then how much PP people were doing though.

I fully understand that my P&S is a very capable piece of equipment but at the same time I have already pulled off shots on my DSLR that I know I could only dream of back when that is all I had. It may be capable but it does have its limitations and this used to frustrate me sometimes.

Mine is an older model and it doesn't have nearly as much zoom as some of the newer cameras and at wide angles there is not nearly as much detail in the pictures as I get now in my DSLR

Before I got my DSLR I never thought about the rules. I just went out and took pictures of what I liked how I liked. I occasionally tried manual mode with a small amount of success but never really pushed myself to be a better photographer. In all honesty I never had much of an opinion on photographic matters at all.

Now, I'm relearning the rules, Learning about light, reflections, composition etc and trying to put them all together at the same time as learning my camera manually. My views on what I deem to be good now compared to back then are a lot different, and this may put a bit of pressure on me but I am still having fun.

I don't think I worded myself very well, It wasn't meant as a dig, I'm not a DSLR snob. I know that in this day and age photography has changed in a major way and that's a great thing. And did I say? I LOVE MY P&S ITS GREAT!!!

February 4th, 2012
@justeddie sounds like you're learning a lot with the DSLR and using your P&S to good effect...I probably didn't word my reply well either... :o] I have used my DSLR loads more this year for precisly the reasons you describe above...but sometimes i am just too sheer busy to set shots up etc so the P&S comes to my aid! I love both my cameras equally for different reasons! Have fun with this project I have loved (nearly) every minute of it...and my progress has been significant. The social side is cool too - and certainy helps to keep momentum in those busy busy days!!
February 4th, 2012
i have only been doing this for about a month, but so far i have only put of photos that i took that day. SOMETIMES if i go out and shoot something on say, Saturday... down the street... If I happen to like more than one of them I will actually go back out and shoot that same location or subject on another day. I don't know if that makes sense or not, but it can help if you are scrambling for ideas. I carry my new P+S everywhere with me now, even whiler walking the dog. Even to work. Sometimes I'm just taking lousy pics in the office... they won't always be good pics, or perfect by any means. The point for me, is to get me out there shooting and seeing, everyday. good luck!
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