Do you second guess yourself...

February 21st, 2012
when processing your shots?
I'll be in picnik playing with a photo. Then I can't decide if there is too much color or not enough color or is it too much over exposed or under exposed or should I use sepia or should I use B&W. You get the idea. It drives me crazy sometimes. I don't know what looks best.
Does anyone else struggle with it? Just curious.
February 21st, 2012
yes. every single time. normally just do multiple different takes of the same pic, then go with the one i like best.

drives me nuts, too, sometimes.

cute kitty :)
February 21st, 2012
Go ahead and edit! If you're not sure, save your work and come back later.

Opening both the edited and unedited versions I always just know what was wrong with the first edit. Or not.

But beware, in many cases the appreciation of the unedited version grows by the number of edited versions. You'll end up posting the original leaving the edited versions polluting your hard drive :-)
February 21st, 2012
Yes, yes and yes! My indecisiveness drives me crazy at times!
February 21st, 2012
yes! i find it best to walk away for a few minutes and come back and see what I think.
February 21st, 2012
Everyday :-) At the end I always go with the one that what FEELS right rather than the one that LOOKS right.
February 21st, 2012
Yes all the time, as others have said, do a few diff ones and go away for a bit and see what you like when you come back, but that still doesn't help sometimes :)

@grecican I think that's the most straightforward simple answer I've seen you give in days, you feeling ok?
February 21st, 2012
@emjay8 no, actually... worst toothache ever
February 21st, 2012

; )

Of course, sometimes. It doesn't bother me, though. And tone mapping has really helped.

Sometimes I want to share my RAWs and see what other people can pull out of them.
February 21st, 2012
I debate too as evidenced by my file names...disc009copy, disc009copycopy, etc. On this subject (sort of)... I find that some of my colors are changing or becoming muted once I transfer them from PS to 365. I can see it clearly looking at them side by side. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas why its happening?
February 21st, 2012
all the time...sometimes i will edit something and it just won't feel right so i start all over, or i have a vision in my head that my ability won't create LOL...
February 21st, 2012
yep, i only like subtle processing myself. sometimes i'll do something extreme, really like it, then can't decide which to load as one is not true to myself, so when in doubt i let my partner choose lol
February 21st, 2012
Thank you all for you inuput. I'm so glad I'm not the only one struggling with this. I also leave my edited shots many times and come back later to look at them and this has helped.

Even after that I'll decide on one and after posted it on 365, I think, darn, maybe people would have liked my other one better. Sigh! :)
February 21st, 2012
When it's for me, I try not to think, but just go with my gut and I am happy I know the shortcut for undo. When it's for a paying gig, EVERY SINGLE MINUTE!
February 21st, 2012
@mittens I do this all the time! In fact my shot for today...I have made 3 versions and keep coming back to look at them. I am still going back and forth between two and probably won't post 'til tonight!! You are definitely not alone in this and I sure enjoy following you, so keep them coming!!
February 21st, 2012
@cfitzgerald Maybe trying not to think is a good idea Courtney. Good advice.
February 21st, 2012
@exposure4u Thank you for the kind words, Wendy.
February 21st, 2012
@lesphoto As far as I can tell from past discussions about the diffrences is that it is from the site compressing the file....or so says the people that know more than I do about it! Nothing we can really do about it, unless you can figure a way to identify the constants on this website vs your computer and edit it for them...?
February 21st, 2012
all the time, but I treat editing like getting dressed for an event. To me each photo represents a mood or a time in place but always needs a touch of dressing up. So when I start editing I have an idea in mind and play around and think about it like planning an outfit for an event, so all the filters, layers and such serve as clothes, accessories, make up and hairstyle. So I may try different outfits on to see what is right, but I tend to have the outfit and event in mind from the start. Also that adage credited to Coco Chanel on before you leave the house take off one piece of accessory, and I sometimes will undo an edit or two to keep from going too far.
February 21st, 2012
@zuzana and that makes your vision art instead of crowd pleasing.
@grecican feel better
February 21st, 2012
@shadesofgrey Thank you. That does make sense. Maybe I'll look into that eventually - still trying to maintain the rate of a shot per day and with all the great advice/suggestions/ideas this site generates, I'm kind of on overload! Just seems a shame when you've got something just so (after all the debating!) and then it uploads differently.
February 21st, 2012
Me? Second guess myself? Never!!!

Kidding. Of course. xD I am getting faster/better at processing but there's still the odd photo that stumps me. I stare at it for ages and try all sorts of things and they all look ridiculously bad. So I do what others have mentioned already - I go away and leave it. Odds are I'll come back a few hours or a day later, and that's when the processing magic happens after all :)
February 21st, 2012
Yep me to, I tend to do a couple of processes of the same shot, then go back to them a while later.....then somehow when I look at them again, it seems much easier to chose between them!!
February 21st, 2012
@brumbe That's a really interesting way to think of processing, Paula. I like your idea of having an idea in your mind before you start. Sounds like a great way to go.
February 22nd, 2012
@mittens I second guess myself all the time. I do my editing on my laptop, then I will put them on my HD flatscreen tv and they look completely different so I will sit there and edit them on my tv if I care THAT much about that specific photo. I find myself asking my boyfriend and friends questions like "Does it look like it has too much contrast" or "Which is better, B&W or color?" It doesn't help cause my friends are not into photography like I am, they just like seeing a pretty picture. I deal with it by just realizing that I can edit one photo a million different ways for hours or I can edit a bunch in hours. I chose the bunch.
February 22nd, 2012
An example was this shot. I got a dozen tulips and one broke off so I thought, put it in the shot glass with water and take a solo shot with the white background. Now in my mind I saw this as a white on white photo with a splash of green and highlighting the pink petals. Now when I sat down to my computer my software has not been loaded on the new computer and I could not achieve what I wanted in my mind but it is now pink on pink but still has the monochromatic feel. I also did an alternate shot of fully saturated and a bit more sensual in touch but went with the original idea.
February 22nd, 2012
@brumbe I see what you mean. Your pink on pink flower turned out great. You are very creative.
February 22nd, 2012
@mittens I get so much inspiration from others here, but I sometimes know how the photo should be in my mind before I download.
February 22nd, 2012
My advice, for what it is worth, is that to avoid second guessing, don't play with it so much. You really need to do no more than adjust a little contrast and sharpening at best (little bit). Don't get caught up in all the digi-process stuff. It ends up looking like Lady Gaga after a bad makeup session when it's done.
February 22nd, 2012
@cluvlj LOL C and LJ about the Lady Gaga thing. I like what you are saying. Good advice.
February 22nd, 2012
@cluvlj Great advice. make the shot what you what BEFORE you take it. Is that SOOC?!
February 22nd, 2012
@grammyn SOOC to me is Silly Old Obtuse Cameraspeak (get it). But, yes,you can do a lot with just the camera. I use panty hose over a lens to soften, undexpose for more color, and what not.Many people on the site have cool techniques too. I always peruse the DIY photography website for other cheap usable ideas.
February 22nd, 2012
@cluvlj LOVE it! I feel as you do if the goal is to capture the moment do all you can before you push the button. If you want something different than what you are seeing ETSOOI
April 11th, 2012
I do. I often process, upload and then delete the photo five minutes later because I feel so unsure about what I did! Sort of glad to hear I'm not alone. Like @mastermek said, my appreciation for the original tends to grow after I try to process! Still, it's fun to play around sometimes.
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