Why did you join the 365 project?

July 8th, 2010
I have been doing this project for just over a month now and l love it. Putting daily photos on here is just part of the fun. Writing on other people's entries and reading comments from others also plays a big part for me.
I aim to follow what this project was intended for; to submit a picture a day as a recording of my life over 365 days.
It seems to me that this objective has been lost with some people on here. The images don't seem to have any significance to daily life. I wonder if these people are here because they love the daily critical acclaim they achieve with their images.
Why did you join this project bearing in mind this isn't a photo storage site like Flickr but is intended to record a year in the life?
Oh, and please be honest!
July 8th, 2010
I joined to not only chronicle my life through pictures, but to improve my skills. I like going back and seeing how I am improving. I often link my blog posts into my picture write ups to give a fuller image of my life to anyone who is interested. I do follow the themes sometimes, but all the pictures I submit are relevant to my life. I do not post for praise or acclaim, because I am still learning. I do post for support and suggestions from more seasoned photographers on how to improve my skills.
July 8th, 2010
ooo-er, I am guilty using filling in pics this week... I've been too busy to go out and give the project my time, and I have little in my flat other than a duvet on the floor and boxes! I dont want to leave blank pages tho.. so decided to put some fav shots up with an explaination.

I started this project because I never took any photo's anymore. I'd always adored photography, but after working for the press, I couldnt wait to put my camera down at the end of the day, I hated it, it was a work tool. I hoped 365 would get me playing again, and it has.
Thats my main reason, but yes, I also liked the 365 element, though for me its not a strict thing. If I like 2 photo's I took in a day, I will happily load them both up, as when I look back, it will still be around the time taken. I never did follow rules to the letter and for me, the way I want to do it suits me perfectly. And unless I am mistaken, nodbody REALLY cares how I do my own thing do they?!

I've said before, i was really shocked when I first saw a comment, I had no idea. I wasnt fond of thinking people could see it, I really thought it was a private. I now love seeing people's worlds, I especially love sightseeing other parts of the world with general view shots, and I enjoy people's creative shots too. I enjoy leaving comments when I can too.
Without sounding ungrateful, but I dont mind if people leave comments on my pics or not. Its lovely to read them, of course it is, but my fav comments are when I've made people laugh, that means more to me because laughter is the best thing. If people dont like them, or leave comments, it doesnt make me think "cor, my photo must be cr*p then" coz ultimately I am doing it for me.

Wow, that was a long reply. Sorry :-(
July 8th, 2010
Everyone has their own reasons and projects they are working on. What one chronicles daily is known only to them and maybe a handful of others. There are no right or wrong ways to do this.

My pictures relate to my area unless I'm out someplace different. I haven't had any problems finding pictures. Maybe they aren't the nature photographs that so many are doing because I don't go to the parks everyday. But hey, I just have to get creative with what I have to work with, now don't I?

This is copied and pasted from my profile:

"Why am I here? I wrote this on a discussion about what inspired me to be here. This pretty well answers the question about why I am here.

I have kept Ansel Adams calandars for about 15 years now because I write all kinds of bits of information on it and tape papers, ticket stubs, etc, like a journal. I decided to document the months via the 365project, print the month out and tape it to the calander each month as a visual to go along with the calandar.

I am busy taking pictures of food, gardening, and the city I live in, on Facebook."

"These are keeping me pretty busy taking pictures but I find I really want to take different kinds of pictures and share them but they don't fit what I am already doing on Facebook. This site gives me the perfect opportunity to explore the more creative side of photography while learning how to really use my camera and photoshop. This is the perfect creative outlet for me while photojournaling my world.

Three words I think best describe my pictures: spontaneous, bright, and personal. I'll let you be the judge.

My daily inspirations; trying to find something for the weekly themes, dailyshoot.com, special occasions, spontaneous moments, and my often overlooked and taken for granted day-to-day life. As I progress through this project I am finding that pictures are always right in front of me. Everything I see is a photo opportunity. The hardest part is deciding on which image will become the picture of the day. ;-)"
July 8th, 2010
Nice points Trevor :)

I guess the counter to that would be "This isn't wordpress, why just use it as a blog?" and in those two perspectives we've got most of the people here covered. Regardless of whether people do filler shots or not, everyone here is somewhere on the scale which has "photo blog" at one end and "artistic/creative expression" on the other.

I don't have that much variety in my daily routine to take 365 photos in the blog style without becoming bored and wondering what the hell the point is, thus I decided early on I'd try to use this to better my knowledge of photography and try to experiment with interesting imagery.
July 8th, 2010
I joined because I find when I am taking photos I see things differently. I notice more details and I see beauty in things I wouldn't look twice at without a camera in my hand. I also liked the challenge of taking a picture every day. It gets me seeing things every day, all around me.

Every picture I've uploaded was taken on the day it is posted for. Not all of them are stunning, or even that good, but I have taken the shot and I would like to think I have gotten better at noticing things. I do enjoy getting comments, it is nice to know that others appreciate my photos, but that is not the reason I do the project. I comment on others photos for the same reason, because I appreciate their photos for one reason or another.

While not really a reason I decided to do the project, I have become a better photographer. Last month I shot my first wedding, I never would have done that if I hadn't been taking a photo every day for 120 days before hand. I also have become more creative, I never would have taken the self-portrait I took last week a year ago. So I am very glad I decided to do this.
July 8th, 2010
I started on the 31st of May as it happened. My original aim was to keep a visual journal and just to see what will come up. I was expecting to get visual reminders of where I was on any particular day, but it's not quite like that.

I've noticed certain images or themes coming up again and again, the colour green is quite dominant.

I like getting comments, and I try to comment on two or three pictures per day as well, but I also try to not spend too much time on-line.

I've noticed that I'm noticing so much more and often I find myself just staring at what I see, at home, in the street, cycling along the canal, looking at the sky. I totally agree with Dorenna Ortega that pictures are right in front of me.

I also find it sometimes a bit disappointing when I see someone else's nice photo and then find out that it was taken in 2004. I like the idea that I don't know how many people have been out there on the same day taking pictures for their project.
July 8th, 2010
My main aim was to become a better photographer. I wanted to stay true to the original ethos of 365 by taking a decent daily photo, and my excuse was turning 30. It's worked too; I think I've got better. It's been a steep learning curve and I've become engrossed with all things photography.

I started on the intention of blogging about my experiences too, and I have done that elsewhere. I simply replicate what I do there here, as I came across this fairly unique site specifically for this type of project.

You've suggested a fairly controversial point about people not posting a photo they took that day, a point that has led to fairly heated debates here. It used to bother me a little at first, but the sheer scale of people simply posting what are sometimes excellent photos but not necessarily taken that given day means I've become acclimatised to it, but have not been influenced into doing it. I do think it somewhat negates the point of the site though, but the compensation is that the people here are really nice and positive. I have noticed that by and large the most popular people on here do not actually post a daily photo taken that day!
July 9th, 2010
I always loved to take pictures, but most of the time it was family events, kids growing up, and vacation trips. The rest of the year was more or less picture free. For a few years now, I am making a calendar of my 12 favorite pictures of the last year. And then at the beginning of April, my daughter told me about this site and I was absolutely enthusiastic. Joining 365 was a fantastic idea and I don't regret it. I can't take a picture that I am happy with every single day, but I try to set the rule it has to be from the last 2 days. That is a rule I can keep. I hope to learn how to use Photoshop or other programs over the summer. So far, I don't use anything to enhance my photos. That means, I really have to try to take good original photos. I learned so much by seeing other peoples photos and reading their comments. But the most amazing change is that I walk with open eyes through my life. That is the greatest gift that I got through this project.
July 9th, 2010
I joined because I love sharing with others what I take notice of and capture on my camera. I joined because I hope to gain experience by doing this. I joined because I thought it would be really cool to do this while viewing other photo's. I also enjoy the encouragements and love to encourage others with my comments. I enjoy that as a photocommunity we all share a common love for photography. A picture is worth a thousand words and a comment takes it even further. I challenge myself each day to find a picture that can carry forth a positive message too. I like to think that while this photojourney documents a piece of my life each day, the side benefits are far more rewarding. I have always carried my camera with me and taken pictures on a daily basis anyways so I think that it is so totaly cool that others like to do that too.
July 9th, 2010
I joined to better my photography skills with my new DSLR. I have not used an SLR since high school 12 years ago so I wanted to make sure I was inspired to take photos every day to get the hang of using my new camera. I also aspire to be a professional photographer someday so seeing everyones comments on my photos will hopefully help me decide when I am ready to take the jump! I post a photo every day from the same day!
July 9th, 2010
I was looking for something to make me happy. And it has. :-)
July 9th, 2010
Good morning everyone. Wow...thank you so much for your replies. I agree with so many points that have been posted on here. It is truly amazing how we all use this site to extend our knowledge and try to become better photographers with the help of other 365'ers through their comments and by viewing their photos.
I do feel one of my points has been missed though. It's not as to whether we actually manage to put a photo on here every day but the type of images that are submitted that bear no connection to 'daily life' just fancy imagery. I would like to keep this site for what it was meant to be and not somewhere to submit images that have lost their purpose.
There are hundreds of other sites where people can submit their wonderful images that they have created eg Flickr. Leave 365 to people who use it correctly ie, a record of their daily lives however that maybe and not to show off just to receive daily praise.
July 9th, 2010
Hi Trevor. I joined 365 when my friend told me about it. I had no idea what it was about or that people commented etc. I had no real plan or scheme it just seemed fun. After a week or two I'd have to say that without the themes I'd have picture after picture of me waiting at the bus stop on my home from work. Also I love seeing everyones work from all over but if I'm honest i'd rather look at interesting "fancy" photos than blog type stuff. One of the things I really like about 365 is the feeling of a sort of community. I've not tried flickr or the others you've mentioned but they don't seem as friendly somehow. I also like the way everyone can persue their own agenda on 365. I'll just add that I've been enjoying seeing a bit of France from your project.
July 9th, 2010
I'm sort of with Nicole here.

I aim (in the main) to take a photo everyday, but a lot of them don't reflect what I've been up to. They're just a photo of something I've seen on a particular day. I'm not uploading at the moment though, because I just moved house and haven't found the box with the camera cable in yet. :-(
July 9th, 2010
Hi Trevor, I understand what you mean...
I suppose with weekly themes and competitions, people tend to loose focus of the essence of this project. I initialy joined to better develop my photography after purchasing my DSLR in April and completing a short photography course. I also needed to teach myself how to edit because with a good photo comes digital enhancements as well. The idea of taking a photo a day realy helps me alot in this regard. I also like that I can learn from others and obtain ideas from within the various fields of photography opposed to what I am accustomed to. It can be challenging and intimidating when others do so well and win competitions, e.t.c. but I try best to capture my days events linked to the photo/s that I have taken, having people fave my shots is just a bonus! the comments and critiques is more important and what I learn from.
July 9th, 2010
To get better..
To discover new talented photographers..
To document my life for a year and see how things change..
To share with other people the places and things that are precious to me..
A reason to take photos, without people talking about me saying how "I think I'm a photographer" etc. So many people I know love taking photos, and people talk about them in negative ways because of it, it's sad really. Photography is a beautiful thing with so many uses.
July 9th, 2010
I joined to force myself to take a photo every day. Or at least, to think about how I would take a photo every day (I've missed several days and I'm into my 3rd month). I try and make the photos represent my day as much as possible, but my main purpose on 365 is to further my creativity and to explore photography (and to learn from the brilliance already here!). I'm studying a medical degree at the moment and that tends to quash any creativity one might have, so I figured I needed a regular creative outlet, and 365 came along at the right time. :)
July 9th, 2010
I don't think that everyone wants to see 365 pictures of me waking up, getting myself and my kiddos ready for the day, dropping the kiddos off where they need to go, going to work, picking the kiddos up, and all the other mundane thing that happen in my life everyday. I am using this project as a journey in discovering photography. I have seen real growth in myself and in every single person on this project. I think everyone needs to use this project in a way that is meaningful to them- keeping someone in a box will surely find them board with this project with no inspiration to keep going. As to the comment that people might be using the project for daily critical acclaim- I can only say that people take a picture, maybe do some post editing, and post here on the project, if someone likes the photo and/or comments on it well bonus. For someone like me who is just starting in world of photography it is nice to know if a picture is moving in the right direction, or maybe needs some more thought. I have yet to understand why people feel the need to question how or why others are using this project and the photos they post, as this is at least the 2nd post I have seen to this effect.
July 9th, 2010
Hi Rebbecca, Thanks for your reply.
I am sure you can think of other subjects to take pictures of other than your children. You're life will be full of other interesting things l am sure.
You are quite right when you say you have seen people grow on here. I have seen a great improvement in myself, not just with the actual quality of photo, but also how l see something.
My comments are aimed at a small minority on here not the majority. The majority, thank goodness, embrace the whole concept of this project and share with us all their photos that they take for a whole year in their lives and join in with the comments and advice that so many of us need on here.
If people feel they need to be artistic to the point that the images don't reflect anything of 'daily life' any more then there are other sites.
I feel it is a perfectly acceptable question to ask why people are on here. We can learn a lot from people's responses. I also feel that some, again a minority, are on here and have forgotten the main purpose of this project.
You question why people ask certain questions and l question why people have started this project. Its freedom of speech and seems perfectly reasonable to me. You don't have to comment.
July 9th, 2010
I joined because first, I want to improve my photography skills. Second, it is a diary of sorts for one year. I've used filler pictures from time to time either because I was too lazy or uninspired that day or I wanted to honor something in particular. My pictures are mostly things I encounter or things I am doing. And yes, sometimes, I grab the camera just to get the daily picture taken so I go and look for a photo opportunity. Acclaim is nice but I would continue to do this if I had 1 follower or 1,000. Ultimately it's my diary so I really only need to please myself and hope as the year progresses, my photography skills improve a bit. I love this site and purchased the ace membership so I can also post additional pictures on days I can't stop clicking!
July 9th, 2010
Hey Trevor
You are right to question, and yep, sure are right about feedom of speech! I wholeheartedly support it... I am a bit concerned tho that you come over as not liking anyone who doesnt use 365 the intended -and your- way.
Honestly, hand on heart, does it matter? I dont wish to start a fight or anything, but isnt it just down to personal choice? Photography, like art (and hopefully most things that make people think) you cant lable, or box into a neat little space, by its very nature, it reflects the person taking the photo, and people are not black and white :-) 365 it seems to most people is helping people learn about photography, experiment and most of all enjoy - and taking arty pics is all part of learning and expressing yourself isnt it? I dont think there is any problem with people playing around and using 365 however they wish.
Most people seem to have a fine old time of it, and nobody really seems to mind some of the pics that do not represent the every-day. Everyone here seems to be accepting and kind to each other, which I love, and if they dont like a photo or a photographers work, they just dont comment. Cool! Live and let live I say.
Its good to question, but I do wonder if there is much point to asking?
July 9th, 2010
my reason to join was to improve as a photographer and practise my skills on a daily basis. I don't neccessarily take a photo that represents my day, but the photo often represents my mood or creativity, as i am using it as a way to think of new ideas and push myself.
I actually do use flickr, but prefer the friendly community feel to 365 therefore focusing my attention on this site :)
i think that there is nothing wrong with people interpreting the 365project in the way they like, and i enjoy spending alot of time commenting on photos and looking at pictures, so i'm not just using as a way to show off my photos, i'm giving as much as i'm recieving, which is what i love about 365, everybody wants to be here to see each others work(unlike flickr!) !!
I love the diversity of the photos on this site, and i think that is what makes it interesting and fun!!
July 9th, 2010
Hi Trevor,

in response to your statement and I quote ( images that are submitted that bear no connection to 'daily life')

My photo's bear complete connection to my daily life. Everything that I have submitted a picture of is directly related to what I did that day. How I present that image is directly related to how I felt that day with what I presented. I might Dr. it up with photoshop, and so why not? this is my touch and how I can best represent it. Each one of us on here is individual. We have our own style, our own personality and I think that it is such a wonderful mix of talent. This project is a guideline only. How each one of us decides to portray their day is individual and could never be regimented unless you were to take away from the indiviaualism of it. Its a fun thing, It is a positive thing, it is not to be speculated upon, just to be enjoyed.

July 9th, 2010
Trevor, 365 Project isn't necessarily about documenting your daily life but it is about taking a picture daily (originally). If you choose to use it to document your daily travails then so be it, but not everybody has to. Besides, the daily pursuit of a quality photo is part of my day, and I'm technically documenting what I did that day.
July 9th, 2010
Thank you Freida & Katie,
I take on board on what you say.
Freida, you wise old owl, sometimes it is good to be able to just stand back and enjoy the ride. Sometimes that little thorn just keeps on nagging and you have to do something about it.
Okay, let me clarify. I love this site, the project, the people, the community atmosphere etc. What attracted me to this was the whole concept of a photo journal. I won't be able to submit everyday; holidays, life will get in the way but who cares?
I love all sorts of photographs, but that is my point and my view. Photographs. Not images that have been so highly processed that you wonder what the hell is going on. And sometimes it is just a continuation on a theme.
People have expressed their concerns about how some of these pro/highly edited/ pics make them feel inferior. They doubt their own photos are up to much which is so sad. It is too ambitious to try and match some of these people but the standard is set by them and so we see the same old same old everyday.
I love the freedom this site has and long may it continue. But all l would say, once more, is if people want to put these type on images on here, on a photo journal site, then they should seriously consider using another site.
The odd one now and again is fine but everyday becomes a bit tedious in my view.
We won't fight. I regard you as a friend even though we have never, and probably won't, ever meet. The same goes for a number of people on here.
My wife says shut up Trevor and listen to Freida!!! Okay, l've listened. Have a great weekend everyone.
July 9th, 2010
A wise old own is prob the kindest thing anyone has ever called me, normally its insults, and I am not joking... !

Again, I do hear you over people feeling inferior.. thats a real shame if they do, but its something we always have isnt it? I look at other women and feel inferior coz they are much more gorgeous or have a lovely small bum, lol. I look at people's beautiful homes and cars, then think, oooops, what have I got - nothing! But its how you handle it. I cant stop people having these fab things or fab genes, but I have to not let it get to me or I'd be miserable!! Same as here, I wouldnt want to see people feel bad about being better at either photography or manipulation than others, and I wouldnt expect or even want them to stop because I feel small or even envious. I just try to learn, but if I dont have the ability or even simply be bothered to put the time in to be the same, then its far easier to accept, enjoy for what it is and let sleeping dogs lie.

And I wish everyone a fab weekend too!
July 9th, 2010
Trevor- I didn't mean to sound argumentative in my previous comment, I am sorry if you felt that way. You mention that you have the freedom of speech to pose this question and you are right, I would never try to intentionally imply differently- I just felt that the way you posed the question was slighty accusitory in nature. I also would like to say that the pictures people are posting on this site are kind of their voice here on the 365 project, and limiting what people should post on here is kind of limiting there voice- again not trying to argue just bringing another light on to the subject.
July 9th, 2010
Thanks for all your comments.
I will leave it at that. Maybe the message has been listened to. Maybe not? Maybe l am the first to offer constructive criticism and l will continue to do so just as l hope others feel able to with me.
For everyone who feels the same as me; keep posting your wonderful everyday pics. They are always good to see.
July 9th, 2010
Trevor, thank you for the courage to raise this subject. I understand where you are coming from, but I feel the project would be too limiting if I followed the "rules".
For me, daily life is mostly repetitive and not too interesting. With camera in hand, I am engaging my brain in more than just the humdrum. I believe everyday is a lesson. Somedays it is a song, that sparks my imagination, other days it is a cool bug. Or it might even be something I am cooking or puzzling at work, but whatever it is, I try and use it to capture my imagination, to make life a piece of art.
That in itself is rewarding. The praise and comment from sharing a piece of yourself is definitely a plus.
That said, I enjoy being part of a community that shares themselves so openly, regardless of their subject, skill level or whether they are following the "rules".
July 10th, 2010
are there 'rules'? i had no idea!

personally i am using the site to reccord my life, every photo i have taken has been about my life in some way and none of them will be edited at all as i want people to see life through my eyes. i needed a project after having a hard time after the birth of my child and i thought that 365 would give me something fresh and positive to think about and do. i think being critical of people who are putting photos up that you dont believe are taken of their lives and is just for praise is a little judgemental. A photo is a moment in time, Remember that in order to take a photo you have to experience that moment. Its hard to remember that some of the more artistic photos are actually a moment in time for that photographer. So although it doenst look like their 'life' it has to be in order to take the photo. i really dont think im making sense now!

BTW i love it when random people comment on my photos, doesnt it just give you that warm fuzzy feeling?
July 10th, 2010
I joined with the intention of taking a photo a day. Which I have been doing.
Through doing that, I have learnt that I have a love for photography, a love for trying to capture things in a new way, a different perspective. I get excited about water on leaves, clouds, a cool building, trees. I lay on the ground, and do all manner of weird things in order to make the picture I visualise eventuate.
I also have been learning about all the cool things you can do through photo editing! Yes, sometimes when I see these awesome photos that have been edited and photoshopped, I feel inferior. But then I think how lucky I am to be able to learn from more experienced people! I ask, and every time I have been told how they achieved the effect in question!

There is no right or wrong, there just is.
July 10th, 2010
Hi Trevor , I agreed with Freida & Katie at some points. I joined 365 because I want to record the pictures I've taken and be able to look back and see them again. Unlike flickr, I like this community as people here are friendly and supportive. It doesn't matter whether the picture wasn't taken on that particular day or the pictures were edited in such a way, it's their moments (as Sarah Richardson said). It takes one's moment and effort to be able to take a picture, it doesn't matter when or where the pictures were taken.
Due to the nature of my job which requires me to travel a lot, technically, I won't be able to join 365 as I'm 'on the road' most of the time. However, my camera travels wtih me every where I go. Depending on how long I stayed away from home, I took the opportunity during my stay there to venture out and capture the life of the locals.....and yes I went out and took pictures everyday, sometimes 15 pictures in one day. So when I'm back home I uploaded those pictures that I took to fill up my calendar. In my case, I consider myself as taking a photo a day. The difference is that the objects of my pictures might seem unrealistic to you as I don't take pictures of something that's just lying on my coffee table or something in my back yards (not that I have one, but it's just an example) as I'm not home most of the time. So tell me, is what I'm doing wrong?
July 10th, 2010
Rieva, no. Its fine. You have some beautiful photos on your project. Have a great weekend.
July 10th, 2010
Unless you live my life, you have no idea how the pictures I post relate to it. Same goes for everyone else. Maybe for those posting pictures you deem irrelevant to the spirit of the project, those pictures actually ARE an important part of their lives, you can not assume you know.
July 10th, 2010
Sure Tiffany, unless they are just a continuation on the same theme!
Its a huge, beautiful world out there with millions of photo opportunities to be had. I love seeing people's 'everyday pics' on here from 'everyday' people.
I just doubt the reasons why, 'professional'/semi-pro/ etc photographers need to display the same ol, same old everyday. It makes a lot of people question whether their 'everyday' pics are worth putting on here which, in my humble view, is a crying shame. See some of the entries on here in the discussion section. Cut the gloss etc and let's get back down to basics where we can all share/learn and be inspired by people's everyday shots.
And again l say, FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!! Isn't that what our British soldiers are dying everyday for??Please, don't shout me down!
July 10th, 2010
I thought of doing something like this before, when I didn't know this site yet. But I kept delaying my start-date. And now I just bumped in to this website and it thought "I just HAVE to do this now", or I never will. And now I'll be way more motivated. Besides I just love photography but I don't really have/make time for it. I'm a student and when I'm not at school I'm at work, but of course I can always save 5 minutes to make a picture.

(ps. sorry for my poor english, I'm from a different planet ;-) )
July 11th, 2010
I joined 365 because I was feeling stifled creatively. This project has forced me to stop, slow down, and notice things right in my midst that have never caught my eye before. It has been an amazing, eye-opening experience. I try to make it mostly about my life, where I am, what is happening. I feel enriched by my own experience and the joy in seeing other peoples' creative submissions. I am awed by all of it.
July 11th, 2010
for lots of reasons. i've always been interested in photography but didn't have much interest to take pictures that no one would see. so here's a way for me to practice photography (as terrible as my pictures may be) and actually get to show off what ive done.

also...im a commitment-phobic. so a year long commitment. yikes. but ugh i already failed at that one with a 2 month hiatus. but...back on the horse

:) :) :)
July 11th, 2010
You asked for honest replies, and you got them. You are trying to shut down anyone who disagrees. I posted a different architectural picture each day this week, and each day it had something to do with my life that day. As a newbie, the themes help me look at my everyday life a little differently.

You are welcome to freedom of speech, but unless you are an admin of the site, is it really your job to impose rules? If you only look at my pictures, then yes, you may think I am merely posting in tune with weekly themes, but again, you know nothing of me, and how those pictures may fit in with my life. But if you take the time to get to know me (and I am sure other people on here too) then you might understand how those pictures actually ARE a part of my everyday life. I just think you are being prematurely judgmental. Taking everyday pictures and having them fit into a predetermined theme are NOT mutually exclusive actions.
July 11th, 2010
I grew up in a love affair with shutters, lens, film and chemistry. I shot everything and while I wasn't making a dime, I did good work. Then I was offered my first wedding. It was good, heck everything I touched with a camera was better than good. After a while though while getting paid to shoot, I got tired of the money hassle. I got burned out to the point I hung 'em up, and didn't pick 'em back up for a quarter of a century.

My daughter showed me this site and I saw some of the work the folks here were doing and frankly I was impressed by a bunch of you. You good folks made we want to pick up a camera again, and I am glad I did. I feel the old "spark" starting to re-kindle, and I owe that to 365. Thank you all!
July 11th, 2010
Trevor, Is maybe your real issue that normal photos don't get the recognition they deserve because the more professional photos are stealing the limelight? Otherwise, why would you care? You could simply ignore the photos that aren't your style.

I think you are missing one important point about many of these so called professionals or over-photo-processors. Photography is a very important part of many of these peoples daily lives. Some do it professionally, some may be purely interested in graphic art and post camera processing. That is a part of their daily life. What that should imply to you is that for any given day that you can't seem to find meaning in their over-processed irrelevant photo, they used photography that day to continue a personal passion that you happen to not share. Over-processed photos built for praise are a part of some peoples daily lives.
July 11th, 2010
I joined this site to keep my husband who is deployed updated on daily things I am doing. It is always good to remind him of home and I love taking pictures anyway! I also love looking at everyone else's photos, they are so good!
July 11th, 2010
Hey there Trevor!

I joined this site for many reasons. I joined to find a creative outlet to combat a soul sucking job with no creativity at all. I joined because the idea of a photo a day was a challenge I decided was something I could really get in to.

I decided without even really reading what the site was about what my project was going to be.

I decided that I would try to document interesting/weird things I saw or experienced each day. Or just a photo that encapsulated that day in some way or a representation of something that had been on my mind that day..

I also decided that the best way to record the day to day was to only use the camera on my Motorola Droid. I have a P&S and I bought my wife a fancy schmancy camera that I'm more than welcome to use whenever I want. But since I always have my Droid with me, and I feel it gives me a more photo journal feel. Being limited to only 5MP makes it a real challenge to me to take as good a picture as I can with the limits of my camera.

I think you bring up some interesting points of discussion, and I gotta say, I tend to agree with you on most of them. Generally though I don't do a lot of looking around at what everyone else is doing other than my circle of friends that all decided to join at about the same time. It makes it also interesting when I'm out with said friends to not all do basicaly the same pic that day because we were doing the same things that day. lol.

Perhaps I will branch out more and see what others are up to.
July 11th, 2010
Thank you for your reply Mr Jacob. I take on board some of your points. There are no rules on here and l have absolutely no wish to see any. Its the freedom of this site that so many of us love. I do have the choice to view what l wish, you are right. The same as everyone on here and l suppose l am just trying to get a point across.Standing up for the 'common man'. I feel l have achieved that and brought this issue to a lot of people's attention. Your last sentence says it all. I guess it takes all sorts to make the world go round! Thank you to everyone for taking the time to reply and good luck with your projects. I still have a long way to go with mine and l love everyday of it!
July 11th, 2010
I joined because of peer pressure.
July 11th, 2010
my reasoning was as much about keeping some kind of personal record of my year, as the challenge of taking a photo of something significant each day. was also because i'd be able to keep up to date with one of my best friends who lives across in the states. as i started on January 1st, it was also the only new year's resolution i made this year.

While i'm by no means a proper photographer, as the project has progressed some days have been about taking a decent 'arty' photograph, but it has increasingly been about taking a photo that reflects the ups and downs of my life on a daily basis, and so far i'm proud not to have missed a day yet.

i'm already looking forward to printing my photos at the end of the year to make up a nice album of my year :)
July 11th, 2010
I guess my reasons are fairly common. It would be nice to document my life in a year, plus it is an excuse to have my camera on me everyday, and I want to get to know my camera better. But most of all, I want to get better at photography. Overall this is a great site, it has a lot of resources, ideas, and highly creative people. There is so much inspiration on this website. When I went to Vancouver last year I finally bought my Nikon D40, which I had wanted for a long time, I used it on the trip, but after that I rarely ever used it. A year later I found this site and I thought, hell why did I buy this camera? Just use it, for anything it doesn't matter. It would be great to get some feedback or critiques on some of my photos, so I can improve my skills.
July 12th, 2010
LMAO at Elo :-)
July 12th, 2010
i just want to take pictures.

and with that comes the desire to be better...and to be better, one has to practice, which i'm having problems with because i've become a master procrastinator. so i signed up for this site to lessen my procrastination and get better at what i love to do.

other people's photos, whether they be over-processed or sooc, doesn't change the way i feel about the site because i'm doing this for me and only me.
July 12th, 2010
I joined because we have been at the expat thing for 7 years now and sometimes when Im on my knees scrubbing floors or juggling the car or ironing a huge pile of everyone elses clothing it hard to remember that I AM living a life less ordinary. It encourages me not to just drive past that wat I've driven past a hundred times on the way to the gym again but to take five minutes stop and explore and then try and work out what I've seen, make it relevant to me and record it. Its made me say yes to going with my husband on short business trips when we can and not hole up in the hotel room watching the same AXN as everyone else is everwhere else but get out and try and see something I haven't before or re see something I have many times with fresh eyes. It sounds naff but its not that easy being the travelling spouse of someone who works all the time and while I still have a kid at home and while I cant work 365 gives me something thats mine....each and everyday.
July 12th, 2010

i like what zephan wrote...there is no right or wrong in this site. yeah, most photos that have been processed to perfection give me such an inferiority complex that i feel i'm never going to be good enough...but you know what? those people have helped me. A LOT. the feeling that my work is mediocre at best is overshadowed by these people's generosity in sharing their knowledge.
July 12th, 2010
My friend mentioned Project 365. I thought it was a fabulous way to focus on the positive things in life. Everyday I hope to post something that made me happy that day.
July 12th, 2010
I started the project because it seemed like an amazing way to journal the last half of my senior year and the first half of my first year of college. I also started it to learn photography and help figure out if it's something I want to do with my life.
July 12th, 2010
This is my 4th attempt at a 365 but the difference this time is that I'm not doing a self-portrait project. I am doing it with the intent of taking a picture everyday and pushing my creativity as well as improving my photography! I like to think that it's working!
July 12th, 2010
My purpose for doing this project is to share my life and my family through pictures with my family and friends. AND force myself to get into the habit of choosing only ONE. (a long story behind that)
I have a serious discipline problem when it comes to writing letters or sending birthday cards, but taking photos .... I have no problem.
I have always taken too many photo's, this is a way to make use of them TODAY, so they don't sit in a box and get moldy, or get lost in cyberspace somewhere never to be found again.
I have family and friends (who mostly started off in South Africa or at SWBTS) now living in various places in England, Isle of Skye Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, Tibet, Boston Massetusettes, Dallas Texas US, Tijana Mexico, Haiti, Jamaica, Uganda (missionary), Kenya (missionary), Sweden, Germany, Bolivia and others that will remind me shortly and I'll add them later.
I try really hard to stick to the rules... Upload a photo taken that day, but Somedays Its impossible. And also, I find that the theme gives inspiration and purpose, but I try not to beat myself up if I just don't get to it.
Also, I have tried (and will continue to try) to get more of my family and friends to participate in 365, so we can build a community within a community, and to get to know each other better, and have something INTERESTiNG in Common.
One of my sons is an amazing photographer, he has done some great shoots for people and is paid well, and has even won prizes, but the other day I asked to use his camera for something. And HE COULDN'T EVEN FIND IT!!! So sad. I'm still working on him. To join us.
And I think it would be awesome to have my two grandchildren join the project. I'd have to wait for Christmas. They both need cameras and a computer to use! Lol
Thanks for asking.
July 12th, 2010
I have a serious question though. Can I archive my project on a DVD? So I can give it to someone who is not Internet enabled in a 3rd world country?
July 12th, 2010
Inhisembrace, what a great reply! I might have to read it again to take it all in!
An interesting question re. the DVD and one l cannot answer but would also like the answer to. So, if anyone on here can enlighten us that would be great.
July 12th, 2010
A friend from the online game Second Life had recently purchased a camera. She was so excited when she found the site and that she was doing really good pictures, after never really taking pics before. She kept me up to date on her entries and after much clicking around, I thought, hmmm, I want to give this a go! At first I didn't think I could keep up with a pic every day, but now I've begun to make time for 365 each and every single day. It's been the best thing I've done to push my creative buttons. I love it more than I ever thought I would! The people and their talent is simply awesome. . . not to mention it's fascinating to see what others are taking pics of and how they improve/change over their pics!
July 12th, 2010
I joined 365 project because I love photographing. I take dozens per week. I find amusing to find 1 photo per day that has "something". Even if, as you say Trevor, it should be significant with daily life, I try to make it interesting and varied. Real daily life can be quite boring so it’s kind of a challenge to find a “good” daily picture like(mondays seem to be my bad day!), other days it’s a challenge to choose 1 from many I really like. I try to respect my project “line” that is five days of city / Paris and two days of country living. I am completely addicted to this site because it's an opportunity to see some very nice pictures and find inspiration, ideas or just be stunned by a great capture. Of course nice comments are not bad and I also like to say when I love a picture!
July 12th, 2010
creative outlet, a bit of discipline, and a record of daily life - it makes me see the beautiful things that surround me here...
and since joining I've discovered how much I love looking at other people's pictures, glimpsing their lives too.
there's no right or wrong way to use the site...a few years ago i was too embarrassed to show anyone except close friends and family my photos, sites like this can boost confidence, inspire, challenge...
July 13th, 2010
Thanks for the reply Helene. I agree with everything you have said. It really can be a challenge to find a relevant daily pic associated to your normal day. I guess it depends a lot on what that day entails as much as anything, but thereby hangs the challenge. I don't think people should worry too much about getting an unusual shot in fear of submitting a 'boring' or everyday one. It is your project. Your record of 365 days in your life. Look around. Even if its one of greedy guts eating a slice of chocolate cake :)
July 13th, 2010
you're right Trevor but except if you're a very good photographer if you only show things like what you're eating every day, or your family not sure you'll have a lot of followers. And we joined the 365 project for ourself but to share pictures, right ? !! (sorry, hope it means something with my English).
July 13th, 2010
Helene, You're English is great. Far better than my French!
Quite a few people on here seem to think they are limited to taking pics of their food, children etc. While these subjects can, of course, make good photos in their own right, there are a huge number of other areas that can make a great pic. Just look at most people on here. I am amazed at what they choose to use as subjects. Inspiration indeed. My main point on here was to highlight. what l regarded, as repetitive 'images', highly edited/manipulated/processed to the point of wondering what the hell it is all about resulting in a lot of people left feeling lost or unworthy?
Mr Jacob summed it up in his last sentence.... 'Over-processed photos built for praise are a part of some peoples daily lives'. Probably true but sad.
July 13th, 2010
Interesting angle on a question that has been asked before. I started this to provide a kind of journal.

For a few years now, I've been trying to find a way to keep a record of my life - blogs, journals, custom-made spreadsheets, and nothing has stuck - have given up after a few days, weeks or occasionally months. I'm now half way through the year and each day I have posted a pic (generally related to my routine life or something special I've been up to) together with some blurb (sometimes short, other times rambling). So I'm particularly grateful to 365 for allowing me to find a way to make up for my failing memory and really don't mind how other people choose to use it.

Having said that, I do find that I am very much less inclined to follow people whose only plus point is their technical proficiency and post-processing talent (I can keep up with them via the popular page!) and more inclined to follow those who I feel some affinity towards in terms of the subject matter they choose, their approaches to pics and life - even if their pics are less technically accomplished. That's what I've found to be the unexpected plus side to taking part in this - the sense of community. And also I thnk, the details of somebody else's mundane everyday existence can be fascinating to someone living on the other side of the world.
July 13th, 2010
Thanks for the reply Isla, I'm with you all the way!
July 13th, 2010
@ Isla & Trevor : With you all the way too. Not very interesting for me to be a "photoshop pro". Rather look at nice or original captures. Today I was in the suburb of Paris with a lot of new buldings. The perspective were great, very "graphic", a lot of "good subject" from ordinary places. Unfortunatly I took my camera but left the battery home!!
July 13th, 2010
I joined 365 on a friend's recommendation. I was dubious because for one thing, I'm recently retired and absolutely averse to commitments of any sort. Also, I didn't think I'd have much to offer on a site with "real" photogs. But I've gotten over both phobias.

I've balanced the commitment thing by sometimes attempting to improve a previous "almost" image. To me this means the image is new for that day because I have invested it with time, energy, and new creative ideas. Also, this has been a great stimulous to learn more about that expensive Photoshop program that sucks up space on my computer.

As far as measuring up, I realize that there are many others out there who struggle just as I do. Half of any endeavor is building up a skill set and the confidence to use those skills.

As far as the rules go, I stick to my own mantra. "Rules are made for breaking."
I try not to break them, but I confess to stretching them. I like the everyday concept, but in real life it just doesn't always work. My images are all over the place, so is my life. That much is real.

I don't spend enough time reading the blogs, and discussion groups. There's lots of great information and inspiration to be had on this site. But, I have many other things to occupy my time as well, so I read when I can.

I love the world-wide aspect of 365. Somedays I feel like a world traveler as I peer into the lives of people living in Paris, Bangelor, or New York. And I also love the youthful energy and creativity displayed on 365. I'm probably the granny of the site and I'm often amazed at the wonderfully creative angles some of the younger people come up with, using really minimal equipment but maximum artistry. Photography shouldn't just be about the camera or the editing equipment. It needs to also be about the vision.
July 14th, 2010
Nice reply Linda, or should we be calling you Gran!!!!
July 15th, 2010
Linda you're so right. I love to follow people all other the world just to "travel". it's a nice way to discover a country or to remerber past trips. By the way I'm surprised but didn't find a lot of people from NYC. Any name to give me?
and you're so rifgt about the younger people, they impress me a lot.
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