Analogue April

March 21st, 2012
Bored of the same old humdrum?
Digital photography not providing any challenges?
Curious about that old film camera your Granddad left you?
Miserable since 365 got a little bit boring when Tina went?

I have the answer to all these problems and more.
Analog April. Basically use a proper camera for a month, if you're ace then just use one of your many folders, if you're average then let it take over your one folder alltogether. The Film-February crowd are split, some are gonna do April some are waiting for May, but this is a shout out to those who envied our film-fraternity during February and want to be part of it this time.

Rules are thus:
You post film everyday for the month of April.
End of rules.
If you need a tag then use this one:
If you don't own a proper camera, go on eBay now, you will get a Canon EOS SLR for about $20, a Holga 135 for about $20, a Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim for about $5, a Praktica MTL5 for about $10 the list goes on, buy your film on eBay too, expired is cheapest.
March 21st, 2012
Please no silly questions about, hey how do you take and post a picture a day?? You have to be flexible. Walgreens, Wallmart, ASDA, Max Spielmans all process and scan to CD 35mm film for cheap usually in an hour.
March 21st, 2012
Yay! Count me in. I've missed having a "reason" to shoot film for the last couple of weeks. :)
March 21st, 2012
@sdpace whooo!
March 21st, 2012
is analogue a fancy spelling of analog? :D
March 21st, 2012
I'll pass (April is work crazy), but I promise to post a bunch of film pics in late May. I'll be taking film for star trails and night photography on a two week trip to central Australia and can mess around with it there to my heart's content. Have fun people :)
March 21st, 2012
I think I may give it a go with some disposables.
March 21st, 2012
I love it! great idea! ;-) I think that tomorrow I will buy a photographic film. April here we go! :) and thanks for the encouragement Dave!
March 21st, 2012
@miley89 Love it! I've actually taken some beautiful shots with disposable panoramics, and regular ones too! Will enjoy seeing them. TiPl In high sun, place your hand horizontally about 5" over the top of the lens to shield the sun. Works great!
March 21st, 2012
@sdpace Hahahahaha. I smell the blood of an Englishman.
March 21st, 2012
Dave, hell, I'm in for April and May. If I really get a bug up my ass, I may just do it the rest of the year. Hold it. That would be too many bugs up my ass. I may have to pull another bug out to fit this bug in. Iwwww.
March 21st, 2012
@miley89 Oh disposibles is a great idea! But I do have a film camera from a million years ago, I just need film I think I finally tossed it all it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo old lol.
March 21st, 2012
count me in. I've still some learning to do with my pentax.
March 21st, 2012
i might give it a go... found my old pentax and some expired film in a drawer the other day... now i have to figure out where to buy batteries and then remind myself how the durned thing works!
March 21st, 2012
Not gonna happen, I switched from digital in or around 2000 to cure a 20+rolls/month addiction. I am not going back, that is one dangerously expensive habit.

Ironically, I had to use a film shot for half of today's composition:

March 21st, 2012
You know I'm in. Got a backlog of film photos. Here's some I've posted in last couple of day from Pentax and OM1. BTW got rolls of Agfa Vista recently for A2 dollars a pop. Like no rules. have also been playing with some film photos in Snapseed.

Can I suggest that we also tag with film as well?

@northy @myla @tamsg4 @pvera @cluvlj @roville @miley89 @dieter @sdpace @chewyteeth
March 21st, 2012
@northy Oy, I forgot that thing probo needs batteries too!
March 21st, 2012
@tamsg4 What kind of cam do you have, Tams?
March 21st, 2012
Great! This might force me to get out the canon I inherited over a month ago!
March 21st, 2012
@beautifulthing my old Minolta from high school! This one actually, I've only used it for a challenge lol:

Actually I better make sure I didn't leave the old batteries in there if there are any (!?!) and they aren't battery soup...

Edit to add, I checked & at least found where the batteries are (point for me), I DID leave them in there for a million years (point...not for me), but they weren't corroded (yay!) but I do need 2 new watch batteries. I also left all of the AA batteries in the flash, also not corroded, but they're so old they have that touch point thing on them to test battery strength.

March 21st, 2012
Alright I've changed it but I can't change the title.
March 21st, 2012
@northy @myla @tamsg4 @pvera @cluvlj @roville @miley89 @dieter @sdpace @chewyteeth

I thought we'd called it film-february last time, but I just realised it was film-challenge2012, do people want to use this as a tag and mix the pics in with the last lot, or shall we try analog-April2012 to keep it different (aparently Analogue is a word but it has nothing to do with cameras)
March 21st, 2012
Remember eBay, but maybe eBay is not popular in Italy because of the bad postal service? I know when I lived there the post was slow, and I know eBay UK allows you to sell in Europe without Italy for this reason, but eBay film is about 1.80 euro each on average and I bet your high street store sells it at about 4 euro, if it is the same as UK. What camera will you use?
March 21st, 2012
Film? You mean where you have to pay for each shot you take. Those canisters with a roll of just 24 shots!?! Where you actually develop and wait days for the pictures (oh good, it's only just one hour)? *breath* *breath* Why do I have such a feeling of panic and anxiety? Good thing you used the word analogue, I barely have an idea of what that is.

I'm JeanCarl, and I'm addicted to endless digital photography. Though a Polaroid instant camera could be the middle ground and interesting. I played with one of those when I was a kid. ;-)
March 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth I think using a simple tag is best, because people misspelled things last time, and they didn't land under the tag initially. Suggest something like "realraw", filmiscool", etc. Thoughts?
March 21st, 2012
March 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth hey Dave! I have a Yashica FX-3 and the film I will buy in a supermarket dedicated to photography. But I have to check the prices because I'm outdated.
March 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth What a great challenge. @jeancarl Funny! Breathe. It'll come back to you! :)
March 21st, 2012

Shelly, srsly, chillax!
March 21st, 2012
@cluvlj @miley89
I managed to spell Analog wrong and I have a shitting Masters in Creative Writing, so I feel April-spools is a good option, or film-lives
Whoever comments next can decide, ha!
March 21st, 2012
You spelt analogue correct!
March 21st, 2012
yeah where you pay for it Jean Carl, you've got it!!

My digital camera costs £450 and is free to use except I need to recharge it.
My film camera was given to me, in fact I have 8 that were given to me. The film costs £1.80 and £2 to develop to CD and takes an hour, that's £3.80
I think that goes about 118 times, so as long as i shoot less than 118 rolls of film (and no they're 36) so that's 4263 photos, it should work out quite cost efficient.

Thanks for pointing out another plus for shooting in film, high five!
March 21st, 2012
@jeancarl I think an instant camera would rock!
March 21st, 2012
@tamsg4 yeah but if the problem is cost, polaroid 600 film is going for about £40 here in the UK for ten shots. You can't do that for long before you have to get on the social housing list.
March 21st, 2012
I thought it was UK versus US spelling, but wikipedia tells me analogue is something medical, totally different word...?
March 21st, 2012
I think it's just the spelling.

Polaroid's got to be the most expensive option. I got one of those hideous looking JoyCam things years ago, loads of fun, they discontinued the film for it. Rendering it useless as well as worthless.

March 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth @miley89 Yeah that would only happen if for some reason I already had one...which I did, about a million years before this Minolta that I just happen to still have. All the rest of my old film cameras disappeared into the void over the years but I just found this one in the back of my closet by chance. Probably cos I was really late to getting a digital camera at all so it never occured to me to find something to do with it! It's still the only SLR I have so this should be interesting as I don't remember how to use it ;)

I have to get batteries & film I better get on Amazon or eBay or whatever soon!
March 21st, 2012
YEY I'm in and buggering off to ebay now, I want those cool steel lenses you have @chewyteeth that I can stick on my monster DSLR when I'm done with the film! Also still have some Impossible film for my Polaroid left, YEY and I vote FILM-LIVES for the tag! Thanks for giving me some of my Mojo back!
March 21st, 2012
OK. Im back in for another round. I need to practice shooting my Yashica TLR among others, and I have a stack of Polaroid and Instax film in the fridge. Hey I might even bust out the old developing tank and do some more B&W. Gotta Love Analogue. ~:)
March 21st, 2012
When I am still using film since February then I'm in.
March 22nd, 2012
Aiight a trip to Target today led me to go see what they have (ummmm don't listen to the sales person who says they only have Polaroid film) and I ended up with new batteries (they are a different number but after trying to compare the size for a few minutes I found the tiny replacement #'s on the package haha), a disposible camera for the hell of it, and a box with 3 rolls of film. I already have 'can't see what I just shot' anxiety!!! ;-P Squeeeeee I'm excited to see if I can get anything to come out on these 3 rolls!
March 22nd, 2012
@northy @myla @tamsg4 @pvera @cluvlj @roville @miley89 @sdpace @chewyteeth


So Charli says film-lives and I say that's cool, so see you on April 1st, for #film-lives

Shell I decided not to buy more on eBay, my sick list of cameras is long enough, maybe it needs a Lubitel 166, maybe it needs an instax 210 but there's enough here to keep me busy till 2014. Maybe it needs a Kiev rangefinder. I mean the more I think about it..........
March 22nd, 2012
@tamsg4 Its probably the repackaged instax mini stuff for the er, new polaroid, which is a rebadged Fuji.
March 22nd, 2012
@noo Hmmm maybe, I ignored it to try to choose what was the difference between Kodax Gold & Kodak Ultra clue so I just got the cheaper one ;)
March 22nd, 2012
@chewyteeth We will be there!
March 22nd, 2012
@chewyteeth I have decided the only other cameras I'm buying are the ones on my dream list. And I am DEFINITELY not buying any more film point and shoots. Unless I find an Espio Mini. But then I'm stopping. Srsly. Probably. Maybe.
March 22nd, 2012
@beautifulthing I've used a Pentax Espio, they're not that good. ;(
March 22nd, 2012
@chewyteeth Hmm...p'raps I'll think twice on that one, then. I really do need to stop with the point and shoots. They're sort of like beefed-up Holgas though, and they are quick for everyday shooting. I always carry my DSLR, but anymore I feel remiss if I don't have at least one film cam on me too. :)
March 22nd, 2012
@beautifulthing I've got about 15 compacts in my cupboard, and I hate them all, its because I asked a ton of people to get me cameras (people who work in thrift shops etc) and they always get me compacts and I mean SLRs. I can't even sell them on eBay because they go for about $1.
March 23rd, 2012

to get your juices flowing.
@beautifulthing @cluvlj @noo @tamsg4 @miley89 @la_photographic @charli321 @sdpace @roville @peterdegraaff @cmc1200
and also if you haven't already check out the super website for photos, and you can search by camera and by film to see collections, some great pics on there!
March 23rd, 2012
@chewyteeth OMG, it's like sending crack to an addict. Do NOT send me to the lomo site. ;) I almost bought this yesterday as it is:
March 23rd, 2012
@beautifulthing Ummmmm don't show me that I can buy stuff on Amazon, I don't need to know these things!!! :-O Mr Pink!
March 23rd, 2012
@chewyteeth What ebay do you use, because expired film goes for stupid amounts of money on there thanks to all the hipsters!

B&H and Freestyle Photo are some of the cheapest for film online. They also sell Holgas for far cheaper than lomography.
March 23rd, 2012
@tamsg4 most Target electronics employees don't have a clue what there talking about! ( I know I work at Target ) but I work in the photo lab!!!! So bring it on film challenge
March 23rd, 2012
@photodreamm Ha! I found it really odd that they'd have polaroid film but no regular film so I went & looked anyway! I only asked cos she asked me if I needed help finding anything but I totally didn't believe her lol. I was wondering if Target still did film developping too I didn't look! I live practically in the Super Target here it's so close ;)
March 23rd, 2012
@tamsg4 we are required to ask " can I help you find something" in the sickly sweet voice its disgusting really ...some targets don't develop anymore but mine does ! It's almost cheating really since I can process my own film and change it however I want
March 23rd, 2012
@chewyteeth Can't remember where we had convo about meeting on Sunday, unfortunately the wedding fair in manc has been cancelled so we're heading to Liverpool for one there instead. I'm free every afternoon next week though ( cept Monday when I'll be judging the any app but hipsta challenge).
March 23rd, 2012
@photodreamm Hmmmm I'll have to check mine...and haha yeah I usually avoid them but she caught me too fast!!
March 23rd, 2012
I've now found that I have a filter of some sort for my 35-70mm lens, that I didn't remember how to open the back of the camera (took me a good 5 min to puzzle that one out), and that I still have all of my original receipts warranties & owners manuals from 1992. I might need them haha...not expecting much from this first roll of film. :-O

Once I figure out how to load the camera that is...

Whaaaaa whaaaaaa...edit to add, it seems my old SLR doesn't work!! I think I'm not getting any power now tho I did when I first changd the batteries, can't even get the film to load. Totally camera modid right now. Guess I'm down to just that disposible I also bought, bummer! :(
March 23rd, 2012
Don't let anyone on ebay get wind of this they'll up their prices! I love the recent film revival, I can't wait to jump on the band wagon in the future!
March 23rd, 2012
I wonder if my old Canon A1 will fire up again?
March 26th, 2012
so...i really want to join in, but I'm not allowed to ask the dumb questions. waahhh!
March 31st, 2012
@chewyteeth look what I got today
March 31st, 2012
you are monkey kidding me?
what, where, how, why, when, eh???

Sorry totally didn't get back to you about meeting up for camera talk. been super busy. Do you realise this is the king of cameras?
March 31st, 2012
@chewyteeth Yep, went to the place in Manchester, was going to buy something for £50, took one look at this and bought it! only £100 with replaced hot shoe, 50mm lens, strap and film, plus a quick 'how to' demo buy the nice chap in there. I've been looking on ebay and its comparable tbh and lovely to have a chat with the chaps in there. Already been out trying it out. I just LOVE its analog dials it's just so gorgeous! Also got some Impossible film from a shop opp Fred Aldous.

No worries about last week, I was feeling pretty shattered after a full on w/e. Hope you're all ready for Analogue April? I may have to start with polaroid, might take me a few days to get all the film in the olympus !
March 31st, 2012
I love that shop on Stephensons square, I know the guy who works there, the one who doesn't smile, he is a great writer, I get my impossible project film from there.
incidently did they have much in the £50 bracket. I reckon for an OM1 in this condition you'd be looking at 100-200 on eBay if it was being sold well. The dials are so f-king sweet. and if you shoot with the Canon you might find the adaptor ring to fit the OM1 lens on the DSLR, my Canon has one but I haven't bought it. whoop for film, and whoop for Manchester camera/film shops, keeping it alive. We'll have to do an April film photo trip??!?
April 1st, 2012
@charli321 @chewyteeth That camera is AWESOME and shiny. That one is definitely on my list. :) Also, HAPPY ANALOG APRIL!! :)
April 1st, 2012
@chewyteeth Also, what did we end up settling on for the tag? film-lives?
April 1st, 2012
@chewyteeth Ha ha he served me, so miserable! Nope, even there om10's were £60, their om1's start at £90! I didn't entertain the Nikon/canon cameras though so they might be cheaper, there was a photog student in there who had everything out on the counter trying to decide!
April 1st, 2012
April 1st, 2012
@chewyteeth Have already posted and tagged two
April 5th, 2012
om geebees....i just got some rolls back and i'm caught up now. i told Shelly I find myself being snapshotty with my film camera - more candids of my kids, random shit I see. I do like that the Canon is not so bulky - I usually have it with me wherever I am.

This is my fav so far, I posted 6 today.

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