I am frustrated!!

July 16th, 2010
I hadn't taken a DECENT picture in days!
I go out everyday to different places, and there's just nothing I want to take a picture of!
I don't know what to do, I don't have inspiration, I don't have anything interesting (I usually only take pictures of interesting things according to me) to photograph, and I don't even have a good camera.
I need a bit of help? I promised myself I'd start taking pictures again starting from tomorrow, but I am not sure what to take a picture of!
Any ideas??
July 16th, 2010
This sometimes happens to me sadly. :( I just browse this website or deviantART to find inspiration. Right now, I really want to do water photography since I saw Jessica's discussion. I see you commented on it.. why don't you try it?
July 16th, 2010
Think of a theme for tomorrow... like a thing that makes you happy, makes you sad, makes you smile and then take pictures of different things that fit in your theme and at the end choose the best. Or think what you would like to show to your foreign friend who is visiting - something that you think is typical to your place, or what makes it to what it is.
July 16th, 2010
Try to pick a theme or topic you want to study...an idea or emotion, and then find it around where you are or create it yourself. One thing someone once told me was to keep a journal of thoughts, ideas, sketches, dreams, and even quotes that you liked and try to find a way to make that into a visual image. Eventually they all start to sprout out like a tree.

It does happen to everyone at sometime though... and it's even more frustrating with 365. In my own life, I find taking a mental break for a moment, going out with friends, or doing something unrelated to what I'm fretting about will loosen up my brain a bit. :) I hope that helps.

Hang in there.
July 16th, 2010
i like the site dailyshoot.com. A different theme/challenge everyday. And if you're not inspired by the theme of the day, you can look at older themes.
July 16th, 2010
Just keep your camera with you - snap away and I'm sure inspiration will hit you!
July 16th, 2010
My advice is NOT to go out and look for a photo to snap. If you are forcing yourself to take one, it won't be something as good because you are just doing it to do it and you'll probably end up missing the good photo. For me, usually the best ones come whenever I see something and think "that would be a neat picture." I find it to be the same with any art field: photography, music, painting, etc.. if you force it, you aren't producing your best work.. Hope this helps (probably doesn't).
July 16th, 2010
Wow. You sure are putting a lot of pressure on yourself.

It's like trying to not think about something. The more you try, the less successful it becomes.

Your pictures are always very dramatic with a lot of color. Try the opposite. Something quiet and subtle. Or something funny and silly. A self portrait maybe.

The problem I have, is if I have a successful image, I try to make something just as good. And you know the sequel is never as good as the original.

Good Luck Dalia.
July 16th, 2010
I'd just say to give yourself permission to take one just for the discipline of it, and if you don't have any great ones for that day, post one anyway. I feel like when I do that for a few days, then I end up really inspired and take some pics I really like.

I am there with you by the way! Inspiration needs to come visit!
July 16th, 2010
I agree that it sounds like you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself. I take pictures every day because I love to take pictures every day. Most days it's just a flower, caterpillar, or butterfly because that's what I have at home. Some days I might go to a local park or something but I usually won't make a special trip anywhere just to get a picture, unless there is something specific I want to get a picture of. Tomorrow I'm going to a hot air balloon festival and I'm very excited!

I take at least 50 pictures every day, at least. Most days it's in the hundreds. I figure out of all of those I should get at least one that is postable LOL.

Relax and have fun! It should be fun. When it becomes not fun for me anymore I will quit doing it.
July 17th, 2010
Dalia, when I get that uninspired feeling, I do something else for awhile. The nice thing about the 365 is you can catch up because when that inspiration comes again, you will end up with many photos! Then, when I end up behind in the dates, I choose a theme... my own... and do a series, so to speak. Mostly, I think you just have to roll with it because the more you think about it, the more frustrating it becomes. It will pass when you relax. OMG... I sound like Ann Landers.
July 17th, 2010
Try to tell a story with you photo. Even if you aren't inspired when you start, maybe it will come to you. You sound depressed. Maybe go out for a walk and see if you get inspiration.
July 17th, 2010
yep im hearing ya , i get stuck alot .. but i make myself get out there and get something .. Try things u dont normally do !! no harm done u can delete what u dont like .. have fun is the most important thing .
July 17th, 2010
Dalia, I think everyone is on pretty much the same page. Anything like this, whether it is photography, writing, painting, sketching, etc. runs the risk of dry spells. It is normal, but I relaize this is not much relief for the person going through it. I am constantly looking for that awesome photo opp, anbd it can be so frustrating. As you are out and about, just keep an open mind and eye, and as you look around at the things around you, try to picture things in a photo, framing it in your mind. It can be the simplest thing, but as you walk around and look at these simple things from different perspectives, you will notice how these simple things change in appearance and presentation. One of the simple things I like to photograph are fence posts / fences. You will be amazed at how nice a simple post can appear in a photo with some editing. Make sure you have your camera with you, and when you see something simple, stop and take several photos of the subject, approaching it from various angles, different settings. Then look for something else and do the same thing. I think most of us are always looking for that one "great" photo, and it can be so frustrating when we just do not find it. Just hang in there. Keep taking photos and you will be surprised one day to find the one, the one that really stands out.
July 17th, 2010
yeah i feel you....i'm suffering from camera boredom now....i feel like i'm getting repetitive with my pictures because there is nothing to shoot around me any more it seems....instead of taking a picture everyday i've started going out once a week and snapping a ton of things basically for the whole week...my problem is not really being able to get out of the apartment to snap stuff i like....
i'm so over my camera too and want a new one so bad but that will have to wait until Christmas....don't get my wrong I have a nice Nikon DSLR but it's old and i'm stuck with one lens that isn't great....i think i manage to get some ok shots....

help with motivation.....you might try randomly opening the dictionary and pointing to a word and let that be your inpiration or theme of the day or week.
July 17th, 2010
I was feeling this way yesterday and my hubby told me I should take a picture of all my pictures scattered on the floor. Of course he was trying to be funny but I immediately thought how fun of a picture that might be. I haven't done it but maybe you could give it a shot!! Hang in there!! I'm already seeing how hard it is to find a great shot every day. So I try to forget the great shot and just document what I did that day. Whether it is boring to someone else or not, in the end I find meaning to it. Good luck!!
July 17th, 2010
i know what you mean, ive hit this stump-- and am still in it. ugh. ever since a couple days before florida and still in florida and no ideas.
July 17th, 2010
maybe go to a completely different area, somewhere you have not been to before or haven't been to in a long time. I just bet the juices start flowing then.
July 17th, 2010
Making a photo everyday is HARD WORK. I always trie to remember that something that is common to me isn't for others. You live in Egypt right? I know, I have to admit, very little of Egypt, except the pyramids ofcourse, so every picture taken there would be interesting for me.

Prettig weekend, veel succes met fotograferen! :)
July 17th, 2010
I'm sorry to read you're so frustrated, Dalia. I feel that way when I get a writer's block--like there's nothing I can write that will be good enough. I would take several days off to clear your head and reduce the pressure to "perform." Then, reapproach.
Also, if you are approaching your photos like, "I have to take a masterpiece today," then you kind of set yourself up. Those things will happen (by accident, sometimes) but not by putting pressure on yourself. You take great photos, but it does sound like you're a bit burnt out. Be easy on yourself and give yourself some time. (:
July 17th, 2010
I agree with most of the previous posts, Dalia. Artistry just doesn't happen every single day, on command. This site is supposed to document your life, surely your life isn't 365 artistic? So don't worry about it. At odd times during the day, simply stop what you're doing for a moment and look around you. What is there in front of you that could describe your moment? A chair? A waste bin? A coffee mug? Bed sheets? Dishes in the sink? Think mundane, aim the camera, and stop worrying and forcing creativity.
July 17th, 2010
Thanks guys!
I am going to take a bit of a break I guess.
I will try not to be too hard on myself.. Hahah
July 18th, 2010
Dalia: You're definitely putting too much pressure on yourself. Personally, I approach my photo every day as a way of documenting my life day by day. I'm not doing it to put together the most artistic picturs every day that I can. But that's just me. My life isn't exciting by any stretch. lol. However, what I do find is that I keep my camera with me at all times, and while I'm out and about, if I keep my eyes open, something will jump out at me even though I'm not purposefully looking for something to shoot. And it could be anything. A building, a statue, a flower....anything.

And in all honesty, there can be beauty in the mundane.

Just take a step back when you're out for the day. Look at everything through the eyes of someone just seeing it for the first time. I find that that helps for me.
July 18th, 2010
Agreed, don't force it.

When you go out to try to take your masterpiece photo, turn around and take a picture the opposite direction, it might be interesting.

If that fails, what do you pass on your daily travels (to work, school, shopping...)? any old buildings, old business signs, something that might not be there tomorrow? Take a picture of that, it doesn't have to artsy, plain old boring practical archival photo. I have now missed three photos that I had wanted to take (an old rusty motel sign, two old c-band satellite dishes [10 foot variety that would have been good with a astrophysics caption], and an old art deco building that the machines are chewing up [I don't go past them when the work is taking place].

Hope that gives you some boring ideas to try.
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