I'm doing it wrong! >_

July 22nd, 2010
The 365 project entails posting a photo of each day of the year; I know that much - but some days, the photo chosen is just so vague that there's no hope of it triggering some kind of memory a few months down the line. Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Aren't you supposed to capture something meaningful; something that'll bring you back to that moment? I get that some people have opted to use this as a photography project as opposed to a journal-type thing, but I don't really know where I'm going with this D:

In short, anyone else get like this? >_
July 22nd, 2010

July 22nd, 2010
For me if I did it as a blog they'd all be the same photo, which wouldn't really help with recalling stuff either, derp. Which is why I did it the way I'm doing it... doesn't bother me, overly :)

Maybe if there's nothing unique happening on a given day, that's your cue to go off and make something unique happen, so you create/do something specific to get a photo of? Photography driving a more active lifestyle...
July 22nd, 2010
You're so smart :3 I should just talk to you directly, haha
July 22nd, 2010
I'm using my 365 project as sort of a photojournal of my family's lives throughout the year. That being said, not all the photos are going to bring me back to that moment as some days are just "normal" where there's nothing spectacular happening besides just living. On those days, my photo is usually something around the yard or house. :)
July 22nd, 2010
Annie, hit me up if you like :) ocyfe70whainup83@mailcatch.com
July 22nd, 2010
Annie, I use it as way to get me out of the house every day. If I didn't have this project, I'd be home bound and become agoraphobic. So in a way, it is a journal type thing for me because it is a reminder that I got out of the house and did at least one thing productive. And that's get a shot for the project. And I have you to thank for that, too, by the way! :)
July 22nd, 2010
This may be of help .... or not.


I know there are days when nothing makes sense and that's when I turn to the dailyshoot.com or themes or just taking pictures of things around my house. Everything is part of your life all you need to do is take a moment to see it. There is always something that will make a worthwhile picture if only to remind you of your life.

added: Some people are doing specific projects while others are just doing whatever they feel like. You do not need a direction to go in your project. Just let it flow each and every day.
July 22nd, 2010
I find that, more often then not, it's not possible to capture the thing that made that day significant. Either because it happened at a moment when I didn't have my camera or it was a piece of information, something intangible. Not to mention that some days just have no real significance.

I believe this is why Ross didn't put a character limit on the photo caption(if you're a techie, don't bust my balls, I know a varchar has 4gig limit, not that Ross was shortsighted enough to allow that...). When your photo isn't saying a thousand words, add them yourself. It's a photo blog with a word blog back up. I often like to say a few words about that day in my caption as a nice reminder.
July 22nd, 2010

That made me laugh. :D

I think I do both but I'm leaning towards making it more relevant to my every day life. When I look at some of my photos from before though I can tell that nothing really happened that day so I ventured into the yard to take a macro. :P

I feel like sometimes when you take photos that have a lot of interest to them because you took an arty shot or something... then more people are likely to comment, rather than if you take a photo of a piece of toast with jam on it because that's what the highlight of your day was because most people will potentially skip over it.

Sometimes it's about having the courage to post something that might not be overly interesting, purely because you did nothing all day but sit in your pyjamas and watch re-runs of Dawson's Creek.

I've forgotten the question! Where's my weetbix?!
July 23rd, 2010
I am using the 365 experience to encourage me to take a photo every day just to better myself. I know that I am learning so much about my camera and using it properly only because I am encouraged to use it every day. If I didn't have this project, I would get discouraged and give up some days. Plus...I figure that it is ok to post the boring shots too just so I can see the reality of my life in the future. It is ok to have a boring day. :D
July 23rd, 2010
i've hit 2 major slumps this year... you can tell because it is heavily iPhone taken photos!

but my goal is to get a photo taken every day - be it through a theme challenge or just through living my every-day life. Some days my life is heavily in the "mom" zone or "work" zone of my life... some days it is heavily in the "hiking" zone, nature loving hippie zone, or the like, and some days my life is just me being lazy and sitting on the couch all day enjoying some down time.

it doesn't truly matter how exciting the photo is for me... life can't be FULL of go-go-go and excitement every single day, we'd be tired and lose focus on the simple things in life if it was, so in my view, for myself - this challenge is only for me and about me. if people do not look at my photos or even like my photos... it isn't a big deal. i'm not here to win a photo contest, other than the finish line of having a photo, taken BY ME every-single-day-of-this-year! :o)

good luck!
July 23rd, 2010
>re-runs of Dawson's Creek

July 23rd, 2010
haha i approve! ^^^

it's probably wrong that sad Dawson makes me happy... it's quite impressive eyebrow control though you have to admit!
July 23rd, 2010
You're not doing it wrong, because there is no right or wrong! Not all days are winners and all photos aren't winners either. Just have fun with your camera!
July 23rd, 2010
Annie, for me the key is seeing what others do, then trying it myself. That has really stretched me. I no longer just take snapshots. I really try to express something. Many of my photos would have no meaning for others, but they're meaningful to me because they reflect my changes or improvement in how I view something, and how I translate that view to others. Try to step out of the box, out of your comfort zone.
July 23rd, 2010
I'm using 365 not just as a daily journal of my life, but to document parts/things in my life. So, if there's nothing interesting happening in the way of an event, I take a shot of something meaningful to me (a plant, a building, etc.). I find that I am now thinking about my circle of 365 "friends" and trying to find things that they will enjoy ... LOL!
August 8th, 2010
@ Marti

I've found that no matter how much I like someone's photo, it just does nothing for me, as far as inspiration goes. It'd feel like I'm trying to emulate their lives, almost? I'm starting to get more comfortable with my own photos though; they don't always make sense but they're mine, ya know?
August 9th, 2010
I agree with steve, some days there's something special happening and I take a photo of it, sometimes its a bit of a stretch. Other times I find a shot that I want to do and go about making it work. I think it all works in ;)
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