am I the only one?

May 23rd, 2012
When I first started this project I told myself that I was going to avoid uploading or having "fillers" but I've found it really hard to keep my word. I've either been busy or unmotivated that I don't even take my camera everywhere like I use to.

I don't want to leave blanks in my project so I have no other choice but to upload fillers. I feel bad for doing it. It feels as if I'm cheating or breaking the rules. Please tell me I'm not the only one feeling this way.
May 23rd, 2012
I have to admit. Life gets in my way sometimes too.... I don't feel bad about it too much, because,.,we are only human..
May 23rd, 2012
@rayg86 I feel like I cheated today, I took my pic for today yesterday. I set it up on purpose because I knew it would be the only time I would have a someone to pose for me. Don't be too hard on yourself, we can't be perfect all the time. Fillers can be heaps of fun too, it can show how far you've come with your photography skills. You might even like to re edit them and see how far you've come with your editing skill :D
May 23rd, 2012
well... try as i might, i don't always manage to get a decent photo every day... for any number of reasons... so indeed, i do use fillers... however i do not feel as though i am either cheating or breaking the rules ;p

it's your project, so your rules!

my view is that if you set impossible standards for yourself, you will have all that more reason to give up... if you need to cut yourself some slack to stay in the game, then do it... because the point is to stay in the game, right?
May 23rd, 2012
Sometimes I have a planned photo shoot of a model and we use several looks or locations. Or I am at an event that offers many excellent photo opportunities. During these occasions, I spend a lot of time during the shoot and after the shoot selecting the best photos and editing them. When this happens, I prefer to post several photos from this planned and orchestrated shoot rather than grabbing my camera and taking a photo of the dog or a flower. It is the work I am more passionate about and therefore it is what I prefer to show. The goal of this project for me has been to get me to do some things that I don't normally do and to try to develop a better eye for photos. I feel I am accomplishing those goals even if I don't spend the effort to get a special photo every single day. I would say I have posted filler shots about 5% of the time.
May 23rd, 2012
It is YOUR project, your followers will enjoy your photos for what they say not always the date they are taken! Relax and have fun!
May 23rd, 2012
I think you have to ask yourself what is your main motivation for embarking on the 365... To avoid fillers? Or to improve on your photography? for me the latter is my motivation and so what's more important to me is to commit to shoot everyday. Posting a photo keeps me focused on the project but I don't see why it needs to be a shot from that day.

I know not everyone will share my views but this is my 2nd 365 and I've decided to make it my own with my own rules - so for me it's more project shoot 365.
May 23rd, 2012
Your project, your rules. That is the only thing you need to worry about. Load fillers or not, it is your choice alone. You are so close to finishing your project. I think you are hitting the place where it can be hard to push through but if you do you won't be disappointed with having finished. I felt the same around the the same count but I just kept on. You know what happened? I started panicing towards the end because I had picked up speed and found there were so many things I still wanted to take pictures of and share. It drove me crazy and it drove me into doing a second year. I'm into my third year and still have lulls but I carry my camera and let things speak to me instead of trying to go out to find something to post. I pushed through and am really happy I did because I have done so much more than I would have imagined when I was struggling that first year.
May 23rd, 2012
K, I'm just gonna troll here: on year 2 now. No fillers. I'm quite proud of myself. Just sayin'.
May 23rd, 2012
I have used some fillers for days when I was too sick to do anything, other days I use an edit I did that day...if I take 400 photos one day and spend 3 days editing I don't feel bad using those shots. Like everyone says, it is your project! :)
May 23rd, 2012
I try to take photos every day but don't always succeed. Makes me feel a little lazy to use fillers but what the hey!! I just want to post a pic a day and if it has to come from a little while ago then so be it. Prefer keeping it for today' photos though.
May 23rd, 2012
Sometimes I have no choice but to upload fillers....better than quitting I say!
May 23rd, 2012
I started on Jan 5th, but didn't want to have gaps on the calender so put 4 fillers in there. I haven't needed to put fillers in since then, and hope to go through till Jan 5 2013 without using one, and have even thought about moving those first 4 pics to my other album. But really it's not that big a deal. Take a photo a a photo a 3 photo's a day. As long as you keep enjoying taking photos of anything and everything, just keep snapping!!!
well done to you. Hope I can say that this time next year!!!
May 23rd, 2012
There really are no no, you aren't breaking any!!
May 23rd, 2012
There are no rules..this is for you, a photo journel..a chance to critique and to be critqued.....just have fun!
May 23rd, 2012
I've done a lot of fillers, now I'm not even bothering to add fillers, just leaving spots blank. It happens, life gets in the way.
May 23rd, 2012
tonight I will load # 980,, so yeah Ive had a few fillers.. do I care?? nope.. do I feel like I have cheated?? no rules here to cheat on...
your project . your rules..
May 23rd, 2012
look at it this way... you COULD take a photo every day, and if there's something going on making it impossible for you to take a great picture, you could just point the camera at the floor or ceiling and post it... just so you can say you took a photo each and every day.... or you can do your best to take daily shots, but on days when you just can't for whatever reason, upload something you feel good about sharing.
May 23rd, 2012
A few weeks ago someone suggested doing a full week of fillers just so we could get some photos posted that had missed out the first time around. I decided to do that and really enjoyed going back through the first few months of photos to find some that I wanted to get on to my project. By the end of the week I was more than ready to get back out with the camera. I've used the odd filler in other places too but for the most part I don't feel guilty about it and I'm finding I do it less now than I did in the beginning. So maybe try committing a whole week to fillers. You might find it gives you back the energy to get that camera out again. Worked for me!
May 23rd, 2012
@rayg86 I take a ton of photos most days and always have several images I will post eventually, its your project your rules. I found I was posting to my second album daily and ened up getting better viewing then my main so I stopped the second and kept that for
themes/discussions If I need to post a filler I will use something that I would have posted in second album. If you cant get out to take an image its no big deal.
May 23rd, 2012
Agree with all who say: your project, your rules.
We impose them on ourselves. We have lives, we have good days and bad, we grow as we work on this wonderful project and share and meet with all the wonderful people here.
This is to be enjoyed, if you put too strict parameters on yourself, you may not be able to do that.
Share what you love! Have fun!
May 23rd, 2012
ditto, Lynn: well said. Do what you want. No one is imposing any rules on you. If you impose overly restrictive rules upon yourself, it makes the project NOT FUN. So, why do it if it is not fun. For me, it is posting the best photos I take, not posting crappy photos just to get one in for the day.
May 23rd, 2012
@rayg86 There are days when I have nothing to post, there are days when I have too much to post. Even with an ace membership, there are time when I have more that three shots that I want to share, so they flow to the next day, of are used when I haven't taken any thing.

As was said over and over again, it is YOUR project, post as you see fit. Be honest with yourself and with others, tell us when you don't have a wonderful picture taken today, but here is a really great shot from last month, that I wanted to share.
May 23rd, 2012
I try and do a new one everyday, take my camera and sometimes no matter how hard I try, nothing interests me. I do use fillers and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I personally don't care when the picture was taken, I would rather see an "excellent, different" photo no matter when it's taken. Which is probably what this site isn't about. But, I'm so glad to be here, as I've never seen so many beautiful and interesting pictures in my life. So, isn't that what's important?
May 23rd, 2012
I agree with the majority - our project, your rules. No guilt. For me, I learned to let go of the guilt when I realized that the purpose of 365 - to challenge me to take a camera with me and shoot often, or should I say ignite my passion for photography - has been accomplished. It should be fun, not stressful.
May 23rd, 2012
I was the same way however, sometimes the fillers just tell more about what is going on in my life than shots taken that day, or I just like them better. Anyway I try not to do it too often, but life does get in the way sometimes:)
May 23rd, 2012
As people have said above, it's your project so it's up to you how you do it! 365 is a fun project not a chore!!!
I started this project with a friend of mine & we both decided to do it as a photo-a-day 365 project, we're now onto day 342 & so far touch wood have kept to our deal, it's been hard at times but we've managed!
My photography has grown so much since we started & I've found having to find a shot every day has made me either find something to shoot or set a shot up which has also helped my technique!
May 23rd, 2012
A shot just taken to upload on the day is still a filler... Sometimes you find more in an older shot to tell the story.
May 23rd, 2012
Of course you're not the only one! Once you accept using fillers is not a bad thing you will feel better :-)
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