How has this project helped you?

August 11th, 2010
Hey guyyys, :D
This post isn't reeeally going to be about photography but is sort of about the project.(You might want to skip the long 2 paragraphs, they're a bit rambly :P)

Basically, I joined this project with no specific ideas in mind, I honestly didn't think I'd stick at it for more then a week :')

But since joining this project, it has helped me in so many ways! I have pretty low self confidence and some days I honestly don't even see the point in getting out of bed. I used to hardly go out of the house, especially on weekends. I'd hardly ever speak to people unless it was about school work (or occasionally internet friends :P) I used to send my entire evening watching the TV. I used to consistantly put myself down and view myself as effectively worthless. Basically, I wasn't all that happy and every day was a struggle.

But since starting this project, it's really helped me. It gives me a reason to get out of bed (to take a photo), it makes me go out of the house on a weekend. And I've found something I'm actually good at! (I hope xD) Also, people have seen my project on Facebook and have complimented me on it or begun talking to me about it. I've noticed people actually come up to me to ask me about my photos, having hardly ever had anyone choose to speak to me before, without wanting something :P. The community on here are on the whole so friendly and supportive and have made me feel really welcome and helped me to carry on. It's also really helped my self esteem! I'm beginning to accept that I might actually be good at something and also, I've found one or two friends who are interested in similar things. If I'm feeling utterly crap, I find that taking my camera out and going for a walk really helps. It shows me that there is real beauty in the world, the world isn't too-bad-a place. I just get totally absorbed in taking pictures and it takes my mind off everything else!

And finally, I'm now beginning to set up my own photography business, with my Dad's helped. Now, if you'd have told me I'd be doing that a year ago I would never have believed you!

So basically, I never, ever thought that I'd be where I am now with this project and I certainly never thought it would help me as it has. Y'know, it hasn't made me the happiest person alive, but it does help in it's own little way!

And I was just wondering, have you found anything suprising from this project? Or has it helped you in any way?

What's your story?!

Naomi :)
August 11th, 2010
Wow Naomi, you're so inspiring!
I must say that my story is quite like yours. haha well you know what goes on in my life. but it certainly gives me something to look forward to everyday. And the inspiration and support from everyone here is so helpful.
It makes me feel like a better person that's for sure.
And I'm diving into a new thing that I've never done before. It's exciting.

I hope that your photography business goes well. :D I'm sure it will because you are a brilliant photographer.

Take care love.
August 11th, 2010
You have some wonderful photos and seem to be a creative and very sensitive person. I can understnd how this project has helped you.
I have done things and gone to places I maybe would not have done before this peoject, found a new hobby I love with the push to do it every day.
I look at the world differently and see things I never noticed before!
So yes,ir has helped me a lot from a personal perspective... a very good thread to start by the way!
August 11th, 2010
I just wanted to get better at photography initially, and I thought this would be a good way of doing it. But since then, I have become obsessed!

For me, it's helped me to gain the required skills, such as composition and framing. It's helped me improve my post-processing skills no end, although I have lots still left to learn.

A bad thing about it is that I don't spend as much time as I should with my other half unless it's her I'm taking photos of, and it's hurting (and will continue to hurt) my wallet!
August 11th, 2010
I only started this project a 6-7 weeks ago... and I've been addicted since the first week. I already learned some technical things. Doing this project is giving me self confidence to, like going do a man in a playground and ask him if I could take pictures of his son..... or simply taking pictures in a public place.

Good luck Naomi with your business, that's a wonderful project :D
August 11th, 2010
It's slowed down my life. It really has. Before it, I felt like everything was just going by in a blur. But now I can look at my calender and recall every day and it makes everything seem more together! It's really gotten me into photography, too. :)
August 11th, 2010
Naomi, I think you have hit on something really important. We all need something to motivate us to get up in the morning. In the past I have done little art projects on a daily basis, but this is the first time to do photography daily. It has inspired me to get out more and look for interesting subjects. I am at the opposite end of life from you. I am retired and my time is mostly my own, but I still need a few hobbies to give me some motivation to be creative.

Sadly even at my age I still lack self confidence and self esteem. I sometimes let myself get a bit discouraged about this site because there are many great photographers (including you!) and people with amazing cameras. I try not to worry about it when I post what I think is a great photo only to not get but one or two comments. You have many followers and supporters. Keep up the good work and continue to inspire us with your amazing creativity.
August 12th, 2010
My most unexpected benefit from the project is the EDUCATIONAL part that ISN'T about photography. I have learned so much about the SUBJECTS of the photos on here. I love it when a photo has some random subject (mindless item or serious matter) that inspires someone to look it up on google or share their own knowledge with us. (For example, butterflies, historic places, popular spots for locals, squirrels, hairdo's, illnesses, hobbies, etc). We all benefit by sharing our day with each other.
August 12th, 2010
I have learned that pictures are truly everywhere I look. All it takes is a little imagination. I know I have lots of ideas that have yet to be tapped into and every day that I work on a picture I am learning. This really opens my mind to the other possibities and that is what keeps things fresh and fun. I can also really see the progress since I started. Editing can dramaticaly elevate any picture even those taken on a point-and-shoot camera. ;-)
August 13th, 2010
Thanks for your replies and support everyone :) I think it's amazing that something so simple can lead to so many different responses and people from all sortsof backgrounds joining together and communicating within one fantastic community!!!
August 13th, 2010
Naomi, late coming across your thread, but what a great person you sound like. I have 'met' so many new 'friends' on here and I started out with one person making a comment. I think when we start here we come on to improve our skills but then I have found that my comments that I out up on my first day here led to more followers, and it's like conversing with close friends, all the time. I just love this page. Some times it gets a bit tight to find time to get around to all but I do my bet. I wish you every success on here, and i'm sure everything you do will be really great.
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