Submitting Photo's for a website

August 19th, 2012
over the weekend I took a couple of really great shots of Lightening with Fireworks.
The lake that I was at has a website and i emailed their contact person and submitted two Shots. He very quickly replied back to me and would love to use on their website, and would like to know how i would like to be "Credited" for their use.
From the actual email-
"Can I post them on the website so that others can enjoy them as well? And if so how should I credit you?"

Not sure how to reply to this. Is this "Credit" as in reconizing me as the one taking them. Or "Credit" as in some for of payment? I have never actually submitted my photo's for use before and someone wanted to use them. Not sure how to proceed.
Any help or advise would be great!

Thank you! :)
August 19th, 2012
@rcornish Rehanna, I'm a magazine editor by profession. If I ask a photographer if I can use her photo and how she would like to be credited, I'm asking for permission to use the photo without payment and I'm asking how she wants her name to appear. Does she want her name ("Photo courtesy of Josie McGrew") used, or does she have a business/company name she uses ("Photo courtesy of McGrew Photographic")? This person is asking you for permission to use the images without any payment to you, but is offering to run a photo credit., recognizing you as having taken the images.

You'll receive varying replies on here, I imagine, as to whether you should allow someone to use your images without paying you for them. As someone who operates on both sides of the fence -- I'm a photographer, but I'm also someone who uses (and yes, sometimes purchases) photography for publication -- I''ll say the choice is yours. If you're at a point where getting your images and name out there is a good start, go ahead and give them permission and a photo credit. If you're already a "professional" photographer (regularly paid for and/or making a living with your photography), then you might make a different choice.

I will also add, as someone who uses images regularly -- daily -- in my work, if someone demands payment for an image I can easily get somewhere else for free...I'll go elsewhere and get an image for free. I know, I know...all the pros or wannabe pros who read this are sending the stink eye my way, but unfortunately that's the nature of the industry and publishing budgets.
August 19th, 2012
@sjoblues Thank you so much for you reply! This is very helpful. Right now I am more interested in getting my name out there, not so much as the payment, as I still do this as just a hobby, and I'm not much on Portrait taking.
August 19th, 2012
@sjoblues Thanks from me as well. That was insightful.
August 19th, 2012
@rcornish Rehanna, you're welcome...and one other point from the editor's perspective: You submitted the photos to the website unsolicited, I assume. To me (as an editor), that implies that you were offering them for use without expecting payment. I'm glad to hear the website contacted you and asked permission to use them and also asked how you'd like your credit line to appear.

It's a good way to get started, to get known, in many businesses...give out free samples. Get your name and work out there, and at some point you will start earning payment for it.
August 19th, 2012
@rcornish I would say @sjoblues has some good advice. Its good to get your photo in print, very useful for getting paid work later on. Meanwhile its great to impress you friends.
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