Amazing film photographer

August 21st, 2012
I met this amazing photographer today at a Joe McNally flash seminar. If you have some time, I highly recommend visiting his website and blog. Oh, and he is 23!!!!

I would be the happiest girl if I had just a fraction of his talent.
August 21st, 2012
Ohh wow, beautiful. :)
August 21st, 2012
thanks for this Jacqueline, amazing. such talent
August 21st, 2012
he seems good for his age, I guess he's okay, they're pretty simple portraits. Why do you call him a film photographer? those images are clearly digital, and he says he uses a Nikon. Anything to do with him being frighteningly good looking perhaps Jacqueline? You got a photo crush?
August 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth Hahahaha. I am 12 years older than him and married with children. His wedding photography is fiilm...i see the blog is digital.

I think the light in the wedding photos is gorgeous and i can't imagine shooting a wedding with film. I would be a nervous wreck. He's young and telented. So i thought i would share.
August 21st, 2012

whose told you they're film? I would bet my life savings on them being digital and the guy he assists does work for Nikon so he's bound to be tied to Nikon products. Young and cute more like....

August 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth Ok, check it out. I went to a kelby training seminar and Joe Mcnally was the presenter. Michael Cali has worked for Joe for 2 years. When Joe presented the two guys helping him on the show he said that Michael is a film wedding photographer. I was intrigued so i asked the kid for his website durin a break and spoke to him a little about it and he told another guy the type of film he uses etc.
August 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth I hope you are ready to part with your life savings there!! :-)
August 21st, 2012
Great talent!
August 21st, 2012
I'll post them to you. I'm still sceptical though.
August 21st, 2012
Actually i do owe you my life savings he's using 120 roll film in a Mamiya.

See, I thought you meant 35mm, he's defo not using 35mm film...didn't I say that in the first place? I think I said that. I defo meant 35mm. Which I may add he's certainly not using.

August 21st, 2012
maybe I can keep my savings and pay you back in favs and compliments?

Your portraits of your daughter are the best child portraits I've seen on here. not cheesy, not weird. ace.

August 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth aawww thank you!! I truly appreciate the compliment. I have to say, this was a very entertaining exchange!

I see you have a gazillion cameras (jealous!!) so you are more familiar than I am with the film variety, surely. Last time i had a film, camera was when kodak ( i think it was kodak) released the panoramic pictures and the film was drop in and shoot. So it was as non-professional a camera as it gets. I only shoot manual now with my DSLR and i have been itching to apply what i have learned to film. Someday soon, i hope!
August 21st, 2012

yeah well work/money is thin on the ground at the moment. I just bought a new DSLR when I should have bought a new car, so I'm selling my cameras as quick as I can to try to recoup some money. The list in my profile now represents cameras I've used for my whole project, I only have about 12 left and they've gotta hit ebay soon so when my car does break down I can get it repaired. ;(
If you ever want advice about film cameras, the buying and using thereof give me a shout. Yeah it was Kodak. APS advanced photographic system. they're pretty worthless now. I've got one I can't get rid of even for $1 on ebay!
August 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth That's a shame that you have to sell them. I have a big problem right now buying lenses when i have no business buying lenses. I have the 50 1.8 lens and i had to send it to canon for repair once..problem came back so i decided to get the 1.4. I need to make up the $360 somehow.

I have been thinking about geting a canon ae1. I can get one fairly inexpensive and it seems like a safe way to start in film...but i dont know. I would like to spend less than $100 between camera and lens.
August 21st, 2012
that's a very good camera, on a par with the Honeywell Pentax spotmatic. Both have cheap and easily available lenses too, the AE1 should come with a nice FD f1.8 50mm lens. I just think they fall down in the cool stakes. ;)
I'm biased, but keep an eye on the OM1 with Zuiko 50mm lens f1.8 too, I've got one, and I love it. Also the Minolta XD7 whooo what a camera. The Ricoh KR10 which uses k mount lenses which there are some 24 million in circulation made by Pentax alone. Finally the Contax 137/139 aka the RTS in the states. These are all a bit edgier and will make you seem cooler when chatting up young wedding photographers at conferences. If you're searching ebay and B&H you might be better placed for a bargain if you're open to a couple of different types. All excellent SLRs. Buying camera WITH lens, also a good thing.
August 21st, 2012
Just read the XD7 was called the XD11 in the states.
August 21st, 2012
I'm not twisting your arm or I'll stop now. I've paid my debt of lacking faith in your knowledge?
August 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth Hahahahha you cracked me up :-) i should have spoken to you about slr lingo before talking to the cute wedding photographer!! Shucks!!!

I will take your camera options and start some research!! Very exciting. If the quality is the same or better than the canon ae1, then i will surely pick the cooler looking camera :-) thanks for the link and for being an A class enabler!! Lol

Consider your debt paid off.
August 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth Also, i wish i was still 22 and single. I would have invited him to shake shack :-) (yummy burger joint in south beach)
August 21st, 2012
@chewyteeth is at 31 and over in 4 hours. I will be watching that bid like.a.hawk. Does it appear to be in good condition to you? There is very little info about he camera....
August 21st, 2012
that's why the price is kept low. you gotta take a chance on those kinda things for a cheap price. My OM1 was £22 they generally go for £100 but the girl just said it was her grandfathers and she wanted to sell it and knew nothing about it. these excellent SLRs from the seventies could go through a nuclear war and still be fine. It looks fine to me, don't you think? Well you could get a camera just as good as a Canon for a third of the price, and its got a sweeeet f1.7 50mm lens ain't it? you've got 4 hours to google it and stuff. ;) but it doesn't have the huge lens system maybe a pentax and canon and ricoh has, but how many lenses were you planning to invest in?
Its nearly midnight here though so good luck and keep me informed. It was only the first lot I saw i didn't look far so there might be loads, even cheaper ones. Though the contax ones I mentioned usually go for $250 plus.

August 21st, 2012
you'll know this already of course but when buying film cameras always double check availability of batteries on ebay/amazon before committing. Some real old ones might be tough to substitute.
August 22nd, 2012

that's gonna go over your budget my dear.
If you can get that for less than $100 I'll give you another 10 favs and super impressed comments, and I'll email Michael Cali myself and tell him you're ace.
August 22nd, 2012
Dude, you never gonna get that. the lens is worth $250
you'll only get an OM1 for less than $100 if its got the kit lens, which this isn't, this is an amazing 1.4 unless my eyes deceive me.
consider pushing your budget up, this would be such a good camera you could sell your DSLR

August 22nd, 2012
@chewyteeth Whoa!!! whoa whoah!!! slow down tiger shark lol i'm too much of a chicken to get rid of my DSLR, although I'm sure I would get all sorts of cool points if i did that. I'm not getting ready to buy an SLR ow...but def within 6 months. I have just been spending more money than I am bringing in you know!? i'm sure that is wrong in many different levels.

When the heck are they going to plant that money tree in my backyard already!!!! :-) but seriously, that OM1 looks really nice...
August 22nd, 2012
@chewyteeth his descripotion of how he came to buy the camera is really funny. You should read it, if you have some time in your super cool SLR owner day :-)
August 22nd, 2012
I already did, I make time for SLR stories. You should defo buy it care bear. get a credit card. You've got two kidneys haven't you?

I'm not kidding now, the story....and the three other lenses. I reckon he's talking around the $1500 mark for that item originally. I'm not kidding. He says he was pushed into an expensive purchase in the shop. Peter de Graaff shoots with the OM1 and I know he's got a couple of lenses that - second hand - cost him the earth.

We're all gonna die in six months when Iran and Israel start nuking each other. You might be able to get six months film photography in before then, other wise all your stuff on digital is gonna get wiped out when the nuclear holocaust comes. Imagine if you shot some film, you could bury the negatives in the garden and in centuries to come post-apocalyptic peoples can dig that shit up and see your life. It might inspire them to do a 365 project.
August 22nd, 2012

You made my day!! Hahahha Now i am goingto have to spend $300 on a film camera darn it!!!! I am a woman on a mission to preserve our culture lol
August 22nd, 2012
hmmm, surprised they're not great lenses actually. the real prize is the camera and the 50mm.

ah, well if you can't afford it, the post-apocalyptic zombie wasteland people of the future will have to find another creative outlet.
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