Wellington 365 Meet Up

September 1st, 2012
I've been rather inspired by the 365 meet-ups I've noticed in other parts of the world such as Cape Town, London and Manchester. People always seem to enjoy themselves. I wonder if any of the local 365ers would like to get together? As it's the first day of Spring here in NZ I thought Tulip Sunday, part of the Spring Festival, would be a great time. It's on 30th September at the Botanic Gardens. There'll be plenty of photo ops of people, activities and of course tulips.
We could meet at the cafe by the Rose Gardens and take if from there. I know Kiwis are a shy bunch, so I hope some of you are keen to say hello and put a face to an @! @georgews @frida @riversdale @alpeedee @grace2012. Please let anyone else know who isn't mentioned here. Of course anyone who may happen to be visiting from elsewhere that day is more than welcome.
September 1st, 2012
That works fine for me. It's a great idea Caroline! Count me in!
September 1st, 2012
Coming up to Auck any time soon?
September 1st, 2012
@frida Fantastic! I'll look forward to it.
September 1st, 2012
@pennymilner In early October I'll be in Auckland for a few days, probably 5th-7th. A wonderful time for an Auckland meet up!
September 1st, 2012
@carolinedreams Great-I'll be around!
September 1st, 2012
@pennymilner Brillliant. :)
September 1st, 2012
Something like this has been in the back of my mind also - I think it's a great idea so count me in!! Shall we make a time for this? Should we swap emails or mob numbers at some stage? (My email is in my bio)
September 1st, 2012
@carolinedreams Great idea Caroline! I was thinking of contacting you to say let's meet up, but meeting all the others too would be fabulous. I shall mark my calendar. Let's fix a time also.
September 1st, 2012
@georgews @riversdale @frida Fantastic! 11am? George I'll email you.
September 1st, 2012
Wish I was home!!! I'd come to Wellington :)
September 2nd, 2012
@k1w1 That would be lovely! :)
September 2nd, 2012
I have visitors but should be able to make it on 30th Sept at 11.00am, might be best to check the cafe is open as they are doing some strengthening work on the glass house next door. I have just bought a new camera, trying to master it!
September 2nd, 2012
@pbear Wonderful! That's 5 of us so far. Excellent.
September 3rd, 2012
Absolutely count me in.
September 3rd, 2012
@alpeedee Wonderful! I was hoping you'd be keen.
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