Ace Membership Question

September 19th, 2012
I'm directing this to the community, but mentioning @Scrivna. I'm a relatively new Ace Member and I have a question about the daily stats. My stats for today indicate that one of my photos has been favorited, but nowhere does it show which one. I did get the notification email telling me which photo, but it doesn't show up on the site. Is there a way to make a breakdown of the daily stats above and beyond the last 24 hours activity? I know Flickr has options for that, and I'm wondering if it's doable here as well.

September 19th, 2012
Have you checked the stats link that is at the top of your homepage but underneath the blue bar? (It's been a while since I was ACE so I maybe off about the location) Not trying to ask a stupid question but I think I remember that it shows which ones were favorited and the email used to tell you which photo it was, and even show it. If you have a firewall set up, the image doesn't always come through. I have gmail and had to manually select "display images" for the thumbnail to show.

If you have, then I don't have anymore I said it's been a while since I had the ACE membership.
September 19th, 2012
Under the "Your Most Viewed Photos" ... and under "Last 24 Hours" you'll get the info you're looking for. Plus all sorts of other interesting stats :)
September 19th, 2012
That is the link I'm using. It shows the stats for Last 24 Hours, Last 7 Days, and Top Rated. There is a total count grid, but no breakdown of those stats. If not for the email I received, I would not know that my image was favorited. But there is no way to tell specifically.
September 19th, 2012
@kwiksilver Not quite what I'm looking for. My stats list that I've had an image favorited, but it's not showing up in the Last 24 Hours. The stats grid shows 1 image favorited, but the 10 listed under Last 24 hours all say 0 favorites.
September 19th, 2012
@pschtyckque I know there's a bit of a delay, Chris. Take a break :) Chill a while ... and I'm sure it will be there :)
September 19th, 2012
@kwiksilver Oh, I'm not worried. I know it's a minor problem. But let's say it's no longer in the Last 24 Hours, or in the Last 7 Days. What's the way to go back through the archive to check, short of opening each image? I'd just like a bit more control over the stats. :-)
September 19th, 2012
@pschtyckque Then you look at your Top Rated Photos, Chris :) Only 10 to go through :) I'm a relative newbie here, so I'm sure someone with more experience will be able to help you. Otherwise, just keep a closer check on your stats if they're important to you ;)
September 19th, 2012
@kwiksilver Again, if it's fallen off the top 10, or it's an older photo, it won't show up. I'm asking for more controls so I can take a closer look at the stats. :-)
September 19th, 2012
The only way I know how to do it, is to look at the stats for each picture individually if you missed the notification.
On the left there is a list of who commented and the right the list of who favorited.
September 19th, 2012
@mstipe Yeah, that's what I've been doing. It's a bit cumbersome. I'm not trying to brag and say I get so many favorites that I have to sort them out. I have very few (and I'm cool with that). I consider it a huge honor, and I'd like to see which works are affecting people. I wish there was an easier way to do this.
September 19th, 2012
I'm so thrilled when I can a Fav, Chris, that, apart from dancing around room, lighting fireworks, etc, I instantly thank the person - I wouldn't forget which of my shots were fav'd :) I still think you can get the info you want under the Top 10 shots. I doubt whether you will have top 10 shots that don't include favs.
September 19th, 2012
@kwiksilver I agree about the excitement over receiving a fav. I want to go thank the person as well. It's not about forgetting which image was faved, though. I can't forget it if I never knew it in the first place. And I do have top 10 shots without favs. 3 of them, in fact. I guess determining a "top" is a combo of views, comments and favs.

My stats say I received a fav today. But will not say which image it was. I want a more in-depth breakdown of the stats, that is more like Flickr. Or I'm asking if that is possible. I thank you for trying to assist. But I am looking for more controls than are currently offered. :-)
September 19th, 2012
okay, i officially give up - you'll have to ask @Scrivna
September 19th, 2012
@kwiksilver Again, I do thank you for trying. I'm not dismissing your help in the least. :-)

Here's a screenshot of my stats page. It indicates I have one fav, but I can't tell which photo that is.

September 19th, 2012
unless I take out a magnifying glass - or work out how to make that all bigger on my notebook - i haven't a hope in hell of replying :) BUT unless I'm blinder than I thought ... you've got 4 favs on your #2, 1 on #4 ....
are you just trying to get new followers, Chris?
September 19th, 2012
@kwiksilver I'm not trying to get new followers. I'm trying to get help with a membership I paid for.

Yes, I have 4 favs on item #2 on my top rated photos. But that isn't my question. My question is the 1 fav that's listed in the total count section at the very top. I have no way of knowing which photo that belongs to.
September 20th, 2012
I could post a larger image, but I didn't think it was necessary to get my point across.
September 20th, 2012
well, in the absence of other replies, I'd just suggest you keep your own notes on what shots you get fav'd. (You said originally you knew which one got fav'd). Anyway, that's what I do :) Good luck!
September 20th, 2012
@kwiksilver OK, now you've gone from trying to help to just being snarky. Thanks.
September 20th, 2012
Ask a simple question, huh? :)
September 20th, 2012
@pschtyckque Wish I could help ya, man.
September 20th, 2012
There is no way via the stats page.

The only way is through the email notification.

Maybe Ross could amend the notification marks at the top to show a fav as well as a comment but I dunno if that's possible..

Hope that helps to clarify things

September 20th, 2012
@lisjam1 No kidding. I thought it was. ;-)

@andycoleborn That's the answer I was looking for. Thanks. I would love to see the controls more like Flickr, which allows you to go more in depth day by day.

Thanks for the help!
September 20th, 2012
lol, i love it when things go haywire in a simple discussion :)
Andy is right, you should be able to see the picture and name of it in the email. If when you go to the picture and there arnt any fav's on it it might have been someone accidentally pushed the fav button instead of the magnification button and then unfaved it again, I know I have been guilty of that and been a 'victim' of that, lol :)
I find the stats are a bit haywire in all respects, i dont know if its because of the timezone differences or just sometimes they have hiccups but they are certainly interesting if not something to live by :)
September 20th, 2012
I have to ask one final question? Are you trying to promote Flickr over 365, Chris? And "snarky", nope, not a word in my vocab :)
September 20th, 2012
@emjay8 thanks Mel. That may be what happened. :-)
September 20th, 2012
@kwiksilver @pschtyckque looking at most viewed image in the last 24 hrs or even week does not tell you which photo was that particular fav'ed image, as Andy said turn on the email notification.
September 20th, 2012
@flagged my email notification is on. I got notification that doesn't match the stats. Which is why I raised this question. Mel explained it perfectly.
September 20th, 2012
Haha wow, I love it when things go wacky on a perfectly innocent discussion. @kwiksilver I applaud you for not taking the bait, and I have to say that @pschtyckque has come across as quite rude throughout the whole thread, whether it was intended or not.
September 20th, 2012
@kelsi87 I'm rude because she didn't understand what I was asking?
September 20th, 2012
@pschtyckque no, you're rude because she tried to help and you were dismissive and, if I can use your word, "snarky".

I'm done here. Goodnight :)
September 20th, 2012
@kelsi87 I'm glad you're done here. You clearly missed my point.

I genuinely thanked @kwiksilver for trying to help a few times along the way. She is the one who accused me of trying to gain new followers from this thread, or promote Flickr for some reason. Both of which I found insulting. The reason I said she was being snarky (a pretty tame "insult", if you ask me), is because rather than try and answer my question, she insinuated that I didn't know how to read the stats on my own page. I calmly tried to make my concern clear, but she ignored that. Her comments were condescending, and not helpful towards what I was actually asking.

I finally got the answer I was looking for from other members who took the time to read what I was after. And I thanked them for it.

And if you think I was being rude in my response to her, you should hear me when I really get going. :-)
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