Please help me with PSE

August 18th, 2010
Hi, I have a portraitphoto of my best friend. She is sitting with a red pillow. I would love to make the photo b/w but leave the pillow red. I have PSE but i dont know how to do. Can you help me?
Thank you :-)
August 18th, 2010
I don't know anything about PSE but if you Send the pic to I'd be happy to do it for you.
August 18th, 2010
Its all done with layers, here a link to Rita's coffeeshop blog. She has wonderful tutes and free actions.
August 18th, 2010
How about doing that in picnik ? Real easy.
August 18th, 2010
I myself am struggling to bits with Photoshop elements8, but i actually discovered the b&w strong contrast selection tool which is on the sidebar of the full edit section, i managed to do this, its not perfect but I was proud that I figured something out in that "darn" program... You would have to then just click on the sections you want to change to b&w.
I made up my mind that PSE is so not for me and i'm rather getting Lightroom next time.

August 18th, 2010
Not sure if you can do the same things in Elements that you can in the regular photoshop program but with photoshop you just click a button and it's all done for you. They are called "Actions" and there are many pre-set actions such as colorization.
August 18th, 2010
I LOVE 365. I mean, where in the world do you meet people who would help you even though they don’t know you. I am so grateful. I am so happy to be a part of this.

Thank you Shannon. You saved my day. I sent the picture to Shannon and she returned it 15 minutes later. All done. Its lovely and I know my friend will love it.

Lynne, I will check the Blog. Thank you.

Allison, I havent tryed picnic but I will defenently try it. Thanks.

Lameez, I am really struggeling with Photoshop Elements 8. Im not sure its the right choice for a newbie like me.

And Karen, I dont think its the same, but I will defenently check it out.

I hope that I can show you the picture, but im not sure my friend will agree. Its a wedding gift for here husbond :-)

I hope you can understand my English. Its hard to explaine yourself in another language, but i am really really happy for your help :-)
August 18th, 2010
If you happen to live in Richmond, VA, I just signed up for a 1 day workshop in PSE given by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. I figured I am just not disciplined enough to figure out the components of the program on my own. So after Oct 2, I'll be an editing fool!
August 18th, 2010
Your welcome, I was happy to help.
August 19th, 2010
in my humble opinion, hangin there with PSE! I learnt on it purely by trial and error- totally self taught using the 'undo' button a lot! LOL!
Plus, there are so many tutorials on the net - I also love the "Coffeeshop" blog- so fun. Another good one for actions is Pioneer Woman.
Keep practising - the more you play with the program, the more you will leanr and enjoy.
August 23rd, 2010
HI there, I use photfiltre as my edit program / free download, and all I do is use the lasso tool to go around the image, then click on the b/w button and it changes it automatically . It may take a bit longer than other programs, but I dont mind as I find that I can control what I want colored or B/W. Hope this helps.
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