does everyone only ever up load one per day

October 8th, 2012
HI all, I'm loving this idea just after some tips, does everyone only ever upload one shot a day and if you haven't posted for a while can you post lots at once?
October 8th, 2012
I shoot everyday, but post in batches when I have time. There's no limit to how many you can post at once, but if you're uploading a month worth of photos a time, your followers may get annoyed. I try to keep it to 3 - 4 at time.
October 8th, 2012
@sudweeks Ah ok! thats cool- thakas Josh.
October 8th, 2012
I try to upload everyday, but the stresses of life sometimes get in the way. I am on my second year and haven't been so strict this year as I was the first, although I do shoot everyday.
October 8th, 2012
@miley89 Hi there Miley, i do tend to shoot every day as my camera is rarely out of my hand but can't be sure how disciplined I'll be. Thanks x
October 8th, 2012
One thing you might want to consider is that, while you don't have to upload everyday (which I did religiously my first year), and might want to upload several photos, try to space them out if you can. If you upload tons of photos all at once, they will clog the homepage of your followers and slow them down with trying to view and comment on everyone's photos that they follow. I unfollowed a person once who uploaded 40 in one day; that was an extreme instance, but I tried to limit myself to 3 at a time to be polite. :-) But of course, you can do it as you like.
October 8th, 2012
@5unflow3r sound advice , Thanks Trina.
October 8th, 2012
@spainpops I usually upload once or twice a week - if I can. However yesterday I uploaded 7 as I was on holiday and could not upload any last week and if I did not upload that many it would be Wednesday or Thursday before I can upload any photos and then I would fall behind in uploading photos.
October 8th, 2012
My only real pet peeve on the 365 is people who upload a shitload of photos at once. I don't buy the line "I don't have time to post everyday". It takes me exactly 10 seconds to download a photo. Anyone who doesn't have 10 seconds to spare a day is living life wrong. What's worse is those who have three albums and dump an even bigger shitload of photos all at once. I tend to bypass ALL of them when they do that and on occasion stopped following people who do it a lot.
October 8th, 2012
I try not to fall behind but when I do I upload one in the morning and one in the evening for a while. The mass upload thing doesn't work. It is not fun to have your home page full of one persons shots and I think you would find your photos got bypassed because your followers may look at the first one, maybe two but then will scroll past the rest in order to see some photos by others.
October 8th, 2012
I shoot every day and it takes me all of 30 seconds to upload every day... occasionally if I've been on holidays or some such I'll have to back-fill a week or so at a time, but I try not to do that too often because I know it gets annoying to have your homepage clogged up by one person's photos. I'm even considering unfollowing a person who does it all the time... but that's just my two cents, haha
October 8th, 2012
I try not to do more than two at a time....I have done more but I feel guilty because it does clog pages, people don't look at your photos then and so one you may think is really good may get passed over or if you've asked for critique, you may not get it. I hate it when I look on the "Browse Uploads" page and the whole thing is filled with one or two person's photos, which means a whole lot of other people's photos have been crammed thru and missed. You can miss a good person to follow that way, or a really good photo.
October 8th, 2012
Usually one a day, sometimes 2. I try and upload a shot the same day as I take it.
October 8th, 2012
@spainpops If I get behind, I try to only upload two a day until I catch back up. People just ignore too many photos in a row, and some really nice pictures can get overlooked that way.
October 8th, 2012
thanks for the posting throttle advice, folks. I'm really enjoying it here with everyone, so I think I'll continue my 365 project. I'm not too happy with my Nikon D600, and don't expect to see it for probably 6+ weeks, so I'm going to make October retro month, and focus on editing my previous best photos for my professional catalog. super helpful to have this advice in advance ;)
October 8th, 2012
Thank you everyone , glad time be here x
October 9th, 2012
@spainpops Yep, I echo others here... definitely don't do more than 3 or 4 at a time... I've also unfollowed because of mass uploads.... it's annoying to go through 20 from the same person to get to the next... my time is as limited as the next persons... I don't want to spend half of it wading through an ocean.
January 9th, 2013
A bit of late entry but I'm trying not to start a new subject when this one is fine. I have only just started out with 365 and have been good, taking and uploading a photo a day. Although early days, equipment overuse, mainly daily usb connection and disconnection to my camera may cause unessescary wear and tear on this part of the camera. Maybe a bit too cautious of me, but I think I will be changing to something like a twice weekly download. Any Thoughts/ Comments ?
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