365 taking over my life!

August 21st, 2010
I am wondering how much 365 project is taking over your life. It has taken mine over so much that my wife calls herself a 365 widow. So on that note, I will be cutting down on my comments. I am still following the same people as I have before and I will still follow more as time goes on. I plan on doing this project at least one more year and hopefully more since I enjoy all the new people I have met from all over this globe.

For time management purposes and so I can spend more time with my family, I will be commenting on:

1. People that comment on my pictures. If you look at my picture, just leave me a positive or negative note and I will comment on yours; and,

2. A few of my friends that I have RSS feeds set up since enjoy seeing their pictures.

I will not comment on dog or cat pictures unless they stand out or the commentary leads me to comment. This is primarily because I do not have a pet so I will leave it up to pet owners to comment.

That is how I am planning on managing my time. How are you managing your time between this project and your families?
August 21st, 2010
I find it really hard to manage my time with 365. I am now following a little over 300 people and I try to get on as often as possible to comment on everyone that post a picture that day. When you go through that many photos it gets a little hard to keep up. I love getting comments on my page though so I try to return the favor. If I find myself falling behind on comments then I usually just go through the people who commented on my photo and return the comment. I usually don't have time to go through and leave a long detailed comment on someones page so usually you see the same thing from me over and over like great shot, nice photo, love the colors, etc.. but I just want to basically let the people I follow know that I am looking at their pictures and I do like their work. Its difficult to keep up with everything and like I said on my picture from yesterday, 365 is taking over my life..lol. Every thing I do and every where I go I am worried I wont have enough time to take my picture or leave comments on peoples pages. But at the end of the day, I really love this project and I feel that I have already came so far in it. I have learned so much and accomplished so much in just the little over a 100 pictures I have taken. I know that I will learn so much more with the rest of the year I have left so I really don't want to give it up. Plus all the people who comment on my page really encourage me to do better and make me appreciate my work that much more. So even though it takes over some times I still love it and don't want to change anything about it.
August 21st, 2010
It can be quite overwhelming at times so I have made it a point to arise early to get started and then finish at night. I have enjoyed this project but if not careful it can consume. I think it's important for everyone to consider what is comfortable for themselves. I follow a large number of people and I consistently try to comment onall that have posted. Commen ts may not always be wordy, but I still like to acknowledge everyone's efforrts. We totally understand Joe, and I think it's important to know when it is time to cut back. I don't think anyone will hold that against you. Family is so important and that is where our priorities should be. I have even tried to get my Wife invovled but she enjoys reading, and we chat back and forth during our time in our past times.
August 21st, 2010
That sounds very reasonable. I've enjoyed this holiday when restricted to one hour interenet per day for everything! Amazing what you can do when focussed. It does mean however that comments on 365 pictures is limited - that's okay... I still look at them as time permits and comment when possible.
August 21st, 2010
I don't really have the time to let the site itself rule my life - but that's not to say I don't think about everyone's photos and what they're getting up to in that day. I guess I lack 365 etiquette as I have no specific pattern in terms of comments... when I have time to be here, I comment on whatever I like. With that said, I think I do go looking for any updates from my bruh and homies in England, haha.
August 21st, 2010
I've had to pare down how I started this Project for the same reason, Joe.
First, I was commenting daily on everyone's photos. Then, I had to change that to commenting on everyone's photos weekly. Now however, I only comment on people's photos that make comments on mine (and I will "catch up" with their photos if it's been awhile!). I think that's fair. This is a reciprocal site, after all, or we'd all be posting photos on our Desktop, right?
August 21st, 2010
And I agree with Rick--family is the number 1 priority.
August 21st, 2010
This summer I have loved the luxury of being able to look at and comment on everyone I follow or just moving from link to link if I see intriguing comments on other people's sites. Unfortunately it is almost time to return to school so something is going to have to give. I don't know yet what time management tactics I will put into practice, but for sure I know I will no longer start commenting at 8 AM and the next time I look at the clock it is 11 AM! I don't know how 365-ers with kids and a full time job do it. You have my admiration.
August 21st, 2010
I agree, Joe, 365 can be very time-consuming! Some days I am too busy to comment on pictures, but I al least try to get back to the people who leave comments on mine. I love looking through everybody's albums - I learn a lot of new things and get more inspired and motivated. =) I think it's up to everybody to decide how much time they devote to 365, but you should definitely not let a website take over your life. It's fun, it's interesting, and it's enriching, but only for a couple of hours a day. The photo opportunities are out there, and not in front of the screen. 365, as addiciting as it might be, is a way to document your life, not live it ;-) (I have to remind myself that more often ;-)
August 21st, 2010
I never even considered being able to comment on every picture that everyone I'm following has posted. There's just no possible way to have time to do that. I login a couple times a day and browse through my home feed, only commenting when something really catches my eye.
August 21st, 2010
This project definitely occupies most of my free time. I try to look at the popular page daily and comment on most of those because I feel like if they made the pop page, they deserve a little extra recognition. I also comment on everyone that comments on mine. I'll also go through my home feed and comment on anything that captures my eye. I'm like Tracy though, it's rare that I will leave a lengthy comment. I already spend hours every day commenting, and if I left long, descriptive comments I'd run out of time every day. So, mostly you get the very basic "love this", "great shot", stuff. Short and to the point. I figure that way, the people's photos that I do see - know that they've been seen, and by who. If something really stands out to me, or someone consistently just blows my mind with their awesomeness ;) then I will leave longer comments. I, also have started allowing myself to post filler photos. At first, if I hadn't gotten a shot for the say and it was getting late, I would stress and spend so much time trying to get a perfect shot when I should have been doing other things. That's helped me out a lot. & if there are a lot of one type of shot (water, bugs, and such), then after a while I will only comment on someone's shot if they comment on mine, or if it's something that stands out to me above the others like it. =)
I think even if you set rules for yourself, it will be hard to stick to them, because 365 is so awesome and addictive. Hehe.
August 21st, 2010
It can definitely be very time consuming. I don't expect all of my followers to comment on every photo I take and I'm not going to comment on every one of theirs. I will browse the popular and home pages and comment on what looks interesting. I don't even necessarily comment on everyone's photos who comment on mine. But if I have a new person commentor or follower, I will check out their page and comment on a few of their photos. I would be on here all day if I made a comment on evry single photo.
August 21st, 2010
Wow. I've never even tried to comment on every photo, or even felt that I had to. I usually comment on something that really touches me at that moment. Sometimes, I'll even look way back on someone's project, and comment on pictures they posted a long time ago. I think if you feel obligated to comment on every single photo on your 'home' page, you are setting yourself up for frustration and perhaps taking the fun away.
August 22nd, 2010
My rule is to only comment on a picture that strikes me. I will look back through a person's project if I really like what I see. Other then that, I just flip through. When a picture of mine does get a comment, I feel flattered to have one of mine singled out for something.

August 22nd, 2010
this site can be time-consuming. it's soooo addictive. there was a time when i tried to comment on everyone's photo - the people i follow, those who comment on my photos, and those who follow me. but as the number of the people who follow me goes up, it got too hard to catch up. the only way it's possible to be all caught up is if one doesn't eat and sleep and interact with another person in real life =)

so my not having internet for the past month has an upside. i got to distance myself from the site a bit....and now, i only comment to those i follow and the ones who comment on my photos....and if i see a shot that i really like while browsing, then i'll comment on that, too =)
August 22nd, 2010
365 has become a good consumer of time for me, I'm unemployed and at home so it's something to actively think about during the day. I can understand why it feels like it's taking over people's lives, but it gives me something constructive to do everyday to build skills in an area I'm interested in pursuing as a career.
August 22nd, 2010
I also comment on the photos that move me. And, I make a special effort to comment on the work of newbies to the site. (I think it's part of my job to make them feel as welcome as I was made to feel).

As for the ones whom I enjoy following, I can't make time to comment on all of the photos so I usually look at them in batches (for example, I will look at a batch of Matt's shots at one time, then a batch of Brad's, and so on) and comment on the ones that stand out to me the MOST. Of course, it can be hard because I usually like them all!

The time definitely adds up when you consider taking the shots, downloading, deciding which ones are best, editing them, uploading, writing descriptions, and following others...whew!

August 23rd, 2010
I have a very difficult time falling asleep @ night & have found a late night friend to keep me company in this site : )

I find it easy to spend a couple of hours on here b/c everyone else I know is already asleep & @ least I feel I am doing something productive w/ my time! : )

I typically comment on whatever strikes my fancy. I also find that although there are about 30 something ppl that I follow, there are only a handful of them that I truly look forward to seeing what adventures they have gotten into or what they have come up w/ today. I find this helps me figure out who I will be commenting to first & then take it from there.

* it is now 3:15 & I have to be up in a few hrs...nighty night 365ers!
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