Can I upload multiple images without overwelming?

October 19th, 2012
Hi everyone,

Due to some internet connection problems I was not able to daily upload my photos for a week. I have made them and would like to add them. But I don't want to overflow your dashboard with a bulck of images. Is there a way I can add them all and not appear on your dash? I don't mind not if you miss them. People can always look in to my archive if they are interested.


October 19th, 2012
I don't think so, but it sure would be a nice feature! I have 31 photos I need to upload to sync the start of my project on 365 with the photo site I started using January 1 before I knew this site existed. (That site is complete from 01/01/12, and this one is complete from 02/01/12. The systems programmer in me is really disturbed by that lack of synchronization. lol) I plan to do it in very small steps, adding 1 or 2 of the January photos each day until its caught up. That way it won't overwhelm folks with a single burst.
October 19th, 2012
@wolvin2002 I don't think you can add them without them appearing on the daily feed - and think you can only add three at a time. Perhaps best to space them out a little just in case as it can get a bit overwhelming and some might get overlooked. I guess you don't know how many of your followers have shots popping up from other people, if they don't have many that day they might show up in one bulk anyway, and nothing you can do about that! Anyway - get them on and let folk enjoy them!
October 19th, 2012
One in the morning. One in the afternoon. One before bed. That's how I catch up if I'm behind.
October 19th, 2012
You can do more than 3 at a time I've done it :) I figure if people are anoyed they'll just unfollow me but I had to catch up too! Doesn't bother me when people do it!! But yeah you can break it up into groups and do a few at different times of different days if you don't want them ALL together at once!
October 19th, 2012
Oh, just overwhelm us! :-) We can handle it!
October 19th, 2012
I agree with @tamsg4. Three at a time is good. I usually do one at a time staggered over an hour or so. I too have unfollowed people that have flooded my homepage. One person uploaded 40 images in a 2 hour stretch!
October 19th, 2012
I don't mind a few shots posted at a time. But I would probably only comment on the best couple of shots. A few at different times of the day sounds like good advice.
October 19th, 2012
Thanks a lot guys! The tip of 1 in morning afternoon and night is a good one. Expect a bunch of them coming up the next couple of days.
October 19th, 2012
If I have, say, a weeks backlog I then take another week to upload them I.e. today's shot plus one from my backlog. A couple of times I've stopped following a person who uploads a raft of photos in one go and then nothing for ages.
October 19th, 2012
Yeah, when I have got behind, I have done the morning afternoon and evening thing. You catch up pretty quickly.
October 20th, 2012
when i found out about the project i had already 70 picture .. the uploader can upload 10 pictures in a flow .. just wait and upload more =]
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