Broken Camera

October 22nd, 2012
I'm so cross and upset, my toddler has got hold of my camera and somehow managed to break it. I think I'm going to have to send it to Pentax for repairs. It's reduced me to tears as I really can't afford to repair it.

I should be able to continue doing the project using my partner's compact camera, but it's so disappointing, I finally felt I was getting the hang of my camera and it's settings.

Anyway, just here for a moan really.
October 22nd, 2012
We have all been there. I was on a vacation in California (first time in decades). I stepped out of the truck, and rolled my point/shoot out onto the pavement overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I had to pony up a new one, just so I didn't miss anymore, especially my next day overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. We all have these moments in time. And, you are allowed to moan.
October 22nd, 2012
@welcometocarolworld Thank you! I usually try and put it away just in case, it is so frustrating. x
October 22nd, 2012
And I'm here to give you a pat on the back. Ouch! Just remember that in learning to use the compact camera you can be learning skills that transfer to your camera. Practice things like framing and composition and see if there are times it is easier and better to borrow it, anyway. I find that my older Kodak does closeups better than my newer Sony. I only have a small point and shoot anyway.
October 22nd, 2012
Could you claim on your house insurance?
October 22nd, 2012
That is so bad..... I am so sorry, I would be lost without mine but at least you can borrow one.
October 22nd, 2012
@dmariewms Thank you, I did wonder this, go back to some simplicity and see what happens!

@boogie Unfortunately we don't have any (bad I know, but we can barely cover our bills these days), I will save some pennies up and try and get it fixed.

@cookie123 Yes, it is lucky he has one and he rarely uses it.
October 22nd, 2012
get a used one on ebay, it will cost you half the price and be as good as the one you had, equally sell your broken one well, for spares and repairs and you will make back about half the cost of a used one.
October 22nd, 2012
@chewyteeth good advice there Dave.
October 22nd, 2012
@chewyteeth I looked at them on Ebay after reading this and they are depressingly cheap. I will check out the cost of a repair first, it's not a very old camera and I saved up a long time to buy it.
October 22nd, 2012
Oh Corinne, I am so sorry!! I know exactly how frustrating that can be, and it must just feel like you're getting kicked while you're down! Maybe it is actually some setting messing things up and it isn't really broken? (I thought I had a broken camera once, because all my pictures were 1/2 black, it turned out a setting wasn't syncing with the flash correctly.) I know how it is when even a used one on ebay is way too much for the budget :-( My heart goes out to you!
October 22nd, 2012
@welcometocarolworld Did the same thing on a beach near Arcata! Well, actually I THREW my point and shoot, it sort of flew out of my hand, on the first day of vacation.
October 22nd, 2012
@scuffer Moaning with you! These are all good suggestions. Hope it it's an easy repair.
October 22nd, 2012
Two years ago I was strapping m granddaughter into he car seat and drove off to my destination. It wasn't until halfway there that I realized I had left my Canon D50 on the roof of the car and forgot about it. Needless to say, once I backtracked there wasn't much of a camera left as it had become a road kill victim.
October 22nd, 2012
@cromwell @scuffer OUCH! So sorry to hear of your losses, makes my stomach sink just reading what happened.
October 22nd, 2012
I'm so sad for you. Good luck. My disappointment came kayaking. A waterproof camera and a floating strap work great. (But it doesn't matter if you have a floating strap on a nice SLR. Once it hits the saltwater it's toast. Just means you can retrieve the inert carcass.)

October 23rd, 2012
Check out The idea is for people to give away stuff they don't need, free of charge. I put an advert up and got a bag full of film cameras and gear. You never know. You may not want film but I'm sure someone has a digital camera just sitting around that they would be willing to give to you.
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