How many years?

October 29th, 2012
I am now on day 303 of my first 365 project. It's been hard to keep up, but I have managed to make it with a picture done every single day. I've been thinking how I can't wait for the year to be up so the pressure's off, but now that it's almost over, it makes me sad to think my life wouldn't be documented like this in years to come. I mean, I am NOT the same person or the same photographer I was when I started this on January 1st and it's so cool to see that progression over the months through my pictures. I just can't decide if I want to keep this up or not in the new year. What about you guys? How many years have you been doing this? Do you plan to keep it up in the future? I know I could do it and just slack up the pressure next year and not worry about having to have something every single day, but I know that would bug me (I'm such a purist, lol!) so that's not really an option for a plan. If it happens, it happens, but I can't start it with that being my mindset. Soooo, yeah, any thought? What are your plans?
October 29th, 2012
I was just talking about this with my girlfriend. I'm just doing the one year. I absolutely love the project and the experience. But there have been days when the photography has gotten in the way of my daily activities. Photography should never have to be a chore. My goal is to finish out the year, then just take photos as the mood strikes me. I think that my photography will improve when I take the techniques I've acquired over the past year and apply them to my regular work.

I will have no regrets not doing this for a second year. I might be done taking daily shots, but my camera won't be leaving my side! :-)
October 29th, 2012
I've just completed 3 years and am carrying on... And there's quite a few of us oldies still going strong who have completed 2 years...

October 29th, 2012
I have been doing this for three years, and although I do love it, it is can also be a hindrance. I was just commenting with someone the other day that this may be my last, I have falling way behind and am having a difficult time coming up with new things to shoot, but with that said, this project has forced me to change the way I view the world around me, and the way I photograph it, so I may not be able to just walk away, but may have to scale it back a bit.
October 29th, 2012
This is my second year, but I took a month off between projects. I needed the break. LOL During that month, I still took photos, but not every day.
October 29th, 2012
Yesterday at church, the pastor was talking about this study that showed the difference between mediocre and world-class was hours put into it. It takes approximately 10,000 hours to master a skill (as in, top notch, best there is). The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much doing this project has increased my skill in photography. I'm totally self-taught and I have learned SO MUCH this year. I started the year attempting to do manual for every single shot, which was hard because I was still just learning to navigate that world, and now I can't imagine shooting any other way. I love being able to play with the settings to accomplish whatever look I'm going for and knowing how to adjust my settings based on conditions I'm shooting in. Would I have all this knowledge WITHOUT 365? Probably not. Which is what makes this an even harder decision, lol!
October 29th, 2012
I'm on year 9 and I have no plans to stop.
October 29th, 2012
@sudweeks WOW!! I'm impressed! How do you keep the energy going to see it through?
October 29th, 2012
started my third year recently
October 29th, 2012
I'm part way through my third year and am running out of steam. I'm thinking of packing it in after 1000 photos.
October 29th, 2012
Coming to the end of my 3rd...without a filler. Now that I'm working again - I think I might continue but not so strictly. Still got to figure out what I want to do.
October 29th, 2012
@sudweeks Kudos!!! Fantastic.
October 29th, 2012
I'm finding the balance that is working for me and I don't need to take pictures every single day, although I probably do anyway. ;-) Fillers or not, I am just having fun learning and growing during my third year.
October 29th, 2012
@sudweeks Wow!!
October 29th, 2012
I upload a photo a day - but they are taken sometime in the week, not always the same day. Works for me and I hope to go on and on and on. The 'oldies' here are a real inspiration!
October 29th, 2012
Almost done my second year but that being said, year two was not a complete project like my first year. I posted less resulting in less pressure while still maintaining contact with my followers and the ones I follow.
October 29th, 2012
I am going to do a full 2nd year since there is an 8 day gap in my first year. Hard to take photos when you have a detached retina. Some days right now my pictures are incredibly pedestrian, but I took them to keep the calendar going. Some of my days are incredibly pedestrian, so this documents my life accurately. My vote would be still to do a picture a day, even if you cut yourself some slack on the quality of the subject matter.
October 29th, 2012
@istacy1011 - The first year was the hardest to keep motivated. Then I had a few family members who started projects as well, during years 2 and 3, which helped keep me going, and after that it was pretty easy to keep going.

I usually edit photos in a batch to save time, so I'm usually a week or two behind in posting, but I haven't missed a day of shooting.
October 29th, 2012
I literally "killed off" my project at the end of Year One, but that was because I always knew my Year Two was going to be different. I chose to take a retrospective look at a 3 year period of my life when I lived in Papua New Guinea and I took around 16,000 photos. These experiences are near and dear to me and I have always wanted to come up with a "best of" catalogue of those 3 years of photography. So I chose my Year Two to be that "guinea pig"... all puns intended.
October 29th, 2012
I am close to finishing up Year 2, not sure what Year 3 might hold in store yet ...
October 29th, 2012
I'm in year 3...thought about leaving a few times but for now I'm staying.
October 29th, 2012
I'm on year 2 but doing it much more relaxed! I love still being a part of this great project and having just enough presure to make me pick my camera up!
October 29th, 2012
I'm in my second year and find it relaxing now. I look at everyone's shots whenever I can and put up my own when I can also. The first year I got them up each day, this year I am happy to do so when it works for me.
October 29th, 2012
I'm in year 3 but I'm much more relaxed about it now. I don't shoot every day and I don't post every day but every day in the calendar has a photo. My photography has improved although still has a long way to go.
October 29th, 2012
Well I've been a member of the site for over two years, but I never successfully completed an entire year with no fillers. I think my goal will be to get through 2013 with no fillers, and then see where it goes from there. I would really miss this community and seeing everyone else's photos if I stopped.
October 29th, 2012
Im at year 2. Im not as active on here as I used to be because I dont want this to become a chore like it did year one. I had 3 failed attempts at starting up year two but thankful I have stuck with it so far.

With my project I DO NOT post fillers so it is a bit of a challenge for every day life.
October 29th, 2012
@sudweeks wow!

@istacy1011 I am a real newbie compared to everyone here, I am still in the early 200's of year one. At the moment I plan to continue into year 2 and hopefully beyond ~ I am learning so much through this site I just want to get better and better whilst still enjoying it
October 29th, 2012
Stacy I'm in year Two of my project and the experience has been tremendous. On a photography level I have advanced faster than I ever could have on my own and on a personal level the experience has been one of wonderful personal growth in how I look at the world around me and I have made many new friends who I enjoy sharing pics and conversation with.
October 29th, 2012
Just beginning year one and hoping to finish it off. Only three hundered and fifty some-oddish to go =P
October 29th, 2012
Almost done with my second year now.

My first year, I made sure to take a photo each day... even if it meant having a crappy photo for the day. I thought at the end of the year it would be my last year or I'd take some time off before starting my second year. But the very next day, I found myself going through withdraws and had to pick up where I started off. (My first photo in my second year is a depiction of how addicted I had become.)

I wasn't sure if I'd do a third year but with a new subscription, I've got to. I plan on making it more challenging this coming year (and hopefully no fillers as I've had this year).

It's awesome to see how far I have come within the first couple years and I can only hope I will get better as I continue.
October 30th, 2012
Started my year 3 yesterday! Wasn't even an option to stop, it's just part of my daily habit now!
October 30th, 2012
Just started year 2. Like @sparkle the photography has become a very addictive habit. Sometimes just a reflex to capture part of the day. Sometimes a purposeful set up. Always an attempt to learn just a bit more.

The posting daily though......ummmmm that's a different story, I've gotten more lazy with that and unfortunately may do mass uploads.
October 30th, 2012
I'm halfway through my third year :)
October 30th, 2012
I'm finishing up my 2nd year with not a single filler shot. I've picked up my camera every single day since December 30th, 2010. I plan on doing a third year, but I'll have fillers in this upcoming year.
October 30th, 2012
I'm still in the first half of year one. I'm hoping to still have the desire to continue after this year!

Many days I don't have time to upload, but do attempt to take pictures. Weekends allow me time to comment and upload. It is still a learning experience and I'm enjoying "meeting" new friends from near and far.

I'd like to take some classes to learn manual settings, but haven't found any yet. If anyone can suggest online courses, I'd love to check and see what is tried and true.

October 30th, 2012
i took a year's break in between my first 365 and second 365. it did feel a lil strange when the first year ended but it was getting quite mechanical and i felt i needed a break to recharge.
October 30th, 2012
@eyeseeu I just did a quick google seach and found this:

May be a good starting point for you. Good luck! :)
October 30th, 2012
@istacy1011 Just uploaded my 365 picture for today! But im gonna carry on!...
October 30th, 2012
Am on year 2, much more relaxed, I love checking out the site every day but post a shot when I feel like it :)

I finished year 1 with no fillers & the strain for a shot a day towards the end was way high so taking it easier this year but couldn't do without the great guys on this site :)
October 30th, 2012
I am more than half way thru my 2nd year, and was having exactly the same feelings you were having - - - but suddenly at about the last week of my 1st 365 yr, i suddenly realized i had so much more to learn from everybody here - - - and it really hasn't felt like i was pressured or that it is a chore at all (like i thought it might). Good luck whatever your decision is!
October 30th, 2012
@istacy1011 one more thing i wanted to don't have many followers and you aren't following very many people. Your pics are fantastic!!! Maybe if you search around and get more people involved in the process, it would help you see if you want to let it go or do another year (i vote the 2nd of those options!) lol - - i;ve enjoyed looking at all your pics!!!!!!!!!!!
October 31st, 2012
@istacy1011 - Thanks for the website! I'll check it out for sure.
October 31st, 2012
I've just completed Year 1 and I couldn't imagine life without 365. I just love taking pics and also seeing everyone elses. I think I shall carry on forever!
November 1st, 2012
I posted 302 on Sunday and have a few more to upload for this week but I intend to carry on for another year. I might not always upload a photo for the day (might use fillers instead) as occassionally the photos I took on some days were rubbish but I posted them anyway as I did not have a better one.
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