He disappeared

November 22nd, 2012
I was quite active on here for the first part of the year and then I stopped...
I thought I should let at least the people that we're giving me feedback an explanation.
I had, at the time a series of family problems including my father being very poorly. Things are much better now and I'm considering starting up again in the new year with another 365 project. Been taking photos, if only with my phone all year...

Thanks for the feedback when I was participating
November 22nd, 2012
I was almost finished my project in February this year when my father was diagnosed with cancer. I stopped my project as I had little time for, or interest in photography, as you cam imagine.
My father died on May 6th.
I turned 50 on June 11th and thought it was time to start a new 365 project. It was a great help getting back into a hobby I love and getting feedback is a great way to inspire and motivate.
I am still enjoying my project and life in general has settled down again. Photography is a great excuse to get out and about even if you are not in form for doing anything. The want / need to have a photo to post is the best way of pushing yourself and your hobby ever onwards.

I hope things work out for you, I know how difficult it can be.

I was not one of your followers but if you do decide to get going again I would be happy to be one of your first new followers.

Best wishes,
November 22nd, 2012
@daviddobedoe Welcome back :)

@jdonnelly my condolesences on your dad, mine past away from cancer a year ago so I understand the loss!
November 23rd, 2012
@daviddobedoe Glad to see you'll be coming back. I found that 365 was a great help after I lost my job and could not find employment. Instead of sitting home moping, it forced me to be creative and in the end I looked forward to what I was going to shoot next. I'm still unemployed, but I keep busy and 365 is still a great help.

@jdonnelly My father also passed away this May Joseph. My sympathies to you and your family. The 365 community has been a great support for me at this time and has really helped when I've been feeling low. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

@silverhorn My sympathies to you too Rose- sounds like we all had a pretty special Dad by the way we are all missing him. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as well.
November 23rd, 2012
I love reading your postings. Im just the opposite of it, I drive deep into photography when my Dad died. I took away my sadness and forget about myself - when I was doing mostly photography. I hope U will express your creativity soon.
November 23rd, 2012
@daviddobedoe I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad being poorly. I started 365 when my Mum was dying and it helped me to do something for myself throughout a difficult time. In fact it seemed like a saving grace. Sadly Mum died on 19 November and my aunt who had Alzheimer's died 4 weeks later so it was a really sad time for me. 365 and the support from everyone helped me through and I've continued to learn and improve my photography. I will be pleased to follow you if you are posting pics again so welcome back to this really supportive community
November 25th, 2012
Sorry people, I think I'v been misunderstood, my Dad is doing OK. But he was very poorly. Take care, and yes this is a site with some really good people using it.
November 26th, 2012
My dad died August 3rd. That had me coming in and out of the project. Still hurts, but this is almost therapeutic. My best to you and your family.
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