To try again Or Not to try again!

December 3rd, 2012
So I really wanted to do this project for a year and see my growth, but I failed lol! I want to try again starting with Dec 31st or maybe even sooner. My question is: Does the 365 tracking part start over on Jan 1st? Or can you tell it I am starting over here...Just wondering :) I also thoguht aobut trying to fill in some of the pictures I did take in the months that are blank or shoudl I just not waste my time since it wasnt everyday lol! Just wanted to see how many people try year after year and cant do it. Or are there others that have several uncomplete years haha!
December 3rd, 2012
Quit being so hard on yourself! Life gets in the way for all of us! do what you can when you can. I think you can fill in if you want but the only advantage to that is you can post more pictures than you one a day for a while anyway. It is all what YOU make of it. There are lots of people who never finish and never come back. there are also lots who give it a second chance and stick with it. Again, it is all about what you want to do with it. No one else is judging!
December 3rd, 2012
It's not about filling a years worth of calendar photos! Take and post whenever you can. There's no sin in leaving blank spaces. It's YOUR project - start it when you want, post what you want, when you want. It's all about the love of photography and the desire to learn and improve. Good luck!
December 3rd, 2012
@mistyhammond I just started a new project completely last month and limited who I follow and participating in things. It lets me do my project on my terms. And it starts any day you decide to start. And while I finished my first 21 months, I used fillers more than once a month, because I have a life that needs to be lived.
December 3rd, 2012
What do you want? No hard and fast rules. I wanted a complete year, my comp was down for over a month, I filled. My second year will not be as demanding.
December 3rd, 2012
I wanted to do a proper full year too, but two years later still the most I've been able to stay "complete" for is about 2 months. That said, I still feel like my photography has come so far and I'm less and less worried about being strict with myself and the project... I've "started over" twice, but really, it's just one sorta continuous journey, holes or not!
December 3rd, 2012
Don't worry and just fillin with some extra shots. The important thing is taking photos and learning. Cheat a bit and colour in the squares and stop worrying :-)
December 3rd, 2012
@grammyn @timandelke @phillyphotos @sugarmuser @polarvrtx @godders

Thanks you guys! Well that makes me feel much better :) Thanks for the encouragement!!! I will do it as I can :)
December 4th, 2012
If it makes you feel any better this is my fourth time starting over =) and I have lots of blank spots already but I figure if I finish the year I have at least accomplished forming a habit and then the next year maybe there won't be so many holes. Main reason is because i am a single mother with a full plate and quite often can't get out like I want. I have started doing one of the monthly challenges and I am finding it is helping give me ideas of things around the house to take pictures.
December 4th, 2012
@ontheotherside Yeah I am hoping now that i will be a sahm it will get easier :)
December 4th, 2012
i have tons of empty slots but in no way does it mean i have to start over. just pick up where you left off and do what you can. just bc its "365 project" doesnt mean you have to literally do it every single day. do what you can. taking breaks actually inspire me more
December 4th, 2012
What rules?

Enjoy taking a posting photos as often or infrequent as you want. Push yourself. Or take it casual. This project is whatever you want it to be. There is no "winning" or "failing". :-)
December 4th, 2012
@mistyhammond Hey Misty, Hang in there.. The 365 project is your project. It's meant to encourage people to use their camera. Many times I spend a weekend taking pictures and using them throughout the week. I tried taking a photo everyday but I would get behind and I felt I was too pushed. When I take photos on the weekend I have more time to try different perspectives etc. Make 365 your project however you want to do it and have fun with it.
December 4th, 2012
@mistyhammond I started August 1, since it was my birthday month. And life goetsin the way of having fun, and sometimes life throws stuff at you you would rather not document. I suspect you still want to give it a try or you would not have come back here ;) So cut yourself some slack, and start when ever you can. Hope to see you back!
December 4th, 2012
I started this project in the middle of June. I didn't even consider viewing it in a calendar year.....
December 4th, 2012
I am just coming to the end of my second year and intend to ciontinue indefinitely.

I wholeheartedly agree with what most of the others have said: it is not a compeition to try to fill every space on exactly the right date but to maximize the learning opportunities, takng what and when you like and posting whenever convenient. No sense in discarding several satisfying shots one day and then having nothing to work with on the next, so please yourself ... it's YOUR project, so use it to the full. Above all, enjoy, and don't let "rules" make it a chore!. It is an amazingly friendly, satisfying and relaxing project and it has taught me a lot!
December 4th, 2012
@tbats22 @pschtyckque @dmdfday @sunshinephoto5 @welcometocarolworld @wordpixman

Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement! I will be sticking around :)
December 4th, 2012
No better place to start than right now!
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