
December 18th, 2012
I wanted to offer some support to the new and young members of

I myself know that everyone up here is going through their ebbs and flows, and that everyone up here has considered give up their project. I wanted to share a few insights that will hopefully support those at a stage current or earlier than mine.

At 5 days, I was exhausted, and had no idea how I'd manage 360 more.

At 12 days, I was ready to give up.

At 104 days, I gave up for the first time.

At 130 days, today, I quit. I thought I should seek photo therapy when I considered changing my mind. But, I want to see not what 4 months can do for me as a photographer, but what momentum a year can induce. One of the last things that my Dad said to me was, "You'll be a great photographer." I have to believe that, and I can't let him down.

I hope this helps those coming behind me. I admit, I could use some help from those ahead.

Merry Christmas everyone.
December 18th, 2012
@cameronknowlton Cameron.. your photos are amazing, and you are more than 1/3 of the way there!!! I can only imagine what your 365th photo will be.. I myself have less than 2 weeks to go.. WOW, time has flown.. I have been pretty faithful to the project until December 3rd when my life changed... I thought. WOW, I will have all the time in the world now that I am not working. WRONG!!!! I went through a depression and didn't pick the camera up for almost 2 weeks.. Which is not of the normal for me.. So, I put my big girl panties on grabbed my camera and found something to shoot, HAWKS.. wonderful creatures... and always a challenge for me. Flowers, even in mid December.. and then my animals, because they were here with me.. I know it is a tough road, a year commitment is quite a healthy thing to chew off.. But, the end results.. The satisfaction of achieving that goal.. well, I don't know yet. I haven't obtained the goal.. But I will.. and I will look forward to seeing your 365th photo also! I know it will knock the socks off! Good luck, hang tight and this too shall pass!
Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah!!! My cheer you on speech :-)
December 18th, 2012
@cameronknowlton Hey, Cameron... this time of year is tough going with everyone so busy ... it's the first time I've ever been 3 days behind but for me catching up is just another step of the challenge! If you're feeling 'photographer's block' why not find something to shoot for this week's theme, or maybe choose something like a macro shot or look back in your fave folder and get inspiration from there? You're already a great photographer! Life throws all sorts at us, and part of it for me is capturing that. Keep going!!
December 18th, 2012
thanks, @cheribug and @filsie65, I so respect you ladies as photographers. Phil, you were one of the first I noticed up here, and Cheryl, we're so recent challengers. I started on my birthday in August, but so many others are leaving now that the new year approaches.

I'll miss all your company, whether it's you or I who leave... it's like staying too long in Maui, when all your friends have left to go back home.
December 18th, 2012
Quitting is easy! But don't. You must have started this project with the goal of completing at least 365 days? Just take a break. It won't be the end of the world. You'll miss 365. Trust me, I've done that a few times. :)
Have a Merry Christmas! Maybe the New Year will inspire you.
December 18th, 2012
Thanks, @mandyj92, and ladies above. I have no lack of inspiration, I see shots everywhere, and have all sorts of bad weather plans in my mind.

It is the time, the $, and the feeling that there is no direct benefit beyond myself being gained.

Perhaps this is a taste of being an artist? I guess I just don't know what I'm looking to gain from this project. Shooting better is great, and 365Project is doing that in spades, but it does take an inordinate amount of energy, and for what?

Both my professional and my personal life (what there is of it) is crumbling to fee my photography project.

Yet, here I am at 4 months... can you imagine a year? My inspirations are about to leave, so please, before you do, share what has sustained you all when you faltered?
December 18th, 2012
Do you love photography? Are you doing this project of yourself or for your father or someone else?

If you love photography I don't understand how this could be a difficult project to finish. It should be a moment in your day when you can relax and enjoy life and the beauty around you. What part of the project throws you off balance? The photography itself? The processing? The commenting? Would you rather be doing something else with your free time? Why not analyze your feelings about these things and decide in the end if this, photography, is a love or not? If you love it, find the time, enjoy the beauty around you and maybe you will forget your problems. Do what you can... skipping a day here and there is not a disaster. Using fillers is not a crime. Using your camera every day does make you a better photographer though.

December 18th, 2012
@cameronknowlton So much of what I do every day is necessary and sensible and serious... (single working mum), most days this is the only outlet I have for anything fun, creative, frivolous. It gives me something else to think about! I put into it what I can give and some days that's more than others, but I know I love the feeling of looking at the 'calendar' view and seeing all those snapshots together. I really miss seeing everyone else's shots on those days when I'm too busy - the views from this wonderful planet can be such a breath of fresh air.
I guess I do it for me, because I want to.
December 18th, 2012
Keep going if you love photography. As Amy @aspada says, you should be doing this for yourself and if you are no longer enjoying it then quit. Or give yourself a break. I'm coming up to finishing my second year and have hit the wall a few times. Once I took a week off and caught back up using fillers for the days I missed and these days I'm not bothered about using fillers at all. I can't have gaps though ;o)

Just recently I've had a lot of people unfollow but there are a certain group of people who are so loyal and manage to comment on my shots however crappy they are and they are the ones that keep me going.

At this time of year it always gets difficult what with bad light and general busyness but stop beating yourself up. Carry on if you have that passion or give up if you need a break. You may find that a break enthuses you once again. Good luck x
December 18th, 2012
Hey YOU! I've just had three months of enforced no photos while I languished in hospital. When I got out I really didn't feel up to picking up a camera. Eventually I remembered 365 and have now started shooting again...not well...but doing it. If you love photographgy then be here. If you don't then feel free to pull's not a committment for life. No-one will judge you for your decisions.
December 18th, 2012
@cameronknowlton one of the best threads I have read on here. I am only 2 months in but never felt frustrated or like quiting yet. Found the monthly word challenge helps so much and the weekly themes etc also help.
December 18th, 2012
Oh, I've been there too. I never imagined it would affect me when my followers stop, but it does. I grew so fond of the wonderful community here and when some of my favourite people quit, I felt really down, and discouraged. There was several the same time. Haven't got my act together completely ever since.
What helps me is, that I really believe I can finish my project. Not 365 photos in 365 days though - I don't mind one month delay. I have seen great photographers finishing their year and many people continuing even longer - so it can be done :) And I really like to show my shots here. The best audience :) I also love to browse the project, even if I don't have time to upload or comment. I take some time off , when I feel I need it.
But hey Cameron - I will be here until April (at least) to finish my year, so I'll follow you. There will be lot of people joining 1. Jan and things will liven up. Lets stay in the project and see what happens!
December 18th, 2012
Hi Cameron, I went on a holiday for a month earlier in the year and took a lot of photos. Then when I came home I was sick for a while...then work kicked in... and I got behind and haven't filled all the gaps yet. And that's ok. There are many more important things than stressing out about 365 when to me it should be fun, a pleasure. I have flurries of photo times and other times life gets busy. I agree with everything @aspada said- that resonated well with me. The reason I do 365 is to be immersed in a community of people with a shared interest, who are at all levels of excellence and varied in all kinds of ways. I love the rich diversity, support and learning I find on this site. Tonight I printed out and framed a few photos for family Christmas presents. I could not have done that for so many reasons without the constant learning provided by the 365 community.
December 18th, 2012
@cameronknowlton Well I am a couple of weeks from finishing year 1 but have plans to continue into year 2 so I decided to follow you. I had periods when felt like quitting even though I love photography (I had slight health problems which made me feel a little low & did not like anything) but now I'm glad I didn't quit as I would not be near the end now and my photographs have improved (some of them anyway).
December 18th, 2012
cameron, you get so much from posting every day, it was only at the end of my first year i realised that and missed it so much that i was back in a few weeks. the people are really supportive and the comments keep you going. you get out of it whay you put into it. as a result i've joined my local camera club and i'm now entering club comps and having work published in the local press, it's also given me some of my health back as i used to suffer panic attacke.... so please keep going with it, you will see such positives by the end of the 365
December 18th, 2012
Cameron, I am closing in on the end of my first year and struggle daily now with whether to continue or not - in the end, though, I sincerely believe that 1) I still have SO much to learn and 2) seeing the artistic endeavors of all the incredible photographers here makes all of what goes into a "vital" 365 well worthwhile. I should also say that I tend to be an "all in" kind of person, so I keenly feel my responsibility to comment on those I follow and participate in challenges and discussion threads. At one low point in my project, I found that the commenting was about to kill me as I was being ridiculously anal about trying to stay caught up. What I had to find was a perfect mix of how much time I could spend on my "friends" and on my own photographic growth. . . that said, I lose touch with this lofty goal all the time and just have to keep adjusting my own internal critic and cheerleader! I think the bottom line, though, is paging back through my albums and seeing much that pleases me. I'm proud of having made it this far!! Good luck in whatever you decide!
December 18th, 2012
It is rough, once you think that you have taken every picture that you can think of, there is another subject to tackle.

As I have heard so many time, this is your project, go at your own pace, take photos of what you enjoy. Sure, join a challenge, or make up one of your own. Take a photo out of the window at work, what did it look like a month ago? a year ago?

Do it for yourself.
December 18th, 2012
This is interesting stuff to read! I haven't once felt the need to quit (not yet, anyway; I'm a few away from my 100-day mark), even among exit exams, entering exams, exams to take exams, etc. In fact, the project has been breezing along for me, and every day I learn something new about the camera and have a dozen ideas for what I can do next. I think this motivation come from the fact that I'm only doing the project so I can say I did, and because it's nothing but a release after school and work are packed up for the day. I have no aspirations of making a name for myself in the photography world - I don't even want to make it a "career." I'm well aware that all the photos I take don't matter. That's the joy of it.

I really hope all those who are struggling keep on! You should know that your perseverance is a real encouragement to us younglings.
December 18th, 2012
@aspada, its primarily that 365 has brought my career and my software development to a stand still. both of those take serious amounts of time, and 365 has taken from that. I do love photography, maybe even more than my job, and that's having an impact on my client's campaigns.
December 18th, 2012
@swilde, so great to see you back. you were one of the first people I followed up here. I hope you're on the mend, and can ease back into shooting. It's especially good to hear from those who have made it to 365.
December 18th, 2012
@kmrtn6, you're getting published, that's awesome. has making photography 'work' detracted from the 'fun'?
December 18th, 2012
Did you ask yourself why you started your project? What was your goal and what is really standing in the way? Of course your career is pretty important but even if you work many hours you must have some spare time and looking around taking photo's is a great way to clear and open your mind.

You say it's not the lack of inspiration. Maybe you should consider using another camera.
I decided to start 365 using my phone only. It's always in my pocket, ready to take a shot! Also I use 365 as a photo album, not as a social network, which keeps the 'comment-pressure' low.

I'm not gonna say you shouldn't quit posting here, just don't stop taking photo's. That would be a shame. I certainly hope you will able to reorganize your life and reset your boundaries to make photographing a hobby again. If you manage you make yourself a happy person again. Go for it!
December 18th, 2012
I think it's great that you are being self-reflective...and reconsidering your priorities. What other people have done in those moments of hitting the wall will probably not help you; it sounds like you have already made up your mind...I will be really sorry to see you go.....but if it has become a chore for you, then maybe you should move on.
Merry Christmas! - - and we will still be here if and when you come back!
December 18th, 2012
Cameron, you are one of the first that I followed. You had incredible shots that I really liked. The thing I notice is how great every one of your photos are. I sense you are a perfectionist. I once was ... and it took me far in my job. It killed most of the rest of my life. It took time and energy and took the fun our of it. A crisis in my life forced me to change (or lose things I did not want to lose). Now, it's OK to take a picture that isn't all that good. It'e even, hold on here, OK to post it to the public. Now, I let myself take pics that may not be great, but are fun. And now, it is fun again. It took a while to get here, but I'm glad I got here. The only person forcing you to make a great shot every day is yourself. I would rather see one great shot a week than none. And I DO understand how a hobby really can't be allowed to destroy ones revenue-source. That doesn't work well for anythng.
December 18th, 2012
thanks, @dlaxton, I see you really get me.

everyone, your support has been overwhelming. I'm going to push on until the 6 month mark, then re-evaluate. I heard a lot of great things from the folks in this thread, and I'm using them to keep going.

thank you everyone.
December 18th, 2012
@cameronknowlton One thing that you may like to learn, Cameron... When responding to people on a thread or a comment you must leave a space before and after their @name otherwise they will not be notified of your correspondence. Glad to hear that you have decided to stick with it for a while longer.

December 18th, 2012
ah... figured a comma would do, that explains a LOT.

@scrivna, can you enable punctuation as valid whitespace characters?
December 18th, 2012
You're going to have to retype that last question and leave the space before the comma! @scrivna question above from Cameron!
Glad you're sticking with it....have fun, make it your project and respond/comment when you can.
December 18th, 2012
@cameronknowlton no hun as its not really paying anything, its still fun for me
December 18th, 2012
... you see what a PITA it is to have to remember that?
@scrivna ... can you enable punctuation as valid whitespace characters?
December 18th, 2012
@cameronknowlton @lynnb @aspada hey guys, apologies for that, you can now use punctuation at the end of an @mention. :-)
December 18th, 2012
@Scrivna... Cool! And three dots? :)
December 18th, 2012
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