New project, new friends

January 1st, 2013
Hi everyone,

It's January 1st and I have just started my first 365 project and was trying to find people to friend who also have started a 365 project today, so that we could share our photos and experiences for a whole year.
By all means feel free to follow me and I will also follow you.

Daimian B
January 1st, 2013
Hi Damian, I have just put up my first photo today and will follow you. Best of luck in a successful completion of the challenge!
January 1st, 2013
I am also starting in earnest today so yes, I will tag along your journey.
Happy New Year

Miz Hayz
January 1st, 2013
Hi Daimian and everyone, my first photo is now uploaded and I'll happilly follow you all. I'm nosey like that. Enjoy the project all and good luck for the New Year.

January 1st, 2013
@ios365 Hi Daimian! I just uploaded my 5th photo but for me it is still like the first day at 365 - so much to discover and so many great photographers to meet =)
January 1st, 2013
Hi everyone, I started project 365 a couple of days ago. As a complete novice I hope I'll learn to take some decent photos and enjoying sharing your photos along the way.
January 1st, 2013
Hi Daimian and everybody.
I started project 365 a couple of days ago. I hope to learn a lot here.
Have a great day eveyone and all the best wishes for 2013!
January 1st, 2013
Not new here (just finished my first project yesterday), but I'll follow you :)
January 1st, 2013
Good Afternoon! I've just started my first 365 project and uploaded my first picture of 2013. I have many ideas for the coming year, but it is the first day! Will be great to see what other people capture in their daily lives. I'm looking forward to the coming year...all the Best everyone for 2013! Hx
January 1st, 2013
Ok, think I clicked to follow everyone who posted. Welcome aboard, everyone, and have fun! :)
January 1st, 2013
Hi Daimian:

I just signed up and see my first photo op, need to get off the computer and get out there. I usually only last about 6 weeks into a 365 project, and am hoping this site will keep me motivated.
January 1st, 2013
I am on board. And very excited. Have to use my iPod until my camera comes.
January 1st, 2013
Thanks for all the replies and follow requests. Have added you all to my follow list.
Looking forward to seeing everyones work this coming year, no matter what equipment you are using.
My project is going to be shot entirely on iPhone and iPad, often using apps and accessories (which will receive my personal review) to regain some of that creative control back again.
January 1st, 2013
Welcome :-)
January 1st, 2013
Welcome everyone! I started on July 1 and am halfway through my first year. The journey so far has been absolutely amazing because of what I have learned and because of the amazing people here.
January 1st, 2013
@istacy1011 still trying to figure out how to navigate everything .
January 1st, 2013
@progressz ZELDA!!! Yay!! Following you now :) Did you get your camera yet?
January 1st, 2013
@skuggi STTTTTEEEEEEVVVE I didn't know you were starting this!! I's Em by the way :)
January 1st, 2013
Hello everyone! I'm about to start my 4th year, if you have any questions, don't be scared to ask! :) @progressz @ios365 @helenthedoodler @prinseslo @ccb @skuggi @mizhayz @jonhawkins
January 1st, 2013
@naomi have no fear I'm sure I'll be raising my hand at some point. Thank you!!
January 1st, 2013
Hi everyone. I'm new too! I did this in 2007 on flickr, and it's been a while. Will follow those in this thread.
January 1st, 2013
Hi, I've started my first 365 days project today. Hope to have enough patience to finish it on Dec 31 2013!
January 1st, 2013
@naomi Hi Naomi, thanks for the encouragement to ask. So question: Am I right in thinking the photo needs the Exif data left in to identify the camera?
January 1st, 2013
Hi everyone,

I started my 365 project today as well. I am really excited to start posting everyday pictures and make new friends here.

January 1st, 2013
Hi! My name is Jeri and I just joined. I have a friend who has been doing this for a while and I've seen her evolve into quite the photographer. Glad I found this post. I'm going to follow everyone... if I can figure out how. LOL

I use my cell phone camera because it's always with me, but it can usually take pretty good pictures. I have a HTC Evo 4G.

Nice to have found this site. :)
January 1st, 2013
Starting year three today, but I'm following you. Welcome! You're in for a fun ride with a lot of great people.
January 1st, 2013
19 days away from finishing my first 365. good luck to all the newcomers!!!
January 1st, 2013
@jonhawkins Short answer: yes. Long answer: using most editiors, it seems that exif data stay in the photo, unless you upload the photo to another site and then save it off the site. I don't think that this site will identify the camera if all of the exif data has been removed but you can always write the name of your camera in the caption :)
January 1st, 2013
1st 365 started. 1st day almost over, 1st photo posted.
Will definitely follow as many of my fellow 'newbies' as possible...and 'oldie's too ;o)

Happy 2013 everybody!
January 1st, 2013
Hello all, I'm Soup and for now I'm shooting with a little Sony NEX-5. I have a Nikon DSLR, but I'm hoping to both get much better at photography, and move on to a nice, decent canon 7D by the summer!

Hope we all make it!
January 1st, 2013
Hey everyone!! Today is also my first day for 365. Actually it's my second project (completed one yesterday using my iPhone). This one I'm going to use my dslr. Hopefully I will be able to improve my photography skills!! Good luck to everyone!! Please follow my project.
January 1st, 2013
Welcome, I started a week ago .we all need encouragement so more the merrier ill follow you.
January 1st, 2013
Hi Everyone,
I'm new as well and would love to get all of the feedback I can. I just received my first camera-- so I'm so excited to learn everything I can from all of you. So far, I have loved looking at everyone's photos-- so inspiring!!
January 1st, 2013
First year, first day. Just uploaded my first pic...Will appreciate any tips or ideas!! Good luck to everyone else too
January 1st, 2013
It's my first day too! Can't wait to get going. I'd really appreciate feedback and I'll do my best to reciprocate! Happy new year. :)
January 1st, 2013
Hello everybody! I'm new and I'll be happy to see the world through your eyes and to share my point of view with you. Let's have some fun! :)
By the way I'm Bulgarian and my English is not perfect so I'm sorry for the mistakes :P
January 2nd, 2013
Hi Damian. It is only my second day and I am after some followers too! What a great way to share the year with people and become accountable for completing the project.
January 2nd, 2013
Hi! I´m new on this site. Started yesterday with the project. I havn´t had so much time to take pictures in 2012 and hope that this site may give me some motivation back. My name is Marie and I´m a 15 year old girl from Norway. I take my pictures with my NIKON D90 :)
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