My thoughts on 365 "success"

January 2nd, 2013
There are a lot of new folks asking how to "succeed" and there are some awesome comments in response. I totally agree with the "HAVE FUN" and know that there are no rules other than your own approach.

Perhaps the most challenging aspect is the "picture-a-day, every day" aspect (duh!). The way I have decided to tackle that (although I refuse to be stressed about it - challenged, yes, stressed, nope). is to keep a notebook in my pocket (moleskin has proven to take the punishment well, although they are expensive) and make a few lists. The first list is of locations that I drive past that seem to offer good shooting-points. This list is divided into sunrises, sunsets, fog, creeks, cemeteries, points of interest, etc. Another list is of pictures on 365 that I want to replicate in some way. Another is of pics I want to take. Things like street people, graffiti, waterfalls, shadows, doorways, windows, architecture. Another is a list of project shots I want to take, like smoke, water-crowns, groups of brightly colored items (this list is mostly shots I can construct regardless of weather or anything else cooperating). And the last list is portraits/pets I want to take. In this way, I HOPE to be able to generate a decent picture when my creative juices aren't flowing or when weather/life/etc isn't cooperating.
January 2nd, 2013
Those are all awesome suggestions! I will be sure to begin doing that. I do love lists.
January 2nd, 2013
Oh I like this. Great idea.

I love moleskin, so worth the money IMO.
January 2nd, 2013
I have a similar list although on my laptop as a 'sticky note' so I see it on my desktop. Also included on my list are different techniques to try, such as high-speed or different effects or I wish to try such as IR.

I think the only way you can class your project a 'success' is whether or not you have done what you set out to do. Mine for example is to try new things, and so after every thing I do, I'll ask myself have I tried a new thing or new approach and what have I learnt from that?
But every person's project is there own and only they can decide whether they've been successful.
January 2nd, 2013
Great advice, @dlaxton. I suggest having ideas as well, but definitely don't stress yourself out over this project. I'm okay with the fact that I have a crappy picture of my toothbrush for one day, because my life has been busy and some days that's all I could get. So just get out there and do it. You will love that you have a whole calendar of pictures to look at next December 31!
January 2nd, 2013
For me success will be seeing this through! I'm full of vim and vigour now, I hope I can keep it up. Success will also be becoming a better photographer - and consciously thinking about the images I take, as well making the effort to take more of them, can only help with that. Seeing what other people do and reflecting on how they achieved their shot will help me too. I'm going to have to work at not being intimidated by the great work I see here, and at not feeling dispirited that all I have to work with is a sad little point and shoot! If I see it through, I know I'll get better... so that defines success for me. Also being part of such an inspirational and supportive community already feels like a success. Good luck to us all!
January 2nd, 2013
OH!!! Lists are my favorite!!! ;) I like this idea!
January 2nd, 2013
That's a lot more organized then I was! I didn't worry too much about taking more then one picture of the same subject or multiple sunsets as long as I was trying to capture them in a different way.
January 2nd, 2013
What a great post and replies! Thanks for the ideas. I think I will keep a list or two myself.

Is there a way to follow threads so you are alerted of new replies? Would love to see what others post here.
January 2nd, 2013
oh i wish i looked for something like this when i started back in March :-) ... I joined some of the challenges for inspiration ~ CSC and get pushed ~ great for pushing me out of my comfort zone and learning new techniques
January 2nd, 2013
I really like this idea! I just started 365, and good advices are so welcome.
Have fun, and good luck!
January 2nd, 2013
Here are just a few more ideas to help out:
1) when you have a great photography day, be sure to make note of extra shots that don't get posted - you may just need one of them someday as a "filler"
2) understand that it's up to you to decide whether or not a "filler" is okay in your project
3) remember that it IS your project and you should be able to make sure that any self-imposed rules work toward your own success
4) participate in anything and everything you can find the time for on the discussion boards!
5) The camera settings challenges might be of special interest in helping you progress with greater familiarity with your camera.
6) The weekly theme challenges (posted by our fearless leader Ross Scrivna) are a great jumping off point and can take you in marvelous directions . . . don't forget to follow the tag for these themes so you can see what others are doing.
7) Some weekly recurring discussion/posting threads that are grand for learning: "Your Favorite Fav of Someone Else", "Your Favorite Picture of your Project for the week of. . .", "Your Favorite B&W for the week of. . .", etc. These usually post on Fridays of each week.
8) The Get-Pushed challenges may seem overwhelming to participate in at first, but there is NO better learning experience, in my opinion. . .don't hesitate to tell your get-pushed partner if you're a newbie or need to soften a challenge that appears too hard. Everybody on this site without exception that I've seen is interested in helping!
9) Follow people and comment on their shots - no matter how many followers they might already have, you will learn so much along the way!
11) @dlaxton Hope it's okay that I just piggy-backed onto what you already had to say so eloquently!

@prinseslo @kelkel @spankyjane @jasonparrish @sarie @ktpellett
January 2nd, 2013
@lyno - OH Lyn, you are ALWAYS welcome to comment on anything I post LOL (as is everyone). I teach college critical thinking and the first thing I tell my classes is that my goal is for them to learn as much from their classmates as from me ... there is FAR more wisdom in the world than will fit in my head!!!!!
January 2nd, 2013
@lyno great advice, especially, for me 2 and 3... with 2 small kids I'm going to have to make this workable when I'm not fired up with beginner enthusiasm! And I love @dlaxton 's comment too, we are all learners and teachers.
January 2nd, 2013
I am afraid my approach is totally unstructured: No notes, no lists of ideas and no challenges, but whenever I see something I would like to write about and share with the world, I take a snap with my p&s while composing the words. Ergo - unlimited choice and no stress.
January 2nd, 2013
@lyno Thanks for that helpful information!
January 2nd, 2013
@lyno - thank you for even more great advice! I look forward to exploring the threads and learning about the side projects and challenges here.

1 question... Can you follow a tag like you follow people here?

Thanks!! :)
January 2nd, 2013
@wordpixman, I really like your approach. My intention is quite similar.
January 2nd, 2013
@kelkel - If you click on a tag or type it into the search box, you'll get a composite page of all the pics with that tag .. like the "popuior" or "recent" pages.
January 3rd, 2013
Lots of good ideas here! Thanks for starting the thread, Dave.
January 3rd, 2013
@dlaxton Thank you for suggesting this to me Dave! Great idea to create those lists (I am a huge list person so this is awesome for me lol)!
January 3rd, 2013
@dlaxton Also, I am originally from halfway between Chicago and Indy! Small town called Kentland :) Small world it is!
January 3rd, 2013
@mmartin - My wife teaches at S. Newton ... no bad comments allowed!
January 3rd, 2013
@dlaxton ahh! That is where I graduated from!!! Who is your wife??
January 3rd, 2013
@mmartin - OOOpsl, I meant North Newton LOL ... damn ... but I know Mr. Frischie well.
January 3rd, 2013
ahhhh ahaha! I will refrain from anymore comments regarding NN ;) haha
January 3rd, 2013
thanks so much for sharing -- what a great idea.
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