Totally Confused On Mixing 2012 & 2013 To Finish 365?

January 3rd, 2013
I am totally confused on this project now. I basically started in April, 2012 and of course, not everyday was filled due to health, etc. So I have a lot of empty spots and now I don't know wether I'm suppose to go right into 2013 and continue until I've got 365 pictures? HELP! I need some answers as we are having some rough times ahead with my grandson diagnosed with Cancer. He's 24 and pictures aren't on my mind right now, but I love this site so much and the wonderful friends that I've made on here and don't want to lose any of you.

Thanks everyone,
January 3rd, 2013
Why the confusion? Just keep on posting.
January 3rd, 2013
Linda...I would say the project is done when you have had some serious stuff going on....If you started in April, then it could be done in April even without the magic 365 shots. I started Jan 6 (not as late as you) but am continuing until Jan 6 to call it my 365. Take what time you need.....and if you want to have 365 photos...then keep going until you do.....Prayers to you and your grandson to get thru this stage....Peace be with you.
January 3rd, 2013
It's your project. You do what feels right. My first year was Feb. 2011 - Feb. 2012. I hope your son gets better soon.
January 3rd, 2013
I know how you feel....I to started in April and towards the last few months of the year I failed to post everyday. My reasons were camera troubles and being in a photo slump. I decided to start fresh for this year and do what I can everyday. Not going to worry about getting that perfect shot or how many favorites or followers I have. Just go back to taking photos that I like. My prayers go out to you and your family...stay positive and do the best you can.
January 3rd, 2013
Not to worry. If you started in April, you should finish your year then too. There are many others that started at various months and will be posting their final pic at that time. Good luck with your project!
January 3rd, 2013
@dmortega Thanks Dorrena, I guess I was looking at it as a calendar yr., but looking back on it, I didn't start on Jan. 1st.
@lynnb Thanks Lynn, good advice. Thanks for the prayers for my Grandson also.
@lolanae I know it's my project Brandie, really enjoy it and wanted to do it right. Thanks for the prayers, but it's my twin Grandson that is sick, easy to get it confused.
January 3rd, 2013
@batavia @batavia I'm glad you understand, this should be fun, right and we can't always control what goes on around us, especially when it comes to health. My grandson is more important than a picture anyway, even though I take so many of all of them. I like to take pictures of what makes me excited or happy and the grandchildren are at the top of that list a lot. Thanks for the prayers for Brendan, we'll know today how far it's gone, hopefully it's contained. Chemo is still going to be done and I can't believe that is fun, especially if your in Grad School.
January 3rd, 2013
I started on Feb 1st and that's when I will consider my 366 finished but you make the rules for your project, no-one is going to tell you the way you choose to do your project is wrong or right. I hope things get easier soon.
January 3rd, 2013
@granny7 Linda, I know I had heard your news before, but it is still just horrible. . .I started late last year, too, although not quite as late as you, but am just plowing on through until I finish my own "calendar" year. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and yours as you move through the upcoming events. Take care and know that whenever you need this community, we are here!
January 3rd, 2013
You can do either Linda. You can fill in the gaps if you want and complete the 365 on the date you started. Or you can keep on going until you hit 365 in your own count. Do whatever is easiest and best for you- but do it to enjoy it. Don't be burdened by it. Some folks when hit with the overwhelming times you are encountering just take a break and come back later. It's your project to do as you see fit. Wow- I will be praying for your grandson and you! Keep us posted on his progress if you can.
January 3rd, 2013
I started on May 1st, so will finish on April 31st - I don't think it matters whether you start in January! Sorry to hear you are dealing with difficult things in life - sometimes I find keeping going with the photos even through the bad times is a way of focussing on the positive, but if it is too hard then a few blank spaces are fine :) Best of luck with the rest of the project.
January 3rd, 2013
@granny7 Linda you have to do what you think is right as a Friend i would not like to see you leave 365 and I am sure your Grandson would want you to carry on with your project not interfering but I think the photos may help you get through this bad Time it may also take things off your mind like Lyn my Prayers are with you and your Family x.
January 3rd, 2013
@olivetreeann Ann I to have also replied to Linda but i could not help read your comment what a beautiful reply to Linda . : - )
January 4th, 2013
@gerry Thank you kindly Gerry!
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