New member - I need suggestions for a camera . . .nothing too expensive please!

January 4th, 2013
I am new to 365 but I love taking pics! I used to be the sponsor of our school yearbook, and I got interested in the not just taking pictures, but composing them. Well, I have gotten slack, and like everyone else, I pretty much use my phone to take pics, but I want to invest in a starter camera (less than $500) because I don't know much yet about taking pics. Any suggestions? Thank you for your advice!
January 4th, 2013
If you go to the blue menu at the top of the page, click on browse, and then on cameras it will give you a list of the most used cameras on here. That might help a little.
January 4th, 2013
Thank you! I saw that but I was looking for a little more insight for the layman . . . I don't really know too much about cameras. I appreciate your response.
January 4th, 2013
Are you looking to get advanced with your photography? If so, I would recommend a basic DSLR. You're not likely to find a new one for that price, but you could probably find a refurbished one. Don't know much about Nikons, but anything in the Canon Rebel series would be great to learn on. If you're just looking for a nice point and shoot, I've heard wonderful things about the Canon Powershot. It's a point and shoot, but it has some features of a DSLR so it's kind of a bridge camera between the two types. That one you could get for the price you're looking for. Hope this helps a little and welcome to 365! :)
January 4th, 2013
@lbluejaye8 a good Canon Powershot camera, very very user friendly and highly recommended in several expert sites is the Canon g15. It's a hell of a low budget starting point. A good family camera, small size and has a lot of features you can learn to use through time.

It earned "gold award" in dpreview site.
Top of it's class.
January 4th, 2013
@Stacy - that's what I'm talking about. . . I don't even know what DSLR means. :) Thanks for the advice. Yes, I see the Canon Rebel gets good reviews, but it seems to start in the $1,000 range on up.
January 4th, 2013
Thanks @Gabriel. Checking it out!
January 4th, 2013
@lbluejaye8 you can get the Canon Rebel T3 for less than 500 $. Check Amazon.
January 4th, 2013
Thanks @Caroline!
January 4th, 2013
I second going with a less expensive DSLR if you're interested in getting into photography. I started with a Canon Rebel T1i, and it has been a great camera. I also recommend you buy a book on exposure to give you a basic understanding of photography concepts. You're probably going to get a lot of differing opinions!
January 4th, 2013
I am looking at the Canon Rebel too as my first nice camera! They're on ebay as bundles going for $300-$400, but check them out on ebay and amazon.
January 4th, 2013
Google will be your best friend during this. When I first decided to learn more about photography I'd just open up and article and start reading. Every time I came across a term I didn't know, I'd google that. It was almost never ending. One website that helped me a lot is
I'd also recommend going to your library and getting books out. For me researching cameras was very tied into learning more about photography because I wanted to be sure I made an educated purchase.
Good luck!
January 4th, 2013
I got a Canon Rebel t3 about 4ish months ago....I completely LOVE it. There is so much I have learned and continue to is a less expensive DSLR option and still a fantastic camera. I won't be upgrading to anything different unless/until I feel this one is holding me back....which that will not happen for a loooonng time if ever really. It is not a huge bulky camera so it is still easy to bring along with me anywhere I go which is very important to me...I already have enough crap I have to carry everywhere with an 8 month old lol. Whatever camera you choose...I challenge you to turn it on Manual from the will learn sooo much that way. That is what I did with my camera when I first got it and I haven't moved it from Manual except to maybe Av or Tv once in a while when I am in a hurry and don't want to mess with all the settings but know which ones I definitely want to control :)
January 4th, 2013
DSLR - Digital Single-Lens Reflex camera . . . took your advice, @Sara, and Googled it! I may even look for a continuing ed course, etc., to try to learn more about it.

Thanks @Michelle! Good advice, and I like what you said about the camera and keeping it unless it holds you back!
January 4th, 2013
The Canon Rebel t3 on amazon is less than $400 right now which means you could possibly find another lens. I got a 50mm f/1.8 a couple months after I got my camera and I rarely put the kit lens back on because I love this lens waaayyy more.
January 4th, 2013
I will make note of this! Again, a lot of the lingo is new to me so I will have to Google and learn!
January 4th, 2013
I also recommend going with a less expensive DSLR rather than an expensive point and shoot. The G15 is a great camera, but the sensor size will always limit the sense of depth you can achieve.
January 4th, 2013
I see alot of Canon folks on here so I think I'll throw my 2 cents in for the Nikon folks. :) I started with a Nikon 3100 DSLR, it was the best choice I could have made. I think Canon and Nikon both make awesome cameras and the choice is very personal, which camera feels the best in your hands???

If I were you I would find a local camera shop (not a Best Buy or an Electronic Store but a real camera store). If you go into a camera shop most of them haver rentals and demos. More importantly they have 'camera geeks' like me and some of the other folks on here who can help you and explain things so that you can understand. They will be very patient and helpful and give you advice as to what you need. My local camera store here in KY is awesome. They are never trying to make the sell they are just helpful. Hopefully you can find a store like that where you go and ask questions and snap a few shots right there in the store before you buy!

Good Luck!
January 4th, 2013
Thanks for the great advice @Debbie! We do have a store here in Augusta, GA, that is like that - Wolf Camera. I think I will go in and check them out!
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