Amature Mommy 365ers?

January 4th, 2013
I am just your everyday Mom who has this awesome camera and know nothing but using the Auto feature. Whats the point right? I am trying to learn a little bit to captures some better photos of the day to day.

Generally my photos will consist of my 3 year old, my Australian Shepherd, and maybe a random object that looks cool. I am not an artist, i have no dreams of making a job out of photography, or pretending to be one.

I would love to have some people to follow and to follow me. I am not looking for numbers, I am just looking for people who will comment from time to time and not get tired of looking at pictures of the above mentioned.

So, if anyone out there is shaking their head saying "Yep, that is totally me" or just wants to see so-so pictures taken by an over extended 28 year old college student, mommy, and Wife to a deployed soldier then I am your girl.

Let us unite!
January 4th, 2013
Yes, here! I'm running simultaneous projects. One is my default 365 album where I'll post photos of whatever I feel like shooting that day. The other is one where I'll post a photo of my 3-year-old daughter each day. Following you now!
January 4th, 2013
I am a mummy :D I take lots of pics of my kiddies, I edit them creatively for something different. I would love to follow you. Welcome to 365!
January 4th, 2013
I too have no interest in turning this into anything other than being able to capture good pictures of my son and family.

Best advice I have is to turn it to M, Av, or Tv and start practicing. When I got my camera, I refused to allow myself to use Auto...I put it directly on M and started learn quickly that way! I have done A LOT of practicing and have learned sooo much already (only had my camera for about 4 months). But I totally don't mind looking at and commenting on your photos will consist of similar things...I don't mind the people that don't want to look at baby pictures all the time, but definitely don't follow me if you are one of those people lol!!

Oh, and I am a Marine wife...luckily my husband is home for the time being but he is starting a new job and will be deploying fairly often with I feel your pain there :)
January 4th, 2013
I'm another mommy photographer! I'm trying to learn to take better pics but I have no ambition of ever becoming a pro!
January 4th, 2013
I am a mummy too, in my second year of this project now and I've learnt so much! This is a brilliant place for growth! Welcome to 365!
January 4th, 2013
I'm not a mom but I love photos of kids. Following you already :D
January 4th, 2013
I'm another four kiddos. That's exactly where I started out. At the beginning of my project, I decided to just switch it to manual mode and figure it out. It was the best decision I made because it forced me to learn so much. The knowledge I have gained over this year is amazing. This site is so friendly and is full of amazing talent. Enjoy your project!!
January 4th, 2013
Heya!! just followed you ;)
I'm a mum of 2 crazy boys... I love following other mums day to day lives... its good fun to live through others photos!!
I'd love to call myself a pro, but thats laughable! I've done and am doing product photography occassionally otherwise my project is child heavy!
Look forward to seeing your progress. x
January 4th, 2013
Another mom checking in. I mostly take pictures of my kiddos and hope to get better over time to capture memories.
January 4th, 2013
I'm a mommy too and most of my pictures will be of my kids.. lol. I'd love to have some followers and follow fellow mommies too! :)
January 4th, 2013
Wow! What a response. I figured I was not alone out there. I am following everyone above! Excited to take a glimpse into your lives this year :)
January 4th, 2013
Mama here. There are a good chunk of pictures of my daughter in my project. They are all tagged with "daily dose of ali". She's a huge part of my life, so she definitely makes appearances. hehe.

My best advice...just shoot. Click away and see what falls out. My last two pictures have been just like that, not planned just found.
January 4th, 2013
Thanks for the advice. The camera is now on Manual. No more auto pilot. Sink or Swim time for this Momma
January 4th, 2013
Read the manual that came with the camera... it has the BEST tips!
January 4th, 2013
I tend to stick on a semi automatic mode usually aperature priority, that way i can control depth of field (how much of the shot is in focus), a lot of pictures i post on here will probably be of my son too.
I would maybe purchase a specific book for your camera as manuals can tend to be a bit dry & hard going

January 5th, 2013
I'm doing this too! Two kids, two dogs. I realized I don't take nearly enough pictures of my loves, and this is one resolutiuon I want to keep! We are already friends, but if anyone else wants to add me, I'll return the favor!
January 5th, 2013
good for you for taking it off auto! I too am a mom- due this month with #3. Most every picture I take is of my kids, with a 3rd one showing up, I don't expect that to change any time soon. :) This project is a great place start in learning to use your camera, speaking from experience. Welcome to 365!
January 6th, 2013
Hope everyone has been able to find a few new followers though this post... I know I did! I have been enjoying everything so far that is for sure. I just keep living, learning, and snapping!
January 6th, 2013
new mommy here!
this is my 4th 365 attempt....first and third 2nd one i completed! yay! (

but now i have this amazing 16 day old and a new slr (my dad upgraded my d3000 to a d7000) so i'm doing another 365 here just for baby girl.....i may continue with my other account too...we'll's hard with a newborn to take a pic a day....esp with a newborn who loves to be held....
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