Etxra info

January 4th, 2013
When looking at some of the peeps i am following photos, i have noticed that there is extra info on the side where the views/comments/album etc.. Some photos have what camera they used and even the date... I would like to also add this extra information but while uploading my pics i didnt see here i could add it...
Does that make sense???
Thanks in advance for any help
January 4th, 2013
That info is inserted automatically if you are uploading (not emailing) a photo... I'm not sure if you can add that info in on your own - maybe someone else knows...

ok - i stand corrected... the exif info does generally stay with the photo when emailed in... so now i have no clue why the info gets stripped in some cases and not others!
January 4th, 2013
Thanks @northy .. As im in transit atm im only on my ipad so i have to email my photos in... Thats makes sense... Thanks again
January 4th, 2013
I don't think you can add it yourself, I'm afraid, @mrsbaldy - this data is what's usually known as the "EXIF Information", and is embedded within all photos taken by a digital device.

Some processing procedures strip out the EXIF data - for example, you can ask Photoshop Lightroom to do this automatically on export, if you like. Also, any phone camera shots created with the photo-sharing service Instagram automatically have their EXIF data removed (as far as I'm aware, there is no way around this).

I'm not entirely sure whether simply the act of emailing a photo into 365 (rather than uploading in the "traditional" way) is enough, in itself, to remove the EXIF from that picture - personally, I don't see why it should, but I may be wrong. It could be just that the device you're using to take your pictures doesn't add EXIF to it in the first place (some - a few - don't) or that you're processing them in a way which removes it.
January 4th, 2013
Thank you @manek43509 for explaining the EXIF info.. I had no idea what that really was... Lol..
I am loading my photos straight on to my ipad, then emailing them to project 365 to load...
I might try uploading from my daughters laptop today to see if anything is different..
I had just presumed peope added the info to the site themselves as some of the cameras came up as iphone..
Thanks again for all the info
January 4th, 2013
@mrsbaldy What camera are you using, though, before you put them onto the iPad?

Also, I've just tried uploading from my iPad - you can do it through the main site's uploader, rather than doing it via email. Maybe see if that makes any difference, too?
January 4th, 2013
I have a cannon EOS 600D.. Ive only had it two days... Lol.. So im not too familular with it...
I was unable to upload to the site from my ipad... Im using safari.. I think i might need flash or something simular but i dont know what.. Lol...
Im not normally quite so clueless..
Thank for your help
January 4th, 2013
The EXIF data is embedded in the photo data. Some applications will strip it when you edit. Emailing a picture in does not strip the info. You can edit/add/remove the exif data in the photo before uploading it.
January 4th, 2013
@mrsbaldy See above. Also you have to email it in from an iOS device. Go to 'You'->'Upload Photo'' in the navigation and in the middle of the page will be a n email address - send the photo to that and a few minutes later it will appear on your home screen.
January 4th, 2013
Thanks @twocups .. I havent played around with edit yet.. Just taking them straight of the camera and uploading them.. Ill try from a laptop when i do todays photo and see what happens.. Thanks again
January 4th, 2013
@northy I also get the exif emailing the photos :)
January 5th, 2013
@tandem02 hmmm... interesting... i don't email 'em in often, so maybe it was just chance?
January 5th, 2013
These articles can tell you a little more about EXIF tags:


EXIF is like the RAW picture format in that every one has their own idea as to how to use/implement it, so EXIF-tagging can become a nightmare. I find it easiest to 'tell' my software to leave EXIF alone. If not, information pertaining to dates and camera make tends to get mangled.
January 5th, 2013
@northy I email them almost always :)
January 5th, 2013
@mrsbaldy I've been using a Canon EOS 600D for the past few days too! (It's my girlfriend's camera - I'm normally Nikon, but I stupidly left my D3000 at home when visiting my girlfriend, so I've been borrowing her Canon instead, until I get back!)

If you try going to in Safari on your iPad, you should get an option to upload up to five picture files. Click on the "Choose" button next to the first one, and your iPad should ask you whether you want to "Take A Picture" or "Choose Existing" from your Camera Roll - once you've selected the image(s) you want to upload, press the "Upload" button underneath, and it should all work fine.

However, others seem to be saying that emailing the pictures doesn't strip out the EXIF data - as I suspected - so I'm guessing it's something either in the settings in your camera itself (I can play with the menu on my girlfriend's Canon, and see if that does seem to be an option, since I'm lucky enough to be sitting right here with the exact same model you're using!) or in the way in which you transfer your photos from the camera's SD Card to your iPad...
January 5th, 2013
@mrsbaldy - that's interesting because I was wondering the same thing. I have been looking through some photos of someone I follow and her photos have no information about the camera etc used while others I follow do.
January 5th, 2013
The data automatically appears on the side of the picture if you use digital cameras. No data appears whenever I use the camera of my phone nor edited the pictures taken from digital cameras.
January 5th, 2013
Lol.. Your not going to believe this... I uploaded my photo today, the same way as ive done each day and i have the extra info there!!! I didnt muck around with any settings or anything... Fingers crossed tomorrows the same...
January 6th, 2013
So i uploaded today and no "extra info"... I did do something different yesterday, i didnt put text on my photo to label it (ive been marking the day on each photo).. So i guess ill upload the photo first to my 365 album then label it for my own personal album on my ipad.. Thanks everyone or your help...
January 29th, 2013
I went searching on this topic to see if someone had asked the question. I perplexed as it seems very random for me. I'd like my photos to be considered for the theme challenges and am afraid I'll be disqualified if the date isn't apparent. I'll try emailing and see if that works. Thanks for the info posters!
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