How many 365 Returners

January 9th, 2013
So i think we all know that January brings about a lot of new comers to the community. MY questions for you is, how many of those new comers have attempted the project before? I myself, have tried and failed. But I promised myself that this time would be different. Starting January 1st I have kept my photo diary up which has been hard because I am a full time University student. So if you have tried the project before, let me know and say how many times. For me, this is my third attempt. It is embarrassing but true. I want to finish this time and watch my photography skills develop. I want to know if I am alone with this, or not. For anyone who has had to restart- don't give up!
January 9th, 2013
I completed in 2011 & tried in 2012 but pregnancy & the birth of my 5th child got in the way. So I am back for try 3.
January 9th, 2013
This is my first attempt, but I will be very surprised if I make it to 365. I have been on Christmas break, so before today it was easy. Today was back to work before the student's arrive. Today was not as easy. Even if I don't make it every day I am going to try hard. Welcome back and good luck. Third time just may be a charm for you.
January 9th, 2013
this is actually my 4th attempt...and my 3rd account...
my first attempt was in 2010- fail
then i completed 2011
started 2012- fail...i got pregnant and just lost all mojo for taking pictures
(my 2011 and 12 attempt are over at however, i don't think i'll be posting much there at all anymore)
so now i'm back to chronicle my baby my project for now actually starts on 12/20/12
also, i got photoshop for christmas, and hope to learn how to use it during this project....
January 9th, 2013
I tried back in 2011, I'm determined to see it to the end this time. I'm feeling very enthusiastic, I feel like I've learned a lot about photography between then and now. I also want to remember not to feel bad about using fillers now and then. Life is busy, things happen. I don't want to pressure myself too much, what fun is that?
January 9th, 2013
I tried in 2010 I think, that's the other album on my account. I think I'll do better this time around.
January 9th, 2013
3rd time here as well. I shoot nearly every day, just lose track of posting images here.
January 9th, 2013
I'm a third timer too...failed back in 2010 and 2011. Am determined to make this year the year! I started about a month before Jan 1 so I got to see all the "I finished!" shots for last year's projects and it totally motivated me! I want to post a shot like that myself this year!
January 9th, 2013
I started last year but only got a few months in and life got in the way. I am determined to finish this year :)
January 9th, 2013
I'm back. =) I completed year 1. Year 2 was hit or miss. Now for year 3.
January 9th, 2013
I started in Feb 2011 and lasted almost 3 months- took a year and half off, and am back for my 2nd attempt. Good luck to us all :D
January 9th, 2013
I have tried it once before and succeeded - now into my 2nd consecutive year.
Good luck everyone!
January 9th, 2013
@gphelps5 and what an awesome successful year you had!!!!!!!
January 9th, 2013
What advice do you have for those of us just starting, based on your experiences? So that we might have a better chance at seeing it through the year? I can already see the difference between the holiday break and work gearing up again.
January 9th, 2013
@lolanae @shyanewiegs I am right along with Brandie! I did complete year 1, was hit or miss on year 2, and now I am back for year 3. I just love the learning curve on this site and the community of talented people willing to share great techniques and ideas!
January 9th, 2013
Thanks Cheryl
January 9th, 2013
I still have yet to hit 365 pics and have been going for over 2 years now, so close. Perhaps one year I will actually try to get the project done in 365 consecutive days.
January 9th, 2013
This is my 3rd year! I went the first year without missing a day. Year 2 had some fillers. But I hope to make this a year with no fillers :D
January 9th, 2013
Failed last year! Determined to see it through this year!
January 9th, 2013
Started in the middle of 2010 & got really enthusiastic that I opted to be an Ace member & did 3 albums all at the same time. Completed all 3 albums in 2011 & halfway through 2012 decided to have rest as it had become so demanding, so time consuming...
Around October I decided to try again but with just one album but I still found it hard to post a photo everyday...I do still take a lot of photos but not day I might have so many opportunities but another day might be so blank...oh well I am still here.
January 9th, 2013
I completed a full year last year and have returned for another year.
January 9th, 2013
My first (and, if I'm honest, only previous) 365 was in 1983 - don't think this website was around then....

Feeling Blue - my 365
January 9th, 2013
I tried before in 2010. Made it almost a month. But I was trying to only use my Nikon, and that just wasn't possible with work an such. So now I am using that or my IPhone. Makes it easier to get a photo everyday. Fingers crossed I will make it through this time!
January 9th, 2013
I've lost count now, at least 4
January 9th, 2013
This time is my second attempt. I failed last year at day 26 or so. My problem was the work and time I put on every single picture. It was complicated and I could only upload on my main pc. Now, I have a portable tablet and a EyeFi-SD card on camera and always active internet connection with me. Also I dont use RAW only, but ooc JPEG for quick and dirty. That makes it much easier. Also this site motivates me and upload is a bit easier than using wordpress.
January 9th, 2013
With a new little one and work getting busier i did not manage to complete 2012's series so attempting again.
January 10th, 2013
I completed my first 365 in 2011. I took a break in 2012. I'm back for 2013.
January 10th, 2013
First attempt and 10 days in I know it's not going to be easy but I'm going to give my best shot at doing 365, and if I get a few good images then its been worth while :) good luck to everyone in the coming year
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