Carnival shooting

January 11th, 2013
Tonight im taking my babies to our local carnival.. Im still struggling with my settings at night taking photos so i wondered if anyone had any advice...

My camera is the canon EOS 600D..

I'm taking a plan b photo today in case i totally mess tonight up but i'd really like a good shot of the ferris wheel..

Thanks in advance for any info xxx
January 11th, 2013
I can't offer much help since I know nothing about your camera and I've never tried such a shot. But, you might search for ferris wheel on here and jot down the exif info of some of the shots you like. Good Luck!
January 11th, 2013
Thank you @mej2011.. Ill give that a go x
January 11th, 2013
I have a few but only posted this one way back, you need a tripod as you will need a slow shutter speed. good luck and enjoy.
January 11th, 2013
The number 1 tip for night-time carnival photography: take a tripod!

Apart from that, enable high ISO noise reduction and take the ISO up to around 800 (the EOS 600D performs respectably up to ISO 1600, but you won't need to push it that far). Then set an aperture of around f/5.6 to start with and then a long-ish shutter speed for the light trails on the ferris wheel or other rides... try to start at around 5 seconds (hence the need for the tripod) and then adjust aperture accordingly. Good luck!
January 11th, 2013
I have a few. Definitely agree that a tripod is a must!!

January 11th, 2013
I shoot handheld. But also at times, I prop on something sturdy. (And yes, I do own a tri-pod and it does go along from time to time) I'm good handheld to just over 1 second.

This photo was propped. I like a low ISO - this was 200 and a long shutter - this was 2.5 seconds. You can see the exact Exif info by clicking on the photo and looking at the listed Exif.

January 11th, 2013
Thank you @swguevin @psychographer @davidchrtrans @cookie123 .. I dont have a tripod yet.. Its the next thing on the list.. Lol.. I'll give tonightba go and see what happens.. Fingers crossed i get at least 1 shot.. Lol.
Thanks again
January 11th, 2013
Shorter duration, again hand held. You can start by slowing your shutter speeds in increments to see where you sweet spot is hand held, or go closer and prop near the ground. Shot at different event and location from the one above.

January 11th, 2013
@swguevin Your phoos are amazing... Im even more impressed knowing you didnt use a tripod..
January 11th, 2013
This was a 2 second long exposure, where the wheel reversed half way through:
January 12th, 2013
it helps to have a tripod for some of these, but this may not be the case for you tonight. Find a spot where you can set your camera for a couple of seconds to do some long exposure shots, the great carnival lights always make for cool shots!

This was taken on a tripod for 2.5sec:

January 12th, 2013
I took this one at 1/50th using a monopod, as the sun was setting so there was a reasonable amount of light still:

January 12th, 2013
@cameronknowlton Very cool!
January 12th, 2013
Man I wish we had carnival around here.
January 12th, 2013
Low ISO, high f-stop, slow shutter speed worked for me.

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