
September 8th, 2010
I recently bought my first DSLR and am looking to buy some filters to play around with. Since I love taking pictures of the sun, I am really interested in the 8 Point filters.

So, what is your favorite filter? What do you use it for? Do you have any pictures in your project with said filter?
September 8th, 2010
A circular polarizer is a really good one to have... I also really like my ND1000 neutral density filter. It cuts 10 stops worth of light. Great for doing long exposures during the day.
September 8th, 2010
I like ND also - I use a couple, but most regularly an 8-stop for the same reason as Josh (above) - great for ocean shots - and also for using wide apertures in bright light. I also love my graduated ND filter for balancing out bright skies (or glare off water etc).

For fun stuff, I love getting out the IR filter. It's tricky to take colour shots with it (you have to chanel switch and so on in Photoshop, and colour temperature can be problematic if you shoot raw), but monochrome conversions are a piece of cake and can make for some really nice toned b&w shots.

I also like red (and other colour) filters for b&w shots, but they can be duplicated in-camera quite well now and almost make them seem redundant. Besides, I don't shoot monochrome in-camera anymore unless I'm shooting film.

I can't say I use polarisers much since going to digital, but I'd never leave home without one just in case I'm shooting around water, the sky is really washed out, or even if I just need to slow things down by an extra stop.
September 8th, 2010
Also a big fan of circular polarizer filters. Pretty close to a necessity for outdoor/landscape photography. Makes blue skies deeper and greens greener. Really makes clouds pop. And to eliminate glare on a lake's or window's surface. Lots of fun ways to use it.
September 8th, 2010
I turned my nose up at the circular polarizer until recently thinking that I didn't really need it. Tested it out this weekend and now I'm kicking myself for not using it from the start. I could see a difference immediately!
September 8th, 2010
My hubby seen this

and was going to buy it for me, Is it something any of you guys use? and if so, in what situations?!? I am pretty new to using a DSLR and am a bitty confused :o)
September 9th, 2010
I have several filters that I use. I have a 2 circular polarizers, graduated ND, UV filter, star filter, soft focus filter, infrared filter.

I keep the polarizers on my 28-70mm and my 70-300mm lenses. and the UV on my 90mm macro, but it's basically for lens protection.
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