Tips for Event Photography, please?

September 8th, 2010
Hiyaaa :)

Long story short, my friend wants to go to Bolivia on her gap year, so she's doing loads of events and stuff to raise money. The one coming up is a bike fix/tea party/craft day-type-thing. There's going to be cake stalls, a tombola, hair get the idea! Then there's a ceileigh in a few weeks...and I'm not sure what else xD

She's asked me to do all the photographs of her events for her website and as a log and stuff, and of course I said yes! I think it'll be a great experience, and also when I get my business up and running, she's going to link my website to hers for some publicity.

The only thing is, I've never done anything like this before...I don't have a clue about what sort of shots to take? How intrusive to be? What to do really! Does anyone have any advice/tips/tricks/anything useful?!

Naomi :)
September 9th, 2010
Going to be fun!
Tips... I dunno.. look for colour, kids getting hair done, people doing silly things.. I think most of the photo's will be there in front of you and you'll be spoilt for choice! Dont be afraid to ask people to pose occasionally too as can make happy pics and am sure they wont mind.
I've done a few of thes fairs and always take too many pics, takes ages to edit, lol.
I hope you have an ace time :-)
September 9th, 2010
Be as 'intrusive' as you want! Worst thing people can do is tell you to go away. xD And I doubt they'll do that, especially if you give off an air of professionalism (and also explain that you're the photographer covering the event). As for shots to take, anything and everything. :) I'd do a mixture of still-live and people (probably more people though). Since it's somewhat of an arts and crafts event, there are many beautiful still-life shots you could get. :)
September 9th, 2010
I've never done it myself - but I was talking to a professional photographer for a newspaper the other day.. We got talking about how I was just starting out and his one piece of advice was to "get as up-close as you can. This moment will never happen again"
September 9th, 2010
I've been photographing company events for the last couple of years and I second the advice to get as up-close as you can. However, it's also nice to get a few "wide" shots to give a sense of feel of the event. And to orient people as to where the close up shots have taken place. It sounds like these events will be outdoors? If so, be sure to have your cp filter on the lens. I find something like an 18-55 or 18-70mm lens will usually be enough for an event like that.
Arts and crafts shots lend themselves to closeups of the work being done and the hands doing the work.
June 2nd, 2011
@naomi Hi! So how did this event go for you? I've been asked to take candid shots at a friend's daughter's graduation open house. Do you have any tips for me? :)
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