Do Something?

January 28th, 2013
I've been mulling something over this morning, that I'd be curious to know.

How many of you do something with your photography?

When I say do something, I don't just mean print your pictures and put them on a wall - as I sincerely hope you all do this, as there's some fab shots around, but I mean, how many people use your skill - and at what point do you deem your skill useful?

I know some people enter competitions - is this a widespread thing, does everyone do it?

Does anyone use their photography for other reason - like submitting them to the local news or papers?

I've seen a few pictures this weekend from people who got involved in the RSPB bird count - have any of you sent your pictures to them?

Has anyone done anything unusual with their photography skill?

Something I'd love to try, came from an article I read recently, about rescue animals finding homes easier because the standard of picture taken of them was better,

I think I'm getting older and feel a need to give something back to like, save my soul or something hahaha. I'd love to do this with small animals - rabbits mostly :P but at what point do you deem your services suitable of offering?

I'm not necessarily talking about going pro or charging for images, but using something you love to give back.

Amy x
January 28th, 2013
I gave this one to a Friends Society of the bridge to use on their web site

January 28th, 2013
I haven't done anything yet but have been thinking about photos for spca animal rehome, calander making etc.
January 28th, 2013
I shoot professionally - people hire me to take photos for them, so they get some use out of them :) I've also entered a competition or two (but not been successful as of yet).
January 28th, 2013
I'm pushed for time to do much more than post here - I've entered a few competitions. I've done the portraits of our employees for our wensite and shot at 4 friend's weddings.
PLan is to try and set up my own website and make my shots more accessible to people. And try and enter more competitions too
January 28th, 2013
@amyamoeba I sometimes publish photo sets on a rugby supporters web-site that I just happened to have run many years ago - typical example here, but generally only of interest to fellow rugby-types -->

Charity / none profit organisations may have a need pictures for for various reasons. I did some work for a local organisation called Equata who wanted a horse-themed calendar - not using my pictures, just edited what they had at the time. Also organisations like the Wildlife Trust (plus many others of a similar type) are alway on the look out for wildlife pictures, country scenes, landscapes etc for their publications. Google and see if anything matches your style. There is always a contact page, and if you offer something for free, you will usually get a good reception.
January 28th, 2013
I use a lot of my 'local' shots for the local news paper
January 28th, 2013
Our photography class made some posters to support World Aids Day:

January 28th, 2013
I volunteer for the local schools to do publicity - our local print and online media print "school news" highlighting events and accomplishments arounds the schools.
January 28th, 2013
I bought my camera to take pics of the work I do to help make my business more noticable. I take pics of the bump paintings I do to give to the parents to be so that they have a special keepsake of the experience. I am the photographer for our sports club but again my time is free. I am a happy snapper. I like to find things using my camera and take a shot. I use a lot of my macro shots ofr cards, birthdays get well but again, just to give something a little special. I will never be good enough to sell anything I take a shot of but the whole process makes me relax. So I suppose I use my shots to keep me calm. :-)
January 28th, 2013
I have entered contests and exhibits. I have donated photos to an art auction, which raises money for youth art workshops. On a more personal note, I have made calendars and coffee mugs for Christmas gifts.
January 28th, 2013
It's funny that you posted this because I have recently been thinking about contacting animal shelters in this area to offer to take photos of their animals. While I know I have little- to no experience, I feel like just the photo taken with a better quality camera would help.
January 28th, 2013
I work in marketing. Some of my photos have been on the front page of The Worcester Telegram's entertainment page, on the covers of playbills, and on theatre websites. I also have several photos on some of the websites and some brochures of PI, which is a nanopositioning company. And I got this great gig once taking photos of valves for this company's websites (if you ever get asked to take product photos, do NOT say no---the subjects are not moving and you can use all the light you need, so it's easy to get great photos). You got paid by the photo---I was paid on the low side, but it was still $50/photo for 15 photos. I wish I could find more of those gigs! I haven't entered any competitions, oh except for one at a local camera shop.
January 28th, 2013
I think the animal shelter idea is a great one. there are many chicago area photographers that do this -
if you can't get a great shot at the very least it will be better than many of the shots that some of these shelters use. many of these creatures have never been special to anyone - its a great thing to do but you will have to be tough and determined to help. as you know, shelters can be very sad places.
January 28th, 2013
I was fortunate enough to have a pic selected for a photography exhibit last summer in the Chicago area. I own my own antique business, and put up small prints for sale. I am now creating my own personal line of note cards as gift sets, and have at least on other location agreeing to sell them. It all takes a lot of extra work, but I am an obsessed girl with a camera. @amyamoeba
January 28th, 2013
I am lucky enough that my office makes long reports and plans and needs photos so I get to have my work in those. I also have been submitting to galleries for showings. I set very small goals because I still want this to be a hobby and not a career.
January 28th, 2013
@amyamoeba I think that doing photography for an animal shelter is a much-needed, very appreciated thing to do. I used to volunteer at a horse rescue before moving away, and the photographers were always appreciated. Great photos can make a difference in people being willing to adopt/foster, and they can make a big difference in the rescue's publicity as well. Additionally, I believe that photographs are often needed for legal reasons, and before-and-after photos are both amazing and critical for people to see that the organization is doing good work. I really applaud your decision to look into something like this--I know your help will be greatly appreciated!
January 28th, 2013
The photos I upload here are personal but in my professional life one of the things I offer clients is images for the websites I am working on for them where they can be very specific and tailored, and the provenance is not in dispute
January 28th, 2013
I photograph varsity football games for my alma matter high school. The team moms use my photos to create scrapbooks for the senior players. I donate my time for them, I do no post processing for them, just shoot and hand them a disk of photos.
I also photograph sporting events for I do not currently get paid for this but have been able to attend many football and basketball games I would have not had the opportunity to attend let alone be credentialed and sit on the court/field.
January 28th, 2013
I teach student television at a primary school. We use a lot of still shots and video. The kids learn to use photography skills for composing photos and video, lighting, setting up shots and also editing. My photos are used from time to time in episodes, mainly we use student shots.
January 28th, 2013
I offer a photo club at my school. 20-30 kids are involved any particular week.
January 28th, 2013
I've been doing portraits for poor people lately (people that can't afford professional portraits because they're on fixed incomes, or the factory they worked in closed down, etc). I give them an 8x10 free and then a cd with the rest of the images so they can get others printed at walmart if they wish. I find it a good way to get in more practice doing portraits and feel good about the service I provide.
January 28th, 2013
Since I had so many photos sitting around not doing anything, I started a website and I sell some from time to time. I donate a portion of the proceeds to an organization that trains service dogs for wounded warriors.
January 28th, 2013
hi i submit to local papers and get printed, i also enter club competitions
January 28th, 2013
I've done our jury photography for years - which helped us get into lots of art shows (our income). I've sold notecards and calendars. Some of my photographs have been used on billboards or programs advertizing art shows, t-shirts as well. And my images sell our art on-line. My photos have also been in a couple of magazines. I consider everything I take just a 'happy accident'.

January 28th, 2013
@jsw0109 great idea.
January 28th, 2013
I do photoshops of my friends to post to FB. You know their head on a snowman or something.

I did a series of my boss photoshopped in various things like a protest out in front of the building, or in a story about some guy who busted up a bar in the same town where he was on vacation, that type of thing.

I don't use my powers for good.
January 28th, 2013
I did a poll on my FB business to find the most popular images, and then sold them in greeting cards in packs of 5, and I do print giveaways, and then the regular shoots for customers :) - i've also helped friends with their images, photoshopping things out, etc etc.
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