A little disappointed...

September 19th, 2010
... lately I feel like its been SO hard to keep up with my project. I started out determined to finish, but now I am working over 40 hours a week at a very exhausting job. (Not to mention I have a 2 year old!) I missed a whole week recently when my dog went missing, which didnt bother me that much but since then I have hardly taken any pictures either. I dont have time to go to anyone's page and leave comments anymore, so I feel bad about that.

I really enjoy it when I have time but lately I feel like its just something else I need to get done. I know I wont be 100% satisfied with my pictures if I am rushing them. I dont want to quit my project, but I dont want to be unhappy with it either. I guess I am a little conflicted right now, and disappointed that its not going how I planned.
September 19th, 2010
Ashley, you will gets lots of feedback from all of us who approach the project differently, so I will skip that part and make a single suggestion: Go easy on yourself! An entire year is a loooong time to stick to your plan perfectly. You can either re-assess what you hope to accomplish on your project or you can take the missed days in stride and keep up the battle. (Everything we hope to do 100% will have some bumps: thinking of dieting, exercising daily, Bible reading daily, etc.) In other words, IT'S OK! Just remember to enjoy yourself :0)
September 19th, 2010
Ashley... first of all, dont worry too much about not being able to keep up. There are SO many others with the same exact problem. I don't even have a 40 hour job and I feel super stressed out occasionally myself!!! ...and the fact that you can even halfway keep up with your project is amazing...

I wouldnt give up... but just do your best to take a picture now and then... even if it isn't the best picture...if it represents your day, add it! Then at least you can look back on it and remember how your day went...

I wish I could give you a big fat hug right now... well... I guess I can't physically... so here's an internet hug: **huuuuuuuuuggggggggg** :) :)

I hope you start to feel better and get a little time on your hands soon.... seems like you sure deserve it...

the last thing you need to do is to stress about 365 and feeling bad that you dont have time to comment.. because half the time I have the same issue... just realize we all understand... your life/job/family comes first ♥
September 19th, 2010
only you can decide the best use of your time and energy but sometimes what seems like a drain actually is what most feeds us for the more essential daily nitty gritty......and sometimes those overwhelming days are when we need to see why we go through it all. Try to stick with it and don't judge what you are doing too harshly.
September 19th, 2010
Hi Ashley. I just browsed through yuor calendar and was amazed at all the beautiful pictures. you have a gift and it would be ashamed to let this project go. I agree with Lauren. Take a picture when ever you feel like it...no pressure there.. we all understand that there are times where you just don't have the time or energy..so don't worry..there will be lots of other days and we are all looking forward to your fantastic pictures (no pressure here from me) but I really would like to follow you. Thank you sharing your thoughts with us.
September 19th, 2010
Sorry to hear you're in a bit of slump, Ashley, but surely that's all it is. Do what makes you happy - if that means posting every so often, then so be it. Keep it fun and carefree; it saddens me to see how many people get overwhelmed with the project and quit. Good luck :)
September 19th, 2010
I agree Ashley, this is "your" perosnal journey, so if you are busy and don't have time for a good pic, that is how your day is. You will be journaling for a year of your life. That makes it indeed a personal thing. You can look back and see how your life was for the past year. Sure, we all want to have fabulous photos every day, but at times that is unrealistic, and sometimes impossible. To think that it is going to be a perfect year is just putting extra stress onto youur already hectic scheudle. Keep it fun and real. If you cannot get an up to date photo, or none at all. Hey, we understand. You and you alone will know when it is not possible. Hang in there.
September 19th, 2010
Hey Ashley- we all have times when 365 seems like more of a chore then a project, so don't feel alone there! As a working mom with three kids I know first hand the stress of trying to please everyone, including producing a "great shot" for the 365 community, but one thing I'm sure you have noticed around here, is that this is a non-judgemental group of folks here. Do whatever you need to do in order to reduce the stress in your life- if that means no picture for 365 some days, well then so be it. I hope things settle down for you some, and you find the time to produce the types of photographs that you can be proud of. Hugs!
September 19th, 2010
Maybe this is breaking the "rules" but I work 45-50 hours a week, have two kids, a dog and a husband...I take pictures everyday but I don't always get them uploaded until the weekend. The way I look at it it's my project and my life I'm not hurting anything by waiting a day or two to get my pictures up. Good luck with your project and if it starts to feel like a chore take a break.
September 19th, 2010
Hi Ashley,

I'm --only-- 10 days into my 365 project and I can well imagine that it gets harder and harder to keep motivated and find new subject matter to photograph week after week after week.

As I see it any contract is only with myself. My project, my rules, my schedule. If I decide to change the rules that's my prerogative. I hope I don't have to but I reserve the right to if I so desire.

The main thing is just to enjoy it. :)
September 19th, 2010
I think that sometimes the rules we make up for ourselves for 365 can be daunting. No one said your pictures have to be perfect. Here is a list of things other 365ers have done:

1. Simply don't post a picture for that day.
2. Write a note that you aren't inspired that day, and take a picture of it to post.
3. Take a picture of yourself and post it. Ross does that, and I think it is fabulous.
4. Find an older picture and post it.
5. Take a picture of anything you have around the house. Playing with depth of field, you can make anything look interesting.
6. If you have a pet or a child, you can't go wrong with a picture of them.
7. Take a picture of the ordinary things - you'll look back on that picture and see what your "normal" is like.

Hope that helps!
September 19th, 2010
I agree with everyone - do the best you can and don't be too hard on yourself! I often skip a couple of days, but then add two shots later. I don't consider it cheating as they are my photos. Only the dates get changed. This site is meant to be fun. When it isn't anymore, taking a break could be what you need. Only you can decide. Good luck!
September 19th, 2010
My advice, have a glass of wine and chill, 365 is not as important as the things you are doing for yourself and family. When you find the time, then come back! No worries, be happy! (ok, my advice wasn't much but it was free and you're probably too busy to read it anyway!)
September 19th, 2010
Aw thank you everyone... I guess I am being too hard on myself. I am a bit of a perfectionist sometimes. I really dont want to quit so I guess I am just going to have to accept that my project isnt going to be perfect. I have just been so overwhelmed with everything lately... so I am getting stressed easily.

I really appreciate all of the good advice and encouragement :) I love this community and how supportive everyone is! I will try to post when I can but I am not going to kill myself trying to squeeze it in my day if I dont really have the time. It doesnt help that my husband hogs the computer every night to play wow, lol.
September 20th, 2010
Ashley, A few things I have leaned about stress: it is a killer, destroyer and thief. Enjoy something in life very day. Life is too short to try to be perfect. Eliminate or symplify if you need to. Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage you. Do what Bill said and have a glass of wine and chill. ;-) I should go do that. hugs.
September 20th, 2010
Some good advice there Ashley. Only you can decide how much effort you can put into a project like this with all your other commitments. No one is going to shoot you if you don't comment on their pictures, as well as put a perfect one up yourself every day. Often I find the ones I like best are the simple shots of someone's day with a note about what they did. They really are treating the 365 as a personal diary. So what if there are spaces.. aren't all diaries like that? Mine are LOL Sometimes I don't have time to put a pic up every night, or even get around to taking one every day, but I try to use one that has been taken a day or two either side of the gap and fill it in. Just take some time for yourself and your family and don't forget to b r e a t h e. So pleased to hear that your dog has come home, one less thing for you to worry about :) Take care of yourself and join back in when you can find the time. Best of luck x
September 20th, 2010
Good luck to you Ashley! We understand how busy things can get. Don't be so hard on yourself and post when you can. btw your photos are Awesome !! Take care of yourself, girly !! :) Hugs !!
September 20th, 2010
@Ashley Dito to what the others said. I guess it depends on why you are doing this - what prompted you to start? I simply started it as a photo journal of my days. Lots of my pictures and explanations are boring to others, but it's My journal. Also, I started so that I could follow other people's photos - a journal of their days or their interest in experimenting with photography. The photos that are posted from around the world present new and different ideas, scenery, customs, and even animals that I would never see if not for 365.
If you look at my calendar, you will see lots of holes. Like others I have gotten so busy with work, night classes, etc. that I carry my camera everywhere, take lots of photos during the week, then upload them on the weekend - or sometimes once every other weekend. I rely heavily on my camera's ability to capture the date!
Many times, when I have a spare moment or two, I will check in on the 365 site just to look at what's out there and maybe make a comment or two. At those times I don't post anything but I enjoy other people's work.
Don't be hard on yourself and you can always use 365 as a quick "jolt" of inspiration even if you don't post or comment.
September 20th, 2010
I think you've received some really good advice! I seriously doubt that any of us thought that taking part in the 365 Project would be so time consuming. It takes a lot to: take a picture, edit/process, upload and follow/comment. I had been trying to keep up with everyone, but I really hate to comment on a photo without looking at it in full scale (not just the thumbnail), and I like to read all the other comments first!

We all have times in our lives where what we WANT to do, isn't what we NEED to do...but that doesn't mean that you have to stop taking pictures. I love what Laura D said about stress being "a killer, destroyer and a thief." Those are words to truly listen to...

If you don't have time to sweep the floor today, or wipe finger prints off of walls tomorrow ... OR comment on every photo for every person that you're following...Relax!!! This isn't a job, it's a hobby - it's supposed to be a DE-stressor!!! So...grab your camera in one hand and your little one in the other!! Go out there and shoot something and if that means you spend more time with your family and less time in front of computer, that's OK. I for one truly understand!
September 20th, 2010
I've been taking pics all along but haven't uploaded in... well... ages. I took up running and just completed a 10K, which was quite a time investment and went home for 3 weeks on holiday. I'm hoping to get caught up a bit over the next six days, as I'm off work for Chuseok.
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