Posting to more than one album

October 9th, 2010
If you post consistently to more than one album, do you find that they all get visited equally? If I have a theme picture, I add it to my 365 album but I use a second album for my personal choice for picture of the day. Often I like the alternative photo more, but it rarely gets the traffic the 365 album does. How does that work? Is there any way to make my 2nd album more visible?
October 9th, 2010
I've just gone and had a look at both of your albums.
My approach to looking at and/or commenting on everyone's pictures tends to be totally subjective. I look through the daily feed and those that grab my attention are opened in a separate window and if they really appeal then I'll comment. Time is often limited so I don't comment on everyone's pictures consistently or regularly.
Now, two albums. I didn't even know that your pictures were from separate places and have sometimes commented on one and not the other.... I think, and this is just guessing, that the 365 pictures tend to be more narrative and perhaps show your sense of humour a little clearer. That probably doesn't even begin to answer why one gets more traffic than the other.... unless folk like the contents of the 365 better.....? Interesting question though. Hope you find a more satisfactory answer than this ramble has proved to be!!
October 9th, 2010
It may be that the 365 album is set as your default, so when someone clicks on your name, that is the one that opens. I usually try to look at both of yours, but with others, I don't notice that there are two albums and only look at the default.
October 9th, 2010
I think Weslyn hit it on the head. I also have 2 other albums and when I post those pictures they first show up on the Home page and from there I get some comments. but as they don't show up in your default calendar so therefore - unless someone clicks on the other albums - you'll not get any more comments.
October 9th, 2010
yeah your default album will always be the 1st one that comes up when someone clicks on your name unless they click on a photo from the other album,I always check now to see if they have more than 1 album it says this beside the name etc
My 2nd album is for projects at the minute A-Z & it definetly doesnt get the same traffic,i think the people that comment most days on my pics know to check now though i think it depends how much time people have to comment,
I will go & check yours x
October 9th, 2010
It depends on what I've uploaded, actuially. There are days when I upload one to the Challenges album and to the main 365 one, but if the challenge shot is better, it gets more views. Esecially lately when my 365 has been sooc and the challenge shots have been older photos.
October 9th, 2010
yeah I have two albums and find that most peoples comments are on my "default" album even if the picture in my 2 album is "better". I think it totally has to do with that being the album linked to your name, so unless someone sees your photo while it is up on the home page they may not see it at all. It's a real shame too, 'cause some of my best stuff this week has been going into my second album as I am still working on my A-Z series in the first album.
October 9th, 2010
Well thanks for this post!! Before today I was not aware you could view anyone's second album!
October 9th, 2010
If I'm following someone, from the feed, I don't know which album the photo is posted, and will comment on the ones that interest me. But if I find someone, say from a discussion topic, or from a comment they made on someone's page, and I click on their name, I choose their 365 album to look at, because that's their main one.
October 9th, 2010
I just became a member and have been posting photos in my second when I feel like it. I don't think they get visited as much, but people do seem to look at them!
October 10th, 2010
I was going to post a thread similar to this. What I've started doing is if I really like the picture going into my second album, I'll put a link to it in the default 365 album. I feel like I have some great pictures in my second album but then they only get 5 views? Makes me wonder. It's either not as good as I think it is or people just aren't looking. I have better than 80 followers now but my pictures average only about 10-20 views. I don't even think people are clicking all the way through to the photo. They'll even just comment from the "home" page. so I'll have a comment but 0 views...
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